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Newsfeed > Florence's Profile
Florence's family
Casual labor
Kenya Large Transfer
There will be no further updates from this completed recipient.
2nd Payment
Transfer Amount
53010 KES ($364 USD)
access_time 7 months ago
What did you spend your most recent transfer(s) on?
With the $50 from the second transfer, I managed to till both of my two acres of land, using ox plows and fertilizers, aiming to grow enough food to sustain my family. Previously, I struggled with just one acre, unable to provide sufficient food. This time, with the support from the unconditional cash transfer, the harvest was plentiful, yielding 7 sacks of maize weighing 90kg each, which I hope will last us longer than before. I used $120 to fix up our home, buy a sturdy door, and make necessary repairs for sustainability and security. Another $100 went towards renting a place closer to Amarson school for my two children, Jefwa and Ruwa, who are in secondary school, so they can focus on their KCSE exams. They were thrilled and even expressed a desire to join the program themselves to help me. The remaining $50 was spent on clothes for us. As a casual worker earning around $35 a month from burning charcoal, my priority is providing for my three children's schooling and basic needs.
In your opinion, what does GiveDirectly do well, and what does it not do well?
Getting money from GiveDirectly has been a real blessing for us. The cash transfer they provide helps us cover our basic needs and gives us a sense of stability. But you know what would be even better? If GiveDirectly could help us out with building a water point. Right now, setting up our own taps for irrigation farming is too costly for us. If they could help with that, it would make a big difference in our lives and help us become more self-sufficient in the long run.
How is your life different than it would have been if you never received the transfer?
In the next few years, my goal is to have water taps installed in my house. Right now, I have to walk quite a distance to fetch water, which isn't good for my health, and sometimes I don't even get enough. To make this happen, I'm saving money through a merry-go-round savings group. Eventually, I plan to take out a loan to install the taps, and I'll repay the loan using the little money I earn from selling charcoal. This will make life much easier and healthier for me and my family.
Initial Payment
Transfer Amount
55000 KES ($378 USD)
access_time 12 months ago
What did you spend your most recent transfer(s) on?
I spent $265 of my first transfer to buy 10 bags of cement and bricks, a purchase that was long overdue. My house was in dire need of renovation; the walls needed plastering, and the floor required cementing. Living in a dusty and muddy environment during the rainy season had robbed me of peace of mind. Every time it rained, I dreaded the mess it created. With the renovation, I finally started to see a ray of hope—a cleaner and more comfortable living space for myself and my children. In addition to fixing the house, I used $200 of the money to pay the school fees for my two children, who are in their final years of high school. It's been a constant struggle to keep them in school due to financial constraints, and there were moments when I doubted they'd make it this far. But now, as I watch them prepare for their final exams, I can't be prouder. I'm filled with hope as I think about their future, and I can't wait to see them join universities. With the remaining amount, I bought food to sustain my family of six children. Their father passed away three years ago, and it's been tough, but these funds have given us a new sense of stability and a brighter outlook on life.
Describe the biggest difference in your daily life since you started receiving payments from GiveDirectly.
Since I began receiving unconditional cash transfers from GiveDirectly, the most profound change in my life has been the transformation of my home. I used to live in a dilapidated house that I feared would collapse at any moment, and it was constantly dusty and muddy whenever it rained. Being a widow, I couldn't even dream of renovating this house anytime soon due to the poverty that had befallen my household. However, thanks to the support I received, I was able to rebuild and refurbish our home. Now, I am overjoyed to see my family thrive in a safe and comfortable environment. We no longer live in constant fear of our house collapsing or struggling with the harsh elements. It's incredible to witness the smiles on my family's faces as they enjoy the simple pleasures of a stable and pleasant home. The unconditional cash transfers from GiveDirectly have truly given us a fresh start and a brighter future, one that we can now confidently embrace with hope and happiness.
Describe the moment when you received your money. How did you feel?
As I sat in the school meeting for my children around 2 in the afternoon, my phone buzzed with a notification that left me absolutely elated. It was the message confirming that I had received my unconditional cash transfer from GiveDirectly. In that moment, a rush of joy washed over me, and my heart filled with gratitude. The weight of financial stress that had burdened me for so long suddenly lifted, and I couldn't help but envision the possibilities ahead. With this unexpected blessing, I knew I could finally renovate our humble home, providing a safer and more comfortable environment for my family.
access_time 1 year ago
What is the biggest hardship you've faced in your life?
The lack of a reliable source of income is basically what has made my life so harder at the moment. This is because, being a widow means assuming all the household responsibilities which include paying school fees, and food provision among others. Since I depend on charcoal work, meeting all these needs becomes a challenge because my work is tiresome and less profitable. In a month, I usually make utmost $50 which mostly goes to food leaving my children desperate in school. What a life!
What is the happiest part of your day?
In July this year, I harvested my maize which gave me a bag of 90 kilograms. Although this is very little, I am happy because my family will be able to get enough food for the next 1 month. This will help me to make some cash from my casual jobs to support my children in school. Seeing my children going to school makes me feel so happy as a mother and this is what has been putting a smile on me.
What do you plan to do with the cash transfer?
Putting to an end the problem of poor housing and water scarcity in my household is generally what receiving this money means to me. Since our area is dry, the water pans also end up drying which poses a big risk to us. I have planned to have an alternative way of storing rainwater from my house roof. With this money, I will be able to buy a tank and some gutters for $200. This will help me to have enough water to use in case our water pans dry up. On the other hand, I will also use utmost $300 of my transfers to reinforce my house with stones and cement. This will give it a good shape and make it stable. The remaining amount will help me to start livestock keeping especially goats which are drought resistant. To make this a reality, I will start with 10 goats. Achieving this will mean a happy livelihood for my family.