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Newsfeed > Karisa's Profile
Karisa's family
Kenya Basic Income
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18th Payment
Transfer Amount
3470 KES ($27 USD)
access_time 3 months ago
What did you spend your most recent transfer(s) on?
I joined a merry-go-round, the moment I started receiving my transfers from GiveDirectly and being part of the merry-go-round has been incredibly beneficial for me. In our group of seven, I have saved $60, contributing monthly to support each other financially. This collective effort has made a significant impact on my life, particularly in paying off my Form Four school fees, which was a relief. With some of the transfers, I decided to treat myself to new clothes, spending $30 on items that fit well and make me feel good. The previous ones were worn out and tight, so this purchase brought me great joy and boosted my confidence. Additionally, I allocated $12 to buy food for my entire family for the week, ensuring everyone is well-fed and taken care of.
How is your life different than it would have been if you never received the transfer?
I am counting down the days until my big brother finishes college so I can embark on my own educational path. With the unwavering guidance of my high school teacher, I have set my sights on a career in medicine, a field that ignites my passion like nothing else. Every amount I save is a step towards a secure future. Pursuing medical school isn't just about fulfilling my dreams; it's about creating opportunities that will elevate not only my life but also my family's future.
14th Payment
Transfer Amount
3470 KES ($24 USD)
access_time 7 months ago
What did you spend your most recent transfer(s) on?
Completing high school was a significant achievement for me, but the inability to access my certificate due to an outstanding balance of $110 has posed a considerable challenge. This financial burden not only hinders my ability to pursue further education but also serves as a reminder of the obstacles I face in accessing opportunities beyond secondary school. Despite the financial constraints, I remain determined to settle this debt and proceed with my academic aspirations. To this end, I have devised a strategy wherein I allocate $20 of my monthly transfers to a merry-go-round savings scheme. Upon receiving my share from this savings group, I promptly direct the funds towards reducing the outstanding balance owed to the school. Unfortunately, my parents, who themselves are low-income earners, are unable to provide financial assistance in clearing this debt, as they are already supporting my elder sibling in college. Consequently, I am left to rely on my own resources and the modest income generated from the transfers to address this financial obligation. Even though some of my transfers have to be allocated towards meeting personal needs such as clothing and foodstuff, I remain steadfast in my commitment to resolving this outstanding debt and pursuing further education. Despite the challenges, I am resolute in my determination to overcome these obstacles and forge ahead towards realizing my academic and career goals.
How is your life different than it would have been if you never received the transfer?
In today's society, possessing a college certificate is considered essential for unlocking opportunities and securing a promising future. Recognizing the significance of this credential, I am unwavering in my determination to settle the debt owed to my former high school, thereby gaining access to my high school certificate. This pivotal document serves as a gateway to pursuing higher education and advancing in my chosen career path. Acknowledging the financial constraints faced by my parents, I have taken full ownership of this endeavor, making it my personal mission to clear the outstanding debt and pave the way for my academic aspirations. I am committed to leveraging my resources, including the monthly transfers I receive, towards achieving this goal. Every dollar saved brings me closer to obtaining my high school certificate and laying the foundation for my college education. Furthermore, I am proactive in seeking additional sources of income by taking on any available casual jobs. By expanding my financial base through hard work and perseverance, I am empowering myself to overcome financial obstacles and pursue my educational aspirations with determination and resilience. In essence, I am fully dedicated to charting my own path towards academic success and personal fulfillment. Through diligent saving, resourcefulness, and hard work, I am confident that I will overcome the challenges ahead and realize my dreams of obtaining a college education.
10th Payment
Transfer Amount
3470 KES ($23 USD)
access_time 11 months ago
What did you spend your most recent transfer(s) on?
Every time I receive the cash transfers, I dedicate the entire amount to paying my school fees. I am currently in the fourth year of high school and will be taking my national secondary education exams next month. Back in the second year, I thought I might have to drop out of school because we didn't have the funds to keep supporting my education. My father's income from his job of cutting chewing sticks and selling them as toothbrushes was not sufficient to cover our family's needs. The arrival of Give Directly renewed my hope of completing my education. Since then, I have been using the money exclusively for my school fees, and I'm delighted to see the debt significantly reduced. I am truly grateful for the cash transfers.
How is your life different than it would have been if you never received the transfer?
My lifelong goal is to become a doctor, a career I'm passionate about and believe will provide me with a great opportunity to make a living and support my family. Currently, I am in my fourth year of high school, and I'm preparing for my secondary national exams next month. I hope to achieve an excellent grade that will secure me a place in a medical college. When I get there, I'll continue to rely on cash transfers to help pay for my college fees, just as they have been instrumental in financing my high school education.
6th Payment
Transfer Amount
3470 KES ($25 USD)
access_time 1 year ago
What did you spend your most recent transfer(s) on?
