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Newsfeed > Peter's Profile
Peter's family
Charcoal burning
Kenya Large Transfer
Upcoming Stage
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2nd Payment
Transfer Amount
45000 KES ($351 USD)
access_time 8 days ago
How is your life different than it would have been if you never received the transfer?
We have been living in a small, one-room iron sheet house that I built on my relative’s land after ours was submerged in the lake. It hasn’t been sufficient for our family of five, and managing in such limited space for the past six years has been challenging. With my second transfer from GiveDirectly, I bought half an acre of land and plan to build a three-room iron sheet house for my family on it. Currently, I have planted melon on an acre of land, which will be ready for harvest in a month, and I anticipate earning about $1,000. I plan to use the proceeds from the melon harvest, along with my final transfer, to construct the house.
In your opinion, what does GiveDirectly do well, and what does it not do well?
GiveDirectly excels at delivering unconditional cash transfers efficiently. Their follow-up after the transfers is thorough, ensuring recipients use it