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Newsfeed > Kache's Profile
Kache's family
Subsistence farming
Kenya Basic Income
Upcoming Stage
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24th Payment
Transfer Amount
3470 KES ($27 USD)
access_time 2 months ago
How is your life different than it would have been if you never received the transfer?
My roof has developed some holes, causing rain to penetrate inside the house and disrupt our daily life. Because of this, I want to renovate my two-room house. In the coming year, I plan to buy building materials for the renovation. I will start by purchasing iron sheets next month with my monthly transfer to achieve this goal. Initially, I had planned to invest in goat rearing and have already obtained three goats. For now, I will pause this project and focus on repairing my roof, as it is my urgent priority. Once the roof is fixed, I will resume the goat-rearing project.
What did you spend your most recent transfer(s) on?
I received my most recent transfers while I was already hospitalized. Fortunately, I was able to use $34 to pay for my medical bills. I also allocated $20 to cover school fees for my three children, which was necessary for them to be allowed to attend school. Additionally, I spent $14 on food for my family, as we were running low on supplies. With the remaining amount, I spent $34 to buy a goat. I chose to invest in a goat because these transfers will end soon, and having this goat will act as a future investment, helping me to pay my children's fees with ease. Hence I thank GiveDirectly for the financial support.
22nd Payment
Transfer Amount
3470 KES ($27 USD)
access_time 5 months ago
How is your life different than it would have been if you never received the transfer?
In the upcoming months and beyond, I'm steadfast in my pursuit to expand my goat herd. At present, I possess merely two goats, but my vision extends far beyond that modest beginning. My aspiration is to accumulate a sufficient number of goats so that when the time comes for my children to enter secondary school, I can afford their school fees without enduring undue hardship. Education is paramount to me, and I refuse to let financial constraints hinder my children's academic pursuits. Each goat I acquire represents not just an asset but a step closer to securing my children's future. I'm committed to this goal, unwavering in my determination to provide the best opportunities for my family, one goat at a time.
What did you spend your most recent transfer(s) on?
Ensuring my children's education remains uninterrupted has always been my top priority, and with the recent unconditional cash transfer, I could breathe a sigh of relief. Clearing the $42 arrears for my three children meant more than just settling a debt; it meant providing them with the opportunity to learn without the looming threat of being sent home. The thought of their bright faces immersed in their studies filled me with immense joy and gratitude. Alongside securing their education, I invested in our future by hiring someone to prepare our farm. With $20, I paid for their services, confident that once the rains came, we would reap the rewards in abundance, ensuring food security for my family. In addition to education and sustenance, I seized the opportunity to invest in a small asset, purchasing a chicken for $5. While seemingly modest, I viewed it as a step towards creating a more stable future and a reliable source of income in times of need. Moreover, the $23 spent on food alleviated the persistent worry of going to bed hungry. The simple act of ensuring our stomachs were full brought a sense of peace and security to our humble abode. The remaining $13, carefully tucked away, served as a safety net against unforeseen emergencies. As someone without a stable job, this reserve provided a sense of security, alleviating the constant worry of how to handle unexpected challenges. 
18th Payment
Transfer Amount
3470 KES ($21 USD)
access_time 8 months ago
How is your life different than it would have been if you never received the transfer?
Making and selling charcoal is nota profitable venture, we made do with it but it takes a lot to actually make any money from this venture, it is also very detrimental to our health as we do it. My husband sells water, this makes him an income but not sufficient to invest. I would like for us as a family to build an emergency fund and I hope to achieve this by buying and breeding animals. Now we have goats and chicken which I see making us a good income. I plan to continue increasing them to a point they are enough to be sold for money.
What did you spend your most recent transfer(s) on?
I am a mother of five with three of my children attending school. My husband stays in the city where he sells water as a way to raise income. My three in school benefitted greatly this January from my transfers as I was able to pay school fees for them at $20, I bought them books at $6 and also set aside some $8 to buy school provisions as they arose in the time they are in school. As for December I added some money to my transfers and got a goat at $50 which I hope will soon be breeding. In November I got chicken, 4 to be precise each at $4. These chicks are growing here at home, as for the remaining amount I was able to but food for my family. 11- 4 chicken-1600, food-1800, DEC-goat-5000, JAN-2000- school fees 3 children, 600- books,800 3 school going children, class4, class 1, nusery. Sells charcoal . husband-sells water
14th Payment
Transfer Amount
3470 KES ($23 USD)
access_time 1 year ago
How is your life different than it would have been if you never received the transfer?
Looking forward, my primary goal is to establish a sustainable source of income and accumulate wealth through livestock rearing. Goats, in particular, pique my interest because they have resilience in the face of harsh weather conditions, which are quite prevalent in our region. The recent cash transfer allowed me to acquire my first goat, and I plan to expand my herd. Over time, as these animals reproduce, and even after the cash transfers end, I envision being able to sell the goats to generate funds. These funds will not only cater to the needs of my four children but also alleviate the financial burden on my husband, who faces challenges in making a decent living through his carpentry job.
What did you spend your most recent transfer(s) on?
In recent years, my region has faced persistent drought, which prevented us from farming and left us grappling with hunger. Consequently, a significant portion of the cash transfers I received were typically allocated to purchasing food. I had a longstanding desire to use some of these cash transfers to acquire goats. However, the pressing need for food consistently took precedence, making it difficult to realize this goal. Fortunately, the recent rain changed my fortunes. For the first time in a long while, we were able to plant and harvest food. This encouraged me to finally invest a portion of the cash transfers in acquiring a goat. I reason that, even in the face of potential future droughts or when the cash transfers eventually cease, I will have a valuable asset in these goats. I used $24 to purchase my very first goat, a milestone that brought me great joy. Also, I set aside $10 to purchase new school uniforms for my two children. Their previous uniforms, bought two years ago, had worn out due to repetitive use. Seeing them attend school neatly dressed has been a source of relief.