The transfers had been of great help to my family. With the financial challenges we were facing, especially in relation to my education, the funds provided by GiveDirectly came as a blessing. Being in my final year of secondary school, I had been unable to consistently attend classes due to unpaid school fees. However, the recent transfer from GiveDirectly, totaling $34.70, enabled me to reduce the outstanding school fees, ensuring that I could continue my education without any hindrances. This support has made a tremendous difference in my life, and I will always be grateful for the support.
How is your life different than it would have been if you never received the transfer?
My goal is to advance my education by joining college next year. Seeing my parents' financial struggles to support my education has motivated me to take control of my own future. To achieve this, I have decided to save $20 from my monthly transfers. By setting aside this amount, I aim to accumulate a sufficient sum by the time I finish secondary school, enabling me to contribute towards my college expenses and alleviate the burden on my parents. Through this commitment, I am determined to create a brighter path for myself and pursue higher education.
2nd Payment
Transfer Amount
3470 KES ($27 USD)
access_time over 1 year ago
What did you spend your most recent transfer(s) on?
My parents do not have a reliable source of income, they do a small business selling firewood and charcoal to support a family of four members. My elder brother dropped out of school because my parents had difficulty raising his fees. So when I received my transfer, I opted to spend the whole of it to pay my school fees. I had accumulated fee arrears equivalent to $200. I am so glad that, for the past month, I have had ample time in class to focus on learning. I am working towards attaining a grade that can give me admission to the university.
In your opinion, what does GiveDirectly do well, and what does it not do well?
GiveDirectly's goal is to promote the well-being of less fortunate societies. Therefore, I hold the opinion that, it does well in offering financial support with no restrictions. Consequently, every beneficiary is always at liberty to prioritize where to spend his/her transfers. As a result, it has been easier for my family to obtain food and go to school. Initially, this was impossible, and our family was in perpetual lack. So far, there is nothing that GiveDirectly does not do so well.
How is your life different than it would have been if you never received the transfer?
Since childhood, I have been passionate about doing a course in medicine. However, when things got tough for my parents, I felt like giving up, especially when I witnessed my brother dropping out of school at form three. Fortunately, I gained hope when I first received my transfer from GiveDirectly's program. I now long to study nursing when I secure a chance at the university. Therefore, with the assurance of the monthly transfer, I shall use my monthly transfers to pay off my school fees. As a result, I am cocksure of completing my O'level of study and joining the university.
Initial Payment
Transfer Amount
1480 KES ($12 USD)
access_time over 1 year ago
What did you spend your most recent transfer(s) on?
I am currently in form four, and I rent a small house because I school away from home. Before the transfers, I was concerned about how I would obtain some necessities as schools reopened, as my parents are overburdened with the responsibility of meeting the nutritional and educational needs of my two school-going siblings. As a result, I chose to spend $5 on an electronic lamp that I use for lighting during my night studies. Furthermore, because I lacked presentable clothing, I spent $3 on two pairs of second-hand trousers and $3 on three shirts. I am relieved that I have better clothes to put on when I am not in school uniform.
Describe the biggest difference in your daily life since you started receiving payments from GiveDirectly.
The most significant difference in my life since receiving my first transfer is having a rechargeable lamp for my night studies. I no longer strain when using it as I used to. It has caused me to notice an improvement in my academic performance. Furthermore, I have gained confidence as a result of wearing better clothing. My classmates and peers do not look down on me anymore because of my attire. Previously, I lacked better clothing, so my clothes had patches. As a result, I was always discouraged from going down on weekends. I am grateful to GiveDirectly for the prompt financial assistance.
Describe the moment when you received your money. How did you feel?
I was in the service on a Sunday morning when I realized I had received my transfer. I noticed some phone vibration but dismissed it as a casual message alert. When I checked my phone messages right after service, I was overjoyed to see that I had received my first transfer. I was delighted because I had not expected to receive any money at that time. I was so grateful to God for making it possible for me to partake in such a life-changing GiveDirectly's program.
access_time over 2 years ago
What is the biggest hardship you've faced in your life?
Imagine in a term staying at home for almost 2 weeks before returning to school! This is a very discouraging life because I always feel so down when I find myself at home. Since my parents are jobless, I depend on bursaries which are also not reliable because I always miss out. What a miserable life! I, therefore, consider financial instability as my biggest challenge.
What is the happiest part of your day?
Despite the school fees challenge, I am so grateful for the efforts I have had in my studies. Imagine scoring a mean grade of C+ in the promotion exam. This is something that has given me hope in life and it keeps me focused knowing that one day, I will be in a better position. Thus, I consider this as what has brought me joy.
What does receiving this money mean to you?
What a bright future for me! Imagine receiving 3000 KES every month for 5 years, this is an amount that is enough to cater to my full-year school fees because in our school we pay 18000 KES per year. Since I am in form 3, I am confident that my school expenses are sorted. Receiving this money means a favorable environment for my learning and this will guarantee me maximum time in school and hence, improved performance. This will directly assure me of a better future since I will stand a good chance to secure a decent job once I complete my studies.