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Newsfeed > Julius's Profile
Julius's family
Casual labor
Kenya Large Transfer
Upcoming Stage
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Initial Payment
Transfer Amount
55000 KES ($428 USD)
access_time 3 months ago
What did you spend your most recent transfer(s) on?
I have been running a business of purchasing milk from local farmers in my area and delivering it to customers using my motorbike. This business has helped me support my ten children's education by paying their fees. Three of my children are planning to attend medical college soon, while the rest are still in high school and primary level. As the financial needs of my household continue to grow, I realized that selling milk alone would not be sufficient to meet all our needs. While I appreciate the support from my two wives who also do some work in town, I have always aimed to expand my business and add another source of income. When I received my first transfer, I used $100 to buy sardines, which I am now selling alongside the milk. This addition has provided me with an extra income. Furthermore, I am in the process of constructing four temporary rental units on a piece of land near a high school that I own. I used the remaining funds to purchase the necessary building materials for this construction project. I am hopeful that once these units are complete, I will also earn rental income, which will help me save money to support my children's education and cover our household's basic needs more comfortably.
Describe the biggest difference in your daily life since you started receiving payments from GiveDirectly.
I'm grateful to GiveDirectly and feel fortunate to be part of their program, which has significantly improved my life, especially in my daily business as a businessman. I used to only collect milk from local farmers and supply it to people in the village using my motorbike. While this business provided a good income, it wasn't enough to adequately support my family. My two wives also worked in low-paying jobs, but their help ensured that all ten of our children were able to attend school. I used a portion of the transfer and bought sardines which I am currently selling alongside the milk, and I am glad that this has increased my earnings too. Additionally, I also wanted to expand my income streams, so I invested the remaining amount in facilitating the construction of four temporary rental units on a piece of land that I own near a high school. Once these units are completed, I'm confident that I'll earn rental income by accommodating students looking to live outside school.
Describe the moment when you received your money. How did you feel?
I left my phone at home to charge while I was busy weeding my maize crops on the farm. Unbeknownst to me, this was the day we were supposed to receive money from GiveDirectly. After finishing work on the farm, I returned home and picked up my phone. I noticed an Mpesa message and was curious to see who could have sent me money. To my surprise, it was from GiveDirectly, and I had received my first transfer. I couldn't contain my happiness and celebrated with my children for this act of kindness.
access_time 5 months ago
What is the biggest hardship you've faced in your life?
Lack of reliable sources of income is the challenge I am currently facing in life. I do casual jobs earning little income that caters for food and school fees. The income is low such that my children sometimes miss classes due to lack of school fees. This has affected their performances.
What is the happiest part of your day?
The village has been under drought for almost four seasons. However, in October last year we received rain and planted maize on my two acre piece of land and harvested 6 bags of 90 kg each which has sustained the family for almost six months now. The harvest brought happiness in my life.
What do you plan to do with the cash transfer?
I have a family of 13 members with two wives. I do casual jobs making little income that caters for food and school fees. Sometimes I fail to secure a job for almost two weeks. This makes the children miss classes due to lack of school fees. I will use $300 to clear school fees balance for the children both at secondary and primary school. I will also use $800 to build a rental house at the trading center for the teachers to live. Currently teachers get house service at Matanomane which is very far from the school. I intend to build four rooms which will bring income of $40 per month as profit. This will bring a sustainable source of income for the family.