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Newsfeed > Kadzo's Profile
Kadzo's family
Subsistence farming
Kenya Large Transfer
Upcoming Stage
Next Payment
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Initial Payment
Transfer Amount
55000 KES ($428 USD)
access_time 3 months ago
What did you spend your most recent transfer(s) on?
My son finished high school three years ago, but I couldn't readily afford to send him to college. He's since then been waiting for an opportunity to continue his studies. With my financial situation and three other children in school, it was challenging to raise the money. I earn about $6 a week from burning and selling charcoal in the village which has been my only source of livelihood and I struggled to sell at times. When I received the first transfer, it was a huge relief to us. I used $120 from the transfer, added to some savings that my son had, and finally managed to enrol him in college. I believe that when he completes his course, he will be able to secure a job in future with his certifications. In addition to enrolling my son in college, I also built a new, spacious house for my family. The initial house was small, weak, and nearly collapsing. I spent $300 on buying building materials, including 14 iron sheets, poles, and nails, and paid the mason for his services. I also bought a new mattress for $55 to replace the old, worn-out bedding to ensure my family has a comfortable sleep. With the remaining amount, I bought enough food to last us for a few weeks and ensured that my family comfortably enjoyed three meals a day.
Describe the biggest difference in your daily life since you started receiving payments from GiveDirectly.
I come from a polygamous family, and the house we lived in was very small and on the verge of collapsing due to its age and wear. I have always wanted to build a spacious house where my family and I can live comfortably, as the old house was not safe, especially during heavy rains. However, the cost of building a new house seemed out of reach for me as I rely on burning and selling charcoal to make a living, which doesn't earn me much. I can only sell charcoal worth $6 in a week, and this isn't enough to cover our basic needs, including the school fees for my four children. With these financial burdens, saving for a new house seemed impossible. I am grateful to GiveDirectly for their support which made my plan possible after receiving the transfer. With their assistance, I was able to purchase iron sheets, nails, and building poles to construct a new two-roomed house. I now live in a safe and secure home, no longer worried about the rains. Additionally, I was able to use the support to send my son to college, fulfilling a dream deferred for three years after he completed high school.
Describe the moment when you received your money. How did you feel?
I was at home in the evening with a group of friends from the neighborhood. We were discussing our day's activities, and everyone expressed their eagerness to receive the money promised by GiveDirectly. Although we knew the transfer dates were approaching, we were unsure of the exact dates. Then, I received a notification on my phone. Since I can't read messages on my phone, I asked my helper to check for me. I was ecstatic when she informed me that I had received my first transfer from GiveDirectly. I was thrilled to share the news with my friends since they were also waiting to receive their transfers.
access_time 6 months ago
What is the happiest part of your day?
Since the month of February 2024, we harvested our maize and I currently still have 3 bags in store. This guarantees me food security to my household and it has restored the hope for a happy life. My family has had enough food and I estimate to still sustain us for the next 2 months. Hence, this is basically what has brought me joy.
What is the biggest hardship you've faced in your life?
Financial instability is what stands out as my biggest challenge. This is because, we live in a polygamous family and my husband is jobless due to his old age. This has forced me to engage in casual jobs like charcoal burning to support the family. Since the income from this activity is low and can not be estimated due to the random nature of my activities, my children's education has been affected the most. My two daughters completed their senior secondary studies but they are yet to join college. This has worried me a lot because it can trigger them into unexpected early pregnancies due to the idleness at home. What a challenge!
What do you plan to do with the cash transfer?
Education for my children is what receiving this money means to me. As I speak, I have two of my daughters who are yet to join college due to the lack of money. I take this as an advantage to ensure they secure positions in colleges to pursue technical courses of their choices. This will help them to have a good start for their future life and eventually a better livelihood to all of us. To ensure this comes to reality, I intend to spend $600 of this money to support them. Part of the remaining amount will support me to buy 3 goats at ($1500) while the remaining portion will aid in sorting other household needs like buying new beddings.