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Newsfeed > Margaret's Profile
Margaret's family
Subsistence farming
Kenya Large Transfer
Upcoming Stage
Next Payment
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Initial Payment
Transfer Amount
55000 KES ($417 USD)
access_time 2 months ago
Describe the moment when you received your money. How did you feel?
I was on my farm preparing the land for planting when a message popped up on my phone. Upon reading it, I realized that an amount of $550 had been sent to my phone, but at that time, I was not quite certain it was from GiveDirectly. Later that evening, when I got home, my sister-in-law and two other people confirmed that they had received a similar amount. This is when I knew that GiveDirectly had sent the first cash transfer. I was very happy because I had never owned such an amount of money before. I began thinking about how I could build a new house, something I had always wished for.
Describe the biggest difference in your daily life since you started receiving payments from GiveDirectly.
Of course, life is different now, in a better way, to say the least. As a parent, it always stressed me when my children were constantly sent home from school to collect school fees. I would always be worried about where and how I would raise the money to cover those debts. I am relieved that the situation is different now. With the transfers, I was able to settle most of the school fee debts, and all my five children have not missed a day of school.
What did you spend your most recent transfer(s) on?
Raising five school-going children by myself posed a number of challenges, including the inability to cover their tuition debts and provide them with decent shelter from the little income I made from making charcoal. Our house had a palm-leaf roof that deteriorated over time and leaked whenever it rained. This not only exposed the family to cold infections, but I also feared it would ruin the maize produce we had stored in the space. So, I bought 20 iron sheets for $230 to repair the roof. I am happy that the house is now well-roofed and protected. As an investment, I also bought three goats for $105. When these goats reproduce, I can sell them to raise school fees for my children in the future. I also set aside $150 to cover tuition debts that had been pending since the year began. My children were always being sent home from school because of these debts, and I am happy that this is no longer the case. Lastly, I spent the remaining funds on school uniforms for two of my children, who used to wear casual clothes to school, and bought second-hand clothes for all the children to replace the tattered ones. With the transfers, I am less stressed now because I know my children’s education is catered for and my house is in better condition.
access_time 6 months ago
What do you plan to do with the cash transfer?
Being a widow means assuming all the household responsibilities including basic needs provision. This means, I am required to have a reliable source of income to depend on and I plan to start a grocery business in our nearby town. I estimate to spend $100 of the money to make this project a reality. Also, I will invest in livestock more specifically goats to act as my long-term project that will support us in the future. This project will cost me $200. On the other hand, I will spend part of the money ($400) on paying school fees for my children both in primary and secondary schools. The remaining amount will help us to repair our kitchen which is in bad condition. Thus, this is generally what receiving this money means to me.
What is the happiest part of your day?
The relief I have at the moment is because of the food security in my household. This is because I was able to plant maize this season and I estimate to harvest four 90-kilogram bags. This food will sustain us for the next five months. Having enough food in my household will mean saving the little cash I get from the casual work to support my children in school. This is basically what has brought me joy.
What is the biggest hardship you've faced in your life?
Currently, I find my life so tough because I do not have any reliable source of income to support my family of 6. Since my husband passed away 4 years ago, he left me with all the responsibilities of being the sole breadwinner. Charcoal burning and other casual community jobs are what I have depended on for a long time. The income from these activities is what has been supporting my children in school but their studies have always been affected due to spending more time out of school. As I speak, my daughter who is supposed to join high school is still at home due to lack of money. Hence, I consider financial constraints as my biggest challenge.