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Newsfeed > Veronica's Profile
Veronica's family
Casual labor
Kenya Large Transfer
Upcoming Stage
Next Payment
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2nd Payment
Transfer Amount
45000 KES ($349 USD)
access_time 29 days ago
How is your life different than it would have been if you never received the transfer?
Looking ahead, my primary goal is to invest in planting green grams. Given the limited water supply from the river, large-scale farming isn't an option for us, but green grams are ideal because they need minimal water and grow quickly, taking about two months to be ready for harvest. My plan is to use the next transfer to plant and care for the green grams until they’re ready for harvest. After selling the crop, I aim to use the profits to buy goats, which will provide an additional source of income for my family. I also want to make sure I can pay my child's school fees with the earnings. This approach will help us secure both a better livelihood and a brighter future for my child.
In your opinion, what does GiveDirectly do well, and what does it not do well?
GiveDirectly did a lot of things well. The officers communicated with us in a kind and respectful manner, which made the whole process smooth and comfortable. I didn’t notice anything negative in the way the work was handled; everything was done professionally. I especially appreciated the advice you gave us on how to use the money wisely, encouraging us to invest it in the right way. That guidance was very helpful. I am forever thankful.
What did you spend your most recent transfer(s) on?
Before receiving the cash transfer, my family and I were living in a cramped, single-room house made of iron sheets. It was so small that it was difficult for all of us, especially with a child, to live comfortably. My husband is a farmer, and I work as a casual laborer, but life was tough since we barely had enough money for food, let alone improving our living situation. We had been stuck for a long time, unable to make any progress. When the transfer came, it truly felt like a new beginning for us. With $430, I was able to construct two rooms, also made of iron sheets but with a sloped roof, providing much-needed space for our family. The remaining $180 went toward buying food supplies like vegetables and milk. Thankfully, we already had enough maize, as I had harvested 15 bags from the previous season using my first transfer. This ensured we had staple food, and the extra cash helped us have a more balanced diet without worrying about our daily needs.I am grateful to GiveDirectly for this life-changing support. Without the transfer, we would still be stuck in that small house, struggling to get by. Now, we have more space and better living conditions, which has brought peace and comfort to my family. This has given me hope for a better future.
Initial Payment
Transfer Amount
20000 KES ($157 USD)
access_time 3 months ago
Describe the moment when you received your money. How did you feel?
I was at home making lunch after taking a break from my farm work when I heard a message alert on my phone. Curious, I checked it and saw that it was a $200 transfer from GiveDirectly. A smile spread across my face. Once lunch was ready, I left the house to bring my husband's lunch to the farm and to share the good news. He was just as happy as I was, knowing we could finally carry out our intended plans. We had heard that people in the neighboring village received similar support, and we had been waiting anxiously for our turn. Thank you, GiveDirectly, for fulfilling your promise.
Describe the biggest difference in your daily life since you started receiving payments from GiveDirectly.
Living without a toilet for nearly two years was a major challenge because using the bush was neither hygienic nor safe for the environment. We had to go at night to avoid being seen, which caused us a lot of stress. Saving money from casual jobs to build a toilet was difficult and slowed the process. After receiving support from GiveDirectly, I set aside money to complete it. Seeing the progress and knowing that my toilet construction is about to start melts my heart. GiveDirectly's support has brought me hope again.
What did you spend your most recent transfer(s) on?
My husband and I rely on crop farming, which is unreliable while we wait for our crops to be ready, so we do casual jobs. This makes life tough for us because we cannot meet all our needs. Upon receiving my first transfer from GiveDirectly, I prioritized completing our toilet, which had been left unfinished due to a lack of funds. Living without a toilet for nearly two years was a major challenge because using the bush was neither hygienic nor safe, forcing us to go at night to avoid being seen. I decided to set aside $50 for this project, hoping it would be enough. I also spent another $50 on fertilizer to boost the quality of our maize crop, which was late since it should have been applied two weeks before the transfer. Additionally, I used $25 to buy clothes for my husband, our son, and myself, since our old ones were worn out and we hadn't bought new ones since last year. Furthermore, my son and I were sick when I received the transfer, and I spent $20 on our medication. Addressing our food challenges, where we often had to skip meals and eat only in the morning and evening, I spent $30 from the transfer on food items. Finally, I used the remaining $25 to purchase household items, including utensils. Thank you, GiveDirectly, for your timely support.
access_time 5 months ago
What do you plan to do with the cash transfer?
Our dream of having a better pit latrine for the family was put on hold due to lack of enough money. It is embarrassing that we are using the neighbor's latrine and at times we are forced to use nearby bushes to relieve ourselves. This is lowering our dignity as a family and more so when we have visitors. This bushes me to spend my first transfers from GiveDirectly to build a pit latrine for my family. With my family of five, our house has turned out to be small and not enough for us. I will plan KES 40000 of my second transfers to build a two roomed house for my household. I am also thinking of investing KES 30,000 my third transfer on livestock keeping and KES 10,000 to expand our crop farming.
What is the happiest part of your day?
We received heavy rainfall this season which is unusual for us living in arid areas. Although we experienced flash floods and displacement of households in the area. I gave it a try and planted an acre piece of land. I am happy that my maize crop is doing well, I am hopeful that I will have a bumper harvest and be able to put food on the table for my family five.
What is the biggest hardship you've faced in your life?
For every family to live a better life, you need to have money. In our family we depend on casual jobs to have our daily bread as well as purchase other family basic needs like clothing. It is unfortunate that after working the whole day you are paid KES 300. This is little and is not able to sustain our livelihood. Unavailability of a stable source of income is making our life unbearable. We rarely afford three meals a day as a family which is so sad and embarrassing. Everyday I am walking up to 3 kilometers to fetch clean water for domestic use is another challenge for me. This is not healthy and it is tiresome, it also makes me vulnerable to backache and other health complications.