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Newsfeed > Gilbert's Profile
Gilbert's family
Casual labor
Kenya Large Transfer
There will be no further updates from this completed recipient.
3rd Payment
Transfer Amount
45000 KES ($309 USD)
access_time 8 months ago
How is your life different than it would have been if you never received the transfer?
In the years ahead, my biggest dream is to keep studying until I finish in 2026. This makes me very happy. I feel proud and hopeful about my future. Every step I take toward graduation fills us with joy. I want to make myself happier by achieving my goal. So, I'll keep working hard and studying until I reach that special day in 2026 when I become a graduate.
In your opinion, what does GiveDirectly do well, and what does it not do well?
I really admire GiveDirectly for all they do. They've been instrumental in helping people improve their lives economically and socially. Their impact is truly remarkable. I have a suggestion for GiveDirectly: to extend their support to school-going children, especially in places like Baringo. Many kids in our community are struggling to stay in school, and some end up dropping out due to financial challenges. By reaching out to these children and their families, GiveDirectly could make a huge difference. They could provide assistance with school fees, supplies, and other necessities, ensuring that every child has the opportunity to receive an education. Imagine the impact this could have. Not only would it help individual children stay in school, but it could also uplift entire families and communities. Education is the key to a brighter future, and by investing in our children, we're investing in that future. I believe that with GiveDirectly's support, we can help more children in Baringo and beyond realize their potential and build better lives for themselves and their families.
What did you spend your most recent transfer(s) on?
With a grateful heart, I received $450 from GiveDirectly. It was a lifeline for me, arriving just when I needed it the most. The first thing I did was pay my school fee. I'm studying at Baringo Teachers College, and this payment of $340 secures my education. Graduating in 2026 feels within reach now. Living alone, every dollar counts, and this support ensures I can continue my journey toward becoming a professional teacher. But I didn't stop there. With a portion of the money, I made an investment in my future. $90 went towards purchasing two goats. They're known to thrive in our area, and I see potential in them. As they grow and multiply, they'll become a valuable asset, providing me with additional support and stability down the line. This financial assistance isn't just about me; it's about my family too. By investing in my education and securing assets like these goats, I'm laying the foundation for a better future not just for myself, but for those I care about. This support means the world to me, and I'm determined to make the most of it.
2nd Payment
Transfer Amount
45000 KES ($295 USD)
access_time 11 months ago
How is your life different than it would have been if you never received the transfer?
My objective is to invest in purchasing a chain-link fence to safeguard my farm, particularly focusing on cultivating groundnuts and mangoes without the interference of animals. Subsequently, I intend to allocate the proceeds from this venture towards funding my college fees. This strategic plan involves utilizing my third transfer and incorporating the savings generated from the casual jobs I engage in. This dual approach ensures both the protection of my agricultural efforts and the realization of my educational aspirations.
In your opinion, what does GiveDirectly do well, and what does it not do well?
The organization does well in providing support to individuals without discrimination, extending to both the elderly and the young. The inclusive nature of their assistance ensured that everyone, regardless of age, received the support they needed. Thus far, the organization has demonstrated effectiveness in their approach, leaving no room for discriminatory practices.
What did you spend your most recent transfer(s) on?
As a single individual, I sustain myself by working on people's farms and engaging in farming activities. Upon receiving my transfer, I made a crucial decision to prioritize enrolling in a teacher's college and self-funding my education. This was a significant step that financial constraints had made impossible in the past, as my parents were unable to afford it due to a lack of income. I spent $246 towards the first semester of college fees, realizing my dream of pursuing higher education. Additionally, I invested $94 in acquiring two goats, spent $9 on purchasing maize, and utilized the remaining funds to buy essential books and school necessities. The realization of my dream to attend college is a source of great happiness, overcoming what I once believed to be an impossible feat.
Initial Payment
Transfer Amount
20000 KES ($139 USD)
access_time 1 year ago
Describe the moment when you received your money. How did you feel?
