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Newsfeed > Aisha's Profile
Aisha's family
Street trading - food (self-employed)
FSD / Urban Youth
Upcoming Stage
Next Payment
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2nd Payment
Transfer Amount
37152 KES ($364 USD)
access_time almost 5 years ago
How is your life different than it would have been if you never received the transfer?
During the period that I was out of business, I had a very tough time financially and was forced to take a lot of loans to pay the bills as my husband also did not have a stable source of income. Being in debt never gave me any peace of mind as I tried my best to always avoid bumping into my those who had lent me money so I was always hiding. I feel very free now that I have cleared all the debt and also have a business to take care of my daily needs.
Do you have any new or additional goals for your life?
I had the intention of starting a cereals business but I have not yet found a more secure place to set up the business so, I am currently selling less valuable items as I look for a better place because it is not so safe in this area. My plan is still to look for a secure business area where I can set up the business hence no other goals at the moment.
What did you spend your most recent transfer(s) on?
I had no source of income before I received these transfers because I was still nursing my last born child which is why I had to put my business on hold, so I thought it wise to use the transfers to buy more stock and run the business near my house. I used part of the second transfer to buy more stock, took care of the household requirements such as rent payment and buying of foodstuff then cleared off some fee balance my children had in their school then gave some of the money to my mother and brother for their own use.
Initial Payment
Transfer Amount
20000 KES ($193 USD)
access_time 5 years ago
Do you have any new goals that you didn't have before receiving the transfer?
My new goal is to start a new business. I have admired selling cereals for a very long time because of the demand. I know that when I will have achieved this goal, my income will increase and I will, in turn, use the profits to meet my other ultimate goals.
Describe the biggest difference in your daily life since you started receiving payments from GiveDirectly.
The biggest difference in my daily life is that I have peace of mind. I have not depended on loan from friends and merry-go-round to boost of late. After boosting my business, I have been able to take care of my family's needs easily and I am glad that I do not feel the pressure even in this time that my husband has no job. I have been able to get profits that I plan well and use to take care of most of our needs.
What did you spend your most recent transfer(s) on?
I spent part of my transfer to boost my business. I normally sell snacks and clothes. This business has been doing well but the stock had reduced because most of the profits could end up on the household needs. My husband has not been working for a month now and so this business has been supporting all of us. Apart from that, I also took my child to the hospital and finally kept the remaining amount as savings.
Describe the moment when you started receiving transfers. How did you feel?
It was early in the morning when we heard a message on my phone. I was not anticipating any message from someone and wondered who could have sent it. My husband was the one who helped me read the message and broke the good news to me. I was so happy. We actually went back to sleep and when break day came I was able to inform him that the I was actually going to accomplish the plan that I had that day.
access_time over 5 years ago
What do you plan to do with the cash transfer?
My first priority is to invest in an exsiting business. I sell fish and bhajia in Mlango Kubwa, Mathare. The fish easily get spoiled, this forces me to store them at a friends butchery since he has a freezer. I want to buy one for myself instead and save the money I pay inorder for him to store them for me, with that I can be buying more stock knowing I have a place where I can store them. I will also buy some iron sheets just to give the structure some shade, this will come inhandy when it rains or there is too much sun. Secondly, I would want to put up a business of selling clothes for both women and children still in mlango kubwa and income from this will help to provide for my family. I have four children, two of them are in school and the other two are yet to join school. It want to bring them up in an environment where they lack nothing, education being a priority for them. Lastly, I will use part of it to build a house back in the village, Malindi. We do not have a house and I want my children to have a place they can go to for vacation and relax at the beach when they want to and a place to call home.
Describe your biggest worry.
My top concern is sexual violence, especially when it comes to case of children being defiled. It saddens my heart when I hear a child has defiled and no action is taken on the calprit. I have had of three cases of children of the age 6,4 and 3 years who were assaulted in my neighborhood and no action was taken. Most of then are eglected and left at the mercies of strangers for help. Such cases bring fear to my mind and body when I think of my own children who are still growing, and the possibility of them going through the same especially when I am at work and they are at home with no supervision.
What are your greatest ambitions?
My ambition in life is to see my children successful in life, being able to educate them to the heights level, as far as university. To also help others in need, especially other women who are not able to feed their families. I want to help the less fortunate in anyway I can wether it be financially or just giving them food with the much or the little I earn.
Describe your usual day. How do you spend your time?
On my usual day, I wake up at around 5:30 am, prepare my children for school, by 6:30am they leave for school. I do my house chores till 10:00 am and I leave for Gikomba market to buy fish. I come back at around noon, prepare lunch for my young ones and dinner for the family because I work till late in the evening. I air the fish and at around 4:00 pm I start selling the fish and bhajia till 10:00 pm. When I am done I go home take my dinner, I shower and rest. In my free time, I spend most of the time with my children listening to their stories, getting to know the difficulties they face and at times we can go out, and have fun together as a family.