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Newsfeed > Gladys's Profile
Gladys's family
Kenya Large Transfer
There will be no further updates from this completed recipient.
2nd Payment
Transfer Amount
53010 KES ($373 USD)
access_time 1 year ago
How is your life different than it would have been if you never received the transfer?
My greatest aspiration is to provide a stable and loving home for my children, who currently find themselves sleeping at their uncle's houses due to our cramped living conditions. To achieve this dream, I have devised a plan to save diligently from my charcoal business and use the funds to purchase building materials starting next year. I am determined to create a safe and comfortable space that can accommodate all my children under one roof, fostering a sense of belonging and unity within our family. I am committed to making this vision a reality, no matter the challenges that may come our way.
In your opinion, what does GiveDirectly do well, and what does it not do well?
With their unconditional money transfer, I was finally able to send my children to school. Before their support, I was stuck and couldn't afford to provide them with an education. But now, thanks to GiveDirectly, my children have the opportunity to learn and build a better future. This organization's commitment to making a positive impact has given me hope and a renewed sense of purpose.
What did you spend your most recent transfer(s) on?
I had always yearned to own livestock, especially goats, as they held the promise of a better future for my family. With $70, I purchased two goats, knowing that as their number increased through breeding, I could sell some to pay for my children's education and other essential bills. Paying their fees had been a constant challenge, leading to disruptions in their education and negatively impacting their performance. Additionally, with the help of the cash transfer, I managed to pay the fees for my four children: one pursuing a tailoring course in college, two in Form 2, and my youngest in primary school, totaling $440. As a parent, I felt an immense sense of relief and hope, envisioning a brighter future for them once they graduate. Realizing the importance of optimizing our land, I hired someone to prepare our four acres for future cultivation. This investment promised bountiful harvests in the coming seasons, adding to our income and stability. With careful budgeting, I managed to use the remaining amount to buy food for my family of seven. My spouse and I diligently made and sold charcoal, contributing around $80 each month to sustain our household. With the unconditional cash transfer, our aspirations and possibilities grew exponentially, and we were determined to work hard and make the most of this opportunity for a better life ahead.
Initial Payment
Transfer Amount
55000 KES ($401 USD)
access_time 1 year ago
Describe the moment when you received your money. How did you feel?
It is still fresh in my mind that particular evening when I was doing laundry when I received the good news that GiveDirectly had blessed me with cash transfers. I was overjoyed with happiness knowing that my children would finally return to school after staying home for almost two months due to the arrears.
Describe the biggest difference in your daily life since you started receiving payments from GiveDirectly.
Nothing breaks my heart as a mother like seeing my children miss classes due to the arrears. It has been the worst experience ever, and this was as a result of my charcoal work, which was low-paying ($2) in a day. This could barely cover all my basic needs as well as paying fees for my ten children. I have been battling hypertension for years, and my spouse can no longer work due to his advanced age. Therefore, I have been picking up all the family responsibilities alone. This has therefore contributed to the accumulated fees, and I am certain that if it were not for this support from GiveDirectly, my children would drop out of school. I have been seeking help from relatives and close friends, but in vain. Therefore, I can't thank the organization enough for this fortune since I managed to settle the fees for the better part of this year. This will boost their performance, which is a sign of a promising future.
What did you spend your most recent transfer(s) on?
I have always wished to see my ten children attend classes, which has been my primary objective as well. However, this never happened consistently since I could barely raise the needed cash on time. I am therefore grateful to be able to pay the needed fees, and all I can say is that it's God's doing. May God bless GiveDirectly for restoring our hope and joy. Additionally, since I had a house, I felt fixing a door was important for security purposes. This cost around $50. Also, we are currently in planting season, so I bought fertilizer and seeds. I am certain that this time around, I will get meaningful farm products since I utilized the whole farm. This indicated that the issue of food security would be fully settled. I finally bought food and decent clothes for my children to replace the rugs they had been putting on, which affected their self-esteem.
access_time over 1 year ago
What do you plan to do with the cash transfer?
What a feeling of pain as a parent to have your daughter out of school for a whole month due to a lack of school fees! This has exposed me to a lot of stress because I do not have the money to support her. In addition, I have a son who completed form 4 but is yet to collect his results because he has a balance of $40 only. The arrival of GiveDirectly acts as a sigh of relief to me since I will be able to clear the school fee arrears for my daughter which at the moment stands at $200. This will give her ample time in school to concentrate in class. I will also help my son to collect his results to enable him to join a college and get the basic skills he desires. This will help him stand a chance of securing a better job. The estimated cost for all this goes utmost $300. Since I do not have a reliable source of income, I desire to venture into livestock keeping, a project to depend on in the future. To start with, I will spend $200 to buy 5 goats. The remaining amount will help me to cater to some basic needs like food and clothes.
What is the happiest part of your day?
What a feeling of happiness as a mother to receive a surprise from your son! Very recently, my son visited me and upon going back, he gave me $5 as a gift. Although this amount seems to be small, I was so happy since I did not expect it considering the high cost of living we are currently going through. It was all smiles on my face to find relief. I was able to buy 1 kilogram of sugar and washing soap. In addition, he also bought some books and a pair of shoes for his sibling. His support meant a lot to me because I am still able to get breakfast and also my clothes are now clean.
What is the biggest hardship you've faced in your life?
My main sources of income are charcoal and community health volunteer work. The CHV work is not reliable since my payment of $20 come after a month. This pushes me to engage in charcoal burning as my alternative job. Although it's time-consuming and energy-intensive, I have been doing this for a long time and I am currently feeling weak. Our combined efforts with my husband from this job earn us utmost $90 per month, which goes to food and supporting my 3 children in school. Since this income is low, my children have sometimes missed classes, a situation that has greatly affected their studies. This is a worrying circumstance as a mother and I always feel the pain of seeing my child at home.