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Newsfeed > Duncan's Profile
Duncan's family
Subsistence farming
Kenya Large Transfer
There will be no further updates from this completed recipient.
3rd Payment
Transfer Amount
45000 KES ($345 USD)
access_time 3 months ago
How is your life different than it would have been if you never received the transfer?
As I mentioned earlier, the posho mill business helps me pay for my children’s fees and provide food for them. My plan is to use the income from the crops to open a larger business near the posho mill. This will allow my wife to manage both the posho mill and the new business, so we can support each other while I focus on farming. In the coming years, I hope to become a millionaire in Kenya through these ventures, and I will continue to praise GiveDirectly for providing the support and capital that enabled me to start farming.
In your opinion, what does GiveDirectly do well, and what does it not do well?
GiveDirectly has expanded our understanding of how to manage our money effectively by following up to ensure we are using it appropriately. I am also impressed by the fact that you have very humble officers who speak to us kindly. Additionally, the way you provide money directly after enrollment is remarkable; once we qualify, we start receiving cash immediately, which allows us to begin planning projects right away. As a company, I have not seen any areas for improvement. I continue to see beautiful and excellent work from GiveDirectly.
What did you spend your most recent transfer(s) on?
I am very thankful and appreciative of GiveDirectly. I have a testimony that the money has positively impacted my life. When I received my second transfer, I used it for farming to plant green grams, which yielded $600 when I sold them. I then used that income as capital to plant tomatoes and watermelons, which are currently growing on the farm. I am expecting to earn $12,000, a significant profit for me. I had always dreamed of planting these crops but never had enough capital. With my last transfer, I allocated $100 to support these two crops.Additionally, I have a posho mill that helps me pay bills. I decided to add more stock of maize to the mill, spending $200 on it. To ensure I didn’t take profit from the posho mill and to allow it to grow, I used the remaining $150 to pay for the school fees of my four children. My wife helps run the posho mill business while I focus on agriculture.
2nd Payment
Transfer Amount
45000 KES ($315 USD)
access_time 8 months ago
How is your life different than it would have been if you never received the transfer?
I have plans to grow my posho mill business by expanding my farming activities. I cultivate 4 acres of land during the rainy season, growing both maize and beans. I plan to increase this to 6 acres dedicating 4 acres to maize and the remaining 2 acres to greengrams and beans. This expansion will boost my maize yield, which I intend to use in my posho mill, increasing my profits. Until now, I've had to buy maize for the mill, but this expansion means I'll save money by using my produce instead. Thankfully, I now have a storage facility, which allows me to store some of the produce and reserve it for later use in the posho mill. This strategic improvement makes my posho mill business more self-sufficient and enhances profitability.
In your opinion, what does GiveDirectly do well, and what does it not do well?
The support from GiveDirectly has been truly unique. The unconditional nature of their cash transfers means we can spend the money on our most pressing needs, unlike other types of aid like food supplies. This is important because everyone's needs are different. The enrollment process was both free and fair, without any political involvement. Normally, most organizations rely on village elders and chiefs for enrollment, which can compromise fairness. The follow-ups after the transfers ensured money was spent wisely, preventing misuse. Also, knowing the amount of money we would receive in advance helped us plan better. The support from GiveDirectly has made a visible and positive impact on our community, leading to significant transformations. GiveDirectly, continue with this approach.
What did you spend your most recent transfer(s) on?
From my second transfer from GiveDirectly, I allocated $100 towards paying the school fees for my two children, reducing their arrears by $50 each. We have two children in elementary school level and one in secondary school. My wife and I engage in crop production to sustain our family. Additionally, we operate a posho mill business. I invested in 5 bags of maize costing $150, to further boost this business. It has proven to be a valuable supplement to our crop production, which can be unreliable due to occasional water shortages. Although we rely on irrigation, the nearby river is seasonal. However, I ensure timely planting to minimize losses and sometimes relocate my farming activities to a location near a permanent river, where I rent land. Our primary crops are maize and beans. Unfortunately, the lack of a storage facility has been a challenge, forcing us to sell our produce immediately, often at minimal profit margins. This situation also limited our ability to reserve food for future use, as improper storage could lead to spoilage. I spent $200 from the transfer, with some building materials I had previously purchased to construct a store. The store is now complete. It will enable us to store our farm produce, keep some for our consumption, and sell the surplus when market prices are more favorable. For instance, a 90kg sack of maize can sell for up to $50 during the off-season, compared to $30 or less during peak season. I am grateful to GiveDirectly.
Initial Payment
Transfer Amount
20000 KES ($124 USD)
access_time 9 months ago
Describe the moment when you received your money. How did you feel?
My friend and I were at Lororo, a nearby center, eagerly waiting for some good news. We had heard that GiveDirectly was going to send us $200. The anticipation was building up, and when the money finally arrived, I was overjoyed. My first instinct was to call home immediately. I wanted to share this wonderful news with my wife and four kids so that we could plan and use the money wisely. It was a moment of happiness and relief, knowing that we had some financial support coming our way.
Describe the biggest difference in your daily life since you started receiving payments from GiveDirectly.
The biggest change in my life since I started receiving money from GiveDirectly is the newfound sense of direction and hope. The investment in farming has given me a clear vision of what the future might hold. Knowing that my efforts in farming are supported by the funds, I can expect positive outcomes in the long run. Moreover, buying a cow is not just about the present; it's a long-term investment. Even after the assistance from GiveDirectly ends, the cow will remain. It's like an act of remembrance, a lasting impact that symbolizes the positive changes brought about by the support received. This sense of direction and lasting investment has significantly shaped my perspective and brought a positive change to my life.
What did you spend your most recent transfer(s) on?
After receiving $200 from GiveDirectly, I made thoughtful decisions on how to use the money. Firstly, I purchased a cow for $110. This investment is essential for our family as it will provide us with milk. Also when the cow multiplies, I plan to sell some to generate income for future school fees. Recognizing the importance of agriculture, I allocated $40 to my maize farming. This money was specifically used for weeding, ensuring a better harvest. The surplus from the harvest will not only contribute to our family's food needs but will also be sold to generate funds for school fees for my four children and to meet our daily requirements. The decision making process was influenced by the immediate needs of my family. At the time the money arrived, we were facing hunger, having consumed all our available food. Understanding the urgency, I allocated $40 to purchase food, addressing our immediate hunger needs and ensuring our well-being.
access_time 11 months ago
What do you plan to do with the cash transfer?
Givedirectly's cash transfer will help us, it has been timely. The first transfer will give us the ability to grow beans. They mature faster, and the rainy season will give us an advantage. Beans are consumed by many people, hence there's ready market. It will give us more income. Due to poor storage of our farm products. We plan to build a storage facility. It will cost about $450. This will ensure that we can store them until they fetch good prices. When farm produce is sold immediately, they tend to pick low prices. My three children in school need education support, to ensure their stability. Plan to spend the entire third transfer on their education. I believe in educating my children for a better future.
What is the happiest part of your day?
Our farm is the main source happiness, it provides us with income and food. We plant maize, beans, or vegetables. When we're able to harvest well, it's gives us stability.
What is the biggest hardship you've faced in your life?
Since we have been farmers for a long time. The drought has led to limited water supply to our farms. This led to low productivity to zero over the last decade. When there's enough water, life generally becomes easier because our farm produce gets high. It has affected our life's since low productivity leads to hard life. We're not able to support ourselves. Irregular water supply has made our life's difficult since we cannot plan well and also due to losses.