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Newsfeed > Leropid's Profile
Leropid's family
Subsistence farming
Kenya Large Transfer
Upcoming Stage
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access_time 2 months ago
What is the biggest hardship you've faced in your life?
Putting food on the table in my community is not an easy task. We experience extreme and unpredictable weather patterns which affect crop production. For the past two years of crop farming, I have been counting losses. I had planted maize crops on my one acre piece of land last year. I was hopeful that the food shortage will be a story of the past in my family. Drought season crippled in and I lost all my crops. Despite the losses, I never lost hope in farming. Early this year I gave it another try and planted maize on the same piece of land hoping for bumper harvest. Unexpectedly, we experienced flash floods which swept away my crops and left me with nothing. The only hope to put food on the table is casual jobs which pay poorly.
What is the happiest part of your day?
It was until February 2024 when I demolished my grass thatched house and constructed a single-roomed house made of iron sheets. This was a big sign of relief for me and it brought happiness to my life. I had been struggling with a leaking roof when it was raining season.
What do you plan to do with the cash transfer?
The recent tragedy of flash floods in our area was horrifying. I saw death with my own eyes, the experience made me think of relocating to safer ground. GiveDirectly's cash transfer will give me the strength of purchasing a 0.25 acres piece of land in Lororo which is high ground. This will cost $400 of my transfers. I am also thinking of venturing into Apiculture, I will use $100 to buy modern beehives. Despite the unpredictable weather in our area, I never lost hope in farming. I will use my transfers from GiveDirectly to cultivate my two acre piece of land.