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Newsfeed > Kazungu's Profile
Kazungu's family
Casual labor
Kenya Large Transfer
There will be no further updates from this completed recipient.
2nd Payment
Transfer Amount
55000 KES ($338 USD)
access_time 9 months ago
How is your life different than it would have been if you never received the transfer?
Having successfully dealt with immediate financial concerns through GiveDirectly assistance and anticipating a productive harvest post-pesticide treatment on my crops, my income from the security guard job now adequately supports my family. With aspirations to kickstart a confectionery business, leveraging the skills acquired from attending a confectionery school, I've set aside some savings. My plan involves further accumulating savings and securing a loan to acquire an oven. Looking ahead, my goal transcends merely establishing a profitable venture; I intend to offer training opportunities, providing individuals with a means to earn a livelihood. Seeing this dream on the verge of realization fills me with immense happiness and vitality and I pray that God pulls me through.
In your opinion, what does GiveDirectly do well, and what does it not do well?
GiveDirectly is performing exceptionally. Without their assistance, my child would still be at home, unable to obtain his certificate for further studies. The approach of addressing diverse needs from a central perspective by providing cash has proven to be a fantastic strategy. I sincerely hope they continue their current approach without making any changes.
What did you spend your most recent transfer(s) on?
I am a father of five school-going children, employed as a security guard at a rural secondary school. My little earnings struggle to meet our family's basic needs and support my children's education. Unfortunately, a $340 school fee balance for one of my children posed a hurdle to obtaining their secondary school certificate. The distress of seeing my child unable to continue education due to financial constraints pushed me to use $340 from a recent transfer to clear the debt, enabling them to pursue tertiary education. This provided immense relief and joy, as I had no idea where such a substantial amount would come from. Allocating $150 for food, I addressed immediate hunger at home until our harvests were ready. Seeing my children going to school well fed and happy always gives me peace in my heart. An additional $20 was spent on pesticides to combat crop-invading pests, ensuring our crops thrived. Witnessing the success of the pesticide treatment brought me happiness, anticipating a more abundant harvest than in previous years. The remaining funds were used to settle debts related to my child's accommodation during school.
Initial Payment
Transfer Amount
55000 KES ($363 USD)
access_time 12 months ago
Describe the moment when you received your money. How did you feel?
At precisely 3 PM, amidst my routine duties as a security guard at a school, a moment of unexpected joy pierced through the monotony when I received an Mpesa message from GiveDirectly. As I hastily checked the contents, I felt a wave of relief and gratitude wash over me. It was the long-awaited unconditional cash transfer that held the promise of transforming my family's circumstances. With the weight of accumulated arrears lifting from my shoulders, the realization that my children could finally resume their studies after weeks of being confined at home filled me with a profound sense of hope. In that instant, the financial support provided by GiveDirectly not only bridged the gap between aspiration and reality but also reignited the flame of possibilities for a brighter future.
Describe the biggest difference in your daily life since you started receiving payments from GiveDirectly.
Receiving unconditional cash transfers from GiveDirectly has brought about a monumental shift in the fabric of my daily life. The most profound change lies in the fact that I could finally settle the colossal fee balances for my six children. As they approached their national exams, the burden of looming financial constraints cast a shadow on their education. There was a constant worry that they might miss crucial exams or underperform since they spent a significant amount of time at home due to unpaid fees. This perpetual concern used to gnaw at me, especially given that my aspiration was to provide them with a quality education, a privilege I, unfortunately, never had. The transformative power of the unconditional cash transfers not only alleviated the financial strain but also breathed life into my dream of seeing my children receive an education that eluded me. The newfound stability has not just settled debts but has fostered an environment where my children can focus on their studies without the specter of unpaid fees, offering them a chance at a brighter future.
What did you spend your most recent transfer(s) on?
Upon receiving the recent unconditional cash transfers, my first and foremost priority was to clear the mounting arrears for my six children's education. Two of them were in secondary school, on the verge of sitting for their national exams, and the burden of unpaid school fees had been weighing heavily on me. Working as a security guard at a nearby school earned me about $120, a meager amount that barely covered our basic needs. With my wife currently unemployed, I found myself as the sole breadwinner, making financial matters even more challenging. The relief that washed over me when I could settle the outstanding $300 for my children's education was indescribable. The prospect of them returning to school, especially those approaching crucial exams, not only lifted a financial weight but also kindled a renewed sense of hope and motivation in our lives. Simultaneously, I tackled another source of persistent stress by paying off a long-standing debt of $130. The creditor's constant pressure had robbed me of peace of mind, and finally being debt-free brought a sense of liberation. With the remaining funds, I made a practical and heartwarming choice: I ensured that our family of seven would no longer go to bed with empty stomachs. Investing in essential food supplies became a symbol of newfound stability, marking a positive turn in our daily lives that was fueled by the impact of those unconditional cash transfers.
access_time 1 year ago
What do you plan to do with the cash transfer?
My family has had a challenge of accessing tap water for quite long. We get water from neighbors at a fee and once I fail to get money then the family remains without water. This has been a bother to me and it is my desire to solve this problem once and for all. I will use $500 to buy pipes and bring tap water at my door step. This will be for family use and also sell to neighbors. I will also use $500 to clear school fees for my children. I do security job at the nearby secondary school earning approximately $100 per month which caters for school fees only. I lack the capacity to do any development project for the family.
What is the happiest part of your day?
Ganze sub county area member of Parliament gave a school bursary to the children on May 2023. My boys got $100 each and that made them settle at school. I felt happy because I was somehow relieved of the burden of paying fees.
What is the biggest hardship you've faced in your life?
I do security job at the nearby secondary school earning approximately $100 per month which caters for school fees. I have two children at secondary level and they have a collective fees structure of $700 per year. My income is low such that they have been out of school for sometimes due to school fees problem. This has affected their performances.