When I received the message, I instantly recognized it as coming from GiveDirectly, and an overwhelming sense of happiness washed over me. This moment arrived that time when my financial situation was dire, and I lacked the means to meet my needs. Upon receiving the message, my thoughts turned to a practical solution, investing in sheep. In our region, sheep farming has proven to be a lucrative venture, and they grow rapidly in our local environment. Having a flock of sheep within our compound would serve multiple purposes. Not only would they assist in controlling weed growth, but they would also serve as a source of income for our family, the concept of having sheep seemed like a beacon of hope. In addition to the practical benefits, the financial stability that raising sheep could provide was a prospect that resonated deeply with me. This opportunity opened up a path towards self-sufficiency and a way to ensure our family's needs were met.
Describe the biggest difference in your daily life since you started receiving payments from GiveDirectly.
Earning money used to be an arduous journey, requiring me to engage in physically demanding tasks for very little compensation. The challenging nature of the work often left me exhausted, and I even experienced chest pains due to the strain. This constant struggle was my reality until the GiveDirectly transfers came into my life, providing a welcome relief. With the assistance I received, it's as if I've finally found a moment of rest. The burden of backbreaking work for meager earnings has been alleviated. I no longer have to push myself to the point of physical discomfort to make ends meet. I now have the means to earn money through lighter tasks and save, unlike before when I lived from one day to the next. The presence of water in my compound, thanks to GiveDirectly, has opened doors for opportunities such as kitchen farming. This simple yet impactful change allows me to cultivate a small garden and grow vegetables at home. The ability to sustain myself and my family through these efforts brings a sense of fulfillment and self-sufficiency.
What did you spend your most recent transfer(s) on?
I made a transformative decision with the GiveDirectly transfers by investing in two sheep for $900 was a significant step forward. Previously, I did not possess these animals, but recognizing their potential, I was determined to have them. This investment holds promise not only in providing for our family's needs but also in contributing to our financial stability. An allocation of $80 for clothes was another meaningful choice. Previously lacking proper attire, this expenditure was essential for personal dignity and the ability to present oneself confidently. This seemingly simple purchase resonates with the idea of personal well-being and self-respect. The funds earmarked for food, $30, mark a vital shift in our lives. Nurturing our family's health and nourishment is no longer a concern. The availability of food enhances our overall well-being, allowing us to focus on other aspects of our journey towards prosperity. I express my sincere gratitude for the support from GiveDirectly.
access_time over 1 year ago
What do you plan to do with the cash transfer?
Receiving this transfer means so much to me because I believe that it will transform my life positively. The first transfers that I will receive I have planned to purchase chain links and some barbed wire. This I will use to fence off my farm which is suitable since I'm unable to grow anything due to disturbance from livestock. I intend to use about $150 of the transfers to accomplish this. Since I had bought a few chicken a few months ago I intend to use the remaining $50 of the transfers to purchase chicken. This will be both a source of money and food since I will sell the eggs I get and also eat some. For the second and third transfers which accumulate to $900, I intend to use it to start my university studies. In 2018 I completed my form four secondary studies which I passed with flying colors. However, since I have 7 siblings my parents insisted that I have to stay at home due to a lack of fees. With the transfers, I intend to join Mount Kenya University in January next year. I believe that receiving the transfers will surely offer me a second chance in life and I'm grateful for the opportunity I've been offered.
What is the happiest part of your day?
My happiness over the past 6 months came mainly in May. I was very happy when I managed to make 7 dollars from a job offered to me by my neighbor to burn charcoal. With this money, I bought a few chickens which offers me eggs. I was very happy and I couldn't hide the joy I had.
What is the biggest hardship you've faced in your life?
The challenge I'm facing currently that is making my life hard is the lack of food and work. Due to the prolonged droughts, finding work has been a painstaking job since they are scarce. I would get only work such as charcoal burning which is occasional and unpredictable. This has led to a lack of money and food. This greatly affects me since I can't have enough food and I'm forced to go without eating the majority of the time.