10th Payment
Transfer Amount
3470 KES ($25 USD)
access_time over 1 year ago
How is your life different than it would have been if you never received the transfer?
The goal that I would like to achieve is to start livestock rearing. With four children and no reliable source of income, I would like to venture into livestock keeping so that in the future, I would not need to struggle with the issues of school fees payments. I would spend the transfers that I would be receiving on buying goats and being hopeful that they would bear offspring and increase in number.
What did you spend your most recent transfer(s) on?
The transfer that I received was of great help because I received it at a time of need. Two of my children who are school-going had their second term’s school fees due. Food on the other hand was also a challenge for me owing to the fact my husband who we relied on had been off work for two consecutive months. Therefore with no other source of income, getting money to cater for the needs was a great challenge. Therefore, upon receiving the transfers, I managed to pay for their school fees worth $14 and bought food amounting to $20. I felt so relieved because my children got an opportunity to carry on with their studies without being sent home to be at school with the rest and back at home, my family managed to get a better meal.
6th Payment
Transfer Amount
3470 KES
access_time over 1 year ago
How is your life different than it would have been if you never received the transfer?
Am grateful that the previous cash transfers allowed me to buy livestock like 2 chickens and a goat. Now the plan is to continue growing the herd and let them reproduce. I believe that I could generate enough funds to support the education of my four children through these animals. That is why, my priority is to have bought at least three more goats by the end of the year.
What did you spend your most recent transfer(s) on?
To fend for our four children and I, my husband works as a carpenter in Mombasa. Every two weeks he sends home $10 for our upkeep, which rarely buys just enough food for that period given the high food prices. In fact, my household had run out of food that afternoon of the cash transfer and my spouse had not sent any money to me. This is why I directed $12 from the most recent transfer towards food. Also, food is exactly how I spent the entire December and November transfers. Supporting my husband gives me so much joy for I know how relieved he usually feels. Also, from the recent transfer, I spent $14 on two chickens. Am glad I got to replace the three chickens that had perished over a pox disease. Rearing these birds will equip me with enough wealth in future that I can use to raise money for my family's needs. I used the remaining $8 to clear school fees for two of my children, which had been brought forward from the previous academic year.
2nd Payment
Transfer Amount
3050 KES
access_time almost 2 years ago
In your opinion, what does GiveDirectly do well, and what does it not do well?
The smooth enrollment process, which made it clear to every village member that GiveDirectly was out to improve our living standards, impressed everyone. The officers' fairness and openness instilled a lot of confidence in us, and we were always confident that we would receive the promised amount on time. Since we paid their school fees, most children in the village have been consistently attending their classes for the first time. I have no complaints, but I wish GiveDirectly all the best as they expand into new villages.
What did you spend your most recent transfer(s) on?
I was relieved to receive the most recent transfer because it helped me pay off school debts for my son and daughter, who are currently in primary school. I spent $14 of the receipt on tuition fees, which allowed them to attend classes without being sent home for the entire term. I have been relying on charcoal burning and selling business while my supportive husband works as a casual laborer in Mombasa Town. This transfer was a relief for us because it gave us time to raise more money. Other household bills would be paid through our daily routines. I also spent $12 on foodstuff for my family of six, which will keep us going for the rest of the month. I also purchased a hen with the remaining $4. I used to have a small poultry farm, but it was destroyed by an outbreak, forcing me to start over.
Initial Payment
Transfer Amount
1200 KES ($10 USD)
access_time 2 years ago
Describe the moment when you received your money. How did you feel?
That evening, I had just returned home from fetching water when I switched on my phone and immediately received a message notification. Upon confirming its contents, I realized that Give Directly had sent my first transfer. I was swept by a wave of excitement because I knew the money would help settle school fees for my two children.
Describe the biggest difference in your daily life since you started receiving payments from GiveDirectly.
Prior to the transfer, my two children would miss classes for at least two days owing to overdue school fees. Sometimes, I would persuade the school administration to let them study, promising to clear the balance at a specified date. The transfer presented an ideal opportunity to settle this debt. I am grateful because my children resumed classes and have never been sent home since then.
What did you spend your most recent transfer(s) on?
The following day after I received the transfer, my two children were sent out of school to collect the pending school fees balance. I used KES 800 from the transfer to clear the amount and they happily resumed the study. On the same day, my household ran out of the food that was in the store. The monthly KES 1,500 that my husband, a carpenter, usually sends for the house needs had depleted and my charcoal burning business had borne no fruit. So, I used the remaining amount from the transfer to buy food for the family of six members which lasted two days.
access_time over 2 years ago
What does receiving this money mean to you?
Last year, my house was blown off by the wind leaving me with no shelter. I now live in the same house with my mother in law because I could not afford to immediately start building another house. Last month, I started building another one but I am still at the initial stage. This money has come at the right time since I plan to complete the construction of the two roomed mud house. This should cost me around 20,000 KES. I have already purchased iron sheets and therefore every month I will ensure that I utilize the 3,000 KES for it's completion.
What is the happiest part of your day?
Last month, I started building my house after the previous one was blown away by the wind. I am glad that before the end of the year I will no longer be seeking shelter from my mother in law.
What is the biggest hardship you've faced in your life?
I do not have a stable source of income that can comfortably sustain the family's needs. This brings a big challenge to me because I have to ensure my four children get food and go to school. Paying school fees is the toughest of all because the little I get from selling charcoal, all goes into buying food. My spouse offers little support since he works as a casual painter in town and sends money once in a while.