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Newsfeed > Harrison's Profile
Harrison's family
Kenya Basic Income
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21st Payment
Transfer Amount
3470 KES ($26 USD)
access_time 4 months ago
What did you spend your most recent transfer(s) on?
. Since Form One, I've been using my transfer to pay for both my and my siblings' school fees. Despite these challenges, I remain motivated by my academic success and refuse to accept a life of hardship. My dream is to build a better future for myself and my family, inspired by the tragic experience of my father, who was attacked while working as a watchman. Thus when I received my recent transfer I spent a total of $69 on paying my fees as well as my younger siblings fees. With the remaining amount I allocated $9 on buying my clothes,$12 on food and finally $12 on buying one chicken I'm currently in Form Two, having scored 321 points in my Class Eight exams. Despite facing challenges, such as my father's disability due to an attack by thugs as he was a watchman and my mother's for rearing. I am really grateful for this support from Give Directly
How is your life different than it would have been if you never received the transfer?
My main goal is to obtain the best education possible with the monthly stipend from Give Directly. Driven by a strong desire to succeed, I am focused on transcending the educational barriers that have held back previous generations in my family—none of whom had the chance to attend secondary school. Achieving this would not only be a personal victory but also a historic milestone for my family. I am deeply thankful for the transfers I receive, as they are instrumental in helping me pursue and realize this dream.
17th Payment
Transfer Amount
3470 KES ($22 USD)
access_time 8 months ago
What did you spend your most recent transfer(s) on?
I am the second of 7 children. I am now a student in secondary school form 2.I do not have a source of income. My mother prepares and sells charcoal while my father is in the city where he is employed to sell water using a hand cart. My parents do not make much which means they struggle covering school fees for us. I have spent my transfers over the years helping them cover my school fees payments. In October I spent $20 on my own school fees and also paid school fees for my sibling using $10, In November I paid school fees for myself, and Sibling a similar amount to October while in December I paid the same amount I did in the previous months for myself and used the rest for my sibling who did not have the school fees. I also got some chicken in November at $4 while in October I spent the $4 buying food.
How is your life different than it would have been if you never received the transfer?
I am home while my classmates are in school and this is due to a lack of finances. My parents do not make much and this means we all need to find ways of helping out. I am home helping my mother collect sticks and stamps for charcoal making. This however is not my dream. my goal is to support my family when I have gotten a job after college and I ma working. I want to be a doctor. My goal is to ensure I finish school so that I am able to get a fighting chance and join college where I can make enough finances for my family.
14th Payment
Transfer Amount
3470 KES ($23 USD)
access_time 12 months ago
What did you spend your most recent transfer(s) on?
With the financial support I receive, I allocate a portion of my transfers to cover my own school fees. Additionally, I use a portion to contribute towards the school fees of my three younger siblings. The remainder is utilized to purchase food and pay for my accommodation near the school. My mother works as a peasant farmer, while my father earns a living as a casual laborer, selling water on the streets of Mombasa. Unfortunately, he was recently attacked by individuals and is currently at home recovering. After completing my primary education in 2020, I faced the harsh reality of poverty at home, which prevented me from joining secondary school. However, I made the decision to return to school and rejoined class seven, hoping that by the time I finished my primary education, there would be a ray of hope that I could join secondary school. In 2022, I completed primary school for the second time, but the financial situation remained challenging. To generate income, I began raising livestock for others. Thankfully, I was enrolled in the Give Directly program, and I seized the opportunity to finance my own secondary education while also sponsoring my younger siblings' schooling. The support I have received has brought me immense happiness and gratitude. It has not only enabled me to continue my education but has also instilled hope within me to strive towards achieving my goals in the future.
How is your life different than it would have been if you never received the transfer?
My primary objective is to pursue and finance my education using the monthly stipend provided by Give Directly. The strong desire to succeed propels me towards achieving this goal. I am determined to overcome the limitations that previous members of my family have faced, as no one in our family has ever had the opportunity to enroll in secondary school. Attaining this milestone would be a significant accomplishment for me, and I am grateful that the transfers I receive are playing a crucial role in helping me realize this ambition.
10th Payment
Transfer Amount
3470 KES ($25 USD)
access_time over 1 year ago
What did you spend your most recent transfer(s) on?
The financial situation at home is extremely challenging, as my father, who is the sole provider for our family, relies on hawking water in town to make ends meet. His income from this business is meager, making it difficult for him to meet our basic needs, including food and education expenses for my five siblings and me. Unfortunately, two of my younger brothers had to drop out of kindergarten because of unpaid fees, and my father hasn't been able to bring them back to school. Moreover, after I completed grade eight last year, my father advised me to find a job in town since there was no money to support my high school education. However, with the help of cash transfers, I took a leap of faith and enrolled myself in high school three months ago. Since then, I have been utilizing every penny from the transfers to cover my tuition costs. I am grateful to say that I have been progressing well in my studies and have not missed a single class. I firmly believe that education is the key to transforming my family's circumstances for the better, and I attribute my current progress to the support provided by Give Directly.
How is your life different than it would have been if you never received the transfer?
Coming from a family where no one has ever had the opportunity to attend high school due to financial hardships, I am determined to break that cycle. My elder brother had to drop out of primary school to seek casual jobs and contribute to our family's needs. Without the cash transfers, I would have faced a similar fate. I am eternally grateful for the assistance provided by Give Directly, as it has given me the opportunity to pursue my high school education. Currently, in Form One, my goal is to excel in my studies and graduate from high school, paving the way for me to attend university. My ultimate aspiration is to become a doctor and uplift my family from poverty. I sincerely hope that the cash transfers continue to support me on this journey and help turn my dreams into reality.
access_time over 2 years ago
What is the biggest hardship you've faced in your life?
I have many challenges in my life but financial instability tops the list. Imagine living a life full of debts because my mother always seeks help from our relatives to ensure I get some fees whenever I am sent home. This has made me feel so ashamed to walk around because my mother is termed as a defaulter for not repaying on time. On the other hand, I also lack a better place to spend my nights something that has directly affected my performance in school.
What is the happiest part of your day?
Despite the many challenges I have faced in my life, especially at school, I am so thankful to God for the peace I am granted when in class. Imagine with all the stress, I managed to score 340 marks in my promotion exam to class 8. This made me feel, I am capable of defying all the odds with determination. Thus, I consider this as what has brought joy to my life.
What does receiving this money mean to you?
In the year 2020, I did my KCPE where I scored 269 marks, which was a good performance to secure me a slot in high school. Unfortunately, I did not proceed to high school because my parents could not afford to support me. This forced me to repeat in class 7 in June 2021 and I am now proceeding to class 8 again in May 2022 with 340 marks. With this cash grant from GiveDirectly, I am convinced that my life is bright ahead because I will have the opportunity to pay my school fees by myself and also to cater to other expenses like school uniforms. Therefore, this is generally what receiving this money means to me.