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Newsfeed > Sharon's Profile
Sharon's family
Small business
Kenya Large Transfer
There will be no further updates from this completed recipient.
2nd Payment
Transfer Amount
53010 KES ($400 USD)
access_time 5 months ago
How is your life different than it would have been if you never received the transfer?
I am really hoping to buy a tailoring machine this coming year to start sewing clothes. Before I got married, I underwent some training in tailoring back at home, and I've always dreamed of putting those skills to good use. Currently, we rely on the charcoal burning business, which brings in savings of about $100 each month, though sometimes it's as low as $50. While it helps us get by, I believe that we can save enough from it to buy a tailoring machine which will enable me to use my skills to make more money for our family and create a more stable source of income. Moreover, I want to ensure that my child goes through school well, and I see this tailoring business as a vital step towards that goal. Education is important to me, and I want to provide the best opportunities for my child. With the income from sewing clothes, I will be able to cover school fees and other related expenses more comfortably. This business will not only improve our financial situation but also allow me to contribute more significantly to our family's well-being and future.
In your opinion, what does GiveDirectly do well, and what does it not do well?
The team taught us everything about the program, from its goals to how we would receive the funds. They made sure we understood each step of the process, which was incredibly reassuring. Moreover, we were educated on mobile money security, which was essential for safeguarding our transfers. Understanding how to protect our financial information gave me a lot of confidence in using mobile money services. Another aspect that impressed me was the transparency and fairness of the distribution process. We were given full information on how the entire process would be conducted, ensuring there were no surprises or hidden steps. Additionally, the fact that we were all given equal amounts of money really stood out to me. It reinforced the sense of fairness and equality, showing that everyone in the community was valued equally. Overall, GiveDirectly did an excellent job in educating and supporting us, making the experience seamless and empowering.
What did you spend your most recent transfer(s) on?
When I received my first transfer from GiveDirectly, I fell a tree and logged it for building frames and bought additional building materials. My family and I managed to construct a two-roomed house which provided us with better place to sleep. With the second transfer, I continued making enhancements to our home. I bought eight iron sheets, each costing $11, to complete the roof. Additionally, I deposited some money for a solar panel and paid $ 85. This has helped us have a reliable source of light, which is a significant improvement from our previous situation where we used kerosene lamps.. I also bought a mattress for $35, as we used to sleep on mats made out of reeds. Having a proper mattress has made our nights much more comfortable. One of the most impactful things I did with the money was ensuring my firstborn son, who is five years old, could go to school. He had never been to school before because we simply couldn't afford it. I spent $60 to ensure he had everything he needed for school. I have two children: a five-year-old boy and a one-year-old girl. My husband and I depend on charcoal burning to raise money for the household, and with the help of the cash transfer, we were also able to buy some goats and sheep. Once they multiply, we plan to sell them to raise more money. This financial boost has provided us with the means to secure a better future for our children and we are very grateful for the support.
Initial Payment
Transfer Amount
55000 KES ($344 USD)
access_time 9 months ago
Describe the moment when you received your money. How did you feel?
While I was diligently tending my maize crops on the farm, I securely placed my phone aside, yearning for an uninterrupted moment with my crops. Despite my initial intention to focus solely on weeding, I became intrigued by two consecutive messages that stirred a sense of anticipation within me. Unable to resist the urge, I checked my phone and discovered that it was an M-Pesa message. A wave of joy swept over me as I recalled GiveDirectly's commitment to send us money. Upon checking, I was elated to find that the promise had been fulfilled! This realization brought immense happiness, as it meant I could finally replace my deteriorating grass-thatched dwelling with a sturdy iron-roofed house, putting an end to years of living in substandard conditions.
Describe the biggest difference in your daily life since you started receiving payments from GiveDirectly.
For years, the tranquility of sheltering under an iron roof was a luxury I had never experienced. Residing in a deteriorating grass-thatched house with weak walls created a challenging living situation. During rain, the bizarre reality unfolded as the entire house would flood, compelling us to seek alternative shelter. Despite my previous attempts to save and build a stable house, financial constraints made it an insurmountable challenge. Gratitude fills me as I acknowledge the transformative impact of GiveDirectly, enabling me to realize my dream of a secure home with the first transfer. This support facilitated the acquisition of essential building materials, including iron sheets and building poles, which were previously beyond my financial reach. The completion of my new, spacious iron-roofed house marks a significant milestone, bringing immense joy and relief from the constant worry about rain. Not only am I accommodated comfortably, but my children are also now sheltered in a secure environment. In addition to the improved living conditions, the financial assistance allowed me to invest in four goats, serving as valuable assets for potential future financial needs. The positive transformation in my life, courtesy of GiveDirectly's support, is something I deeply appreciate.
What did you spend your most recent transfer(s) on?
I believed I had reached rock bottom in my life, having attempted multiple times to construct a house only to face repeated failures. As a subsistence farmer alongside my husband, lacking any additional source of income, the dream of building an iron-roofed house seemed elusive. Since our marriage, we yearned for a decent dwelling where we could lead a worry-free life, a stark contrast to our current situation of residing in a dilapidated grass-thatched house that leaked every time it rained. Living in such conditions forced my children and me to seek shelter elsewhere, especially during the night, with even our neighbors lacking suitable accommodations. However, with the recent financial transfers I received, I decided to prioritize the purchase of 15 iron sheets, building poles, timber, and nails to construct a decent house. The completion of this new dwelling has brought immense joy and peace to my family, finally providing us with a comfortable and secure shelter after years of struggling. Additionally, I allocated part of the funds to invest in four goats, spending $160. Recognizing the absence of a stable income source, I view owning these goats as a crucial investment that can potentially meet our financial needs in the near future. Lastly, I utilized some of the funds to purchase essential foodstuffs for my family and acquire household items, including utensils and other necessities that were previously lacking in our home.
access_time 1 year ago
What do you plan to do with the cash transfer?
I have a family of four members with two being children and we live in a one room house with grass roof. It leaks during rain season and it lacks comfort since the walls are made up of mud and it is dust. My husband and I do casual jobs earning approximately $80 per month which caters for food only. I will use $700 to build a two room house with iron sheets roof . This will bring comfort and spacious enough to accommodate the family and visitors. I will use $400 to buy eight goats as an investment. My first born is yet to join school and this investment will help me raise school fees once he joins secondary school. I currently have eight goats.
What is the happiest part of your day?
My family normal eat meat during Christmas festivals only. This is because of my financial position. In July this year, I slaughtered a chicken for my family to celebrate despite the fact that we have been going without food for sometimes. My family enjoying the meat brought happiness in my life.
What is the biggest hardship you've faced in your life?
Food insecurity is the challenge that I am currently facing in life. I do subsistence farming and it is two years now without getting any harvest. The area was invaded by elephants that destroy all crops that the community plant in their pieces of land. This has forced me to do casual jobs survival. Getting food for a whole week is not possible. This is really a challenge for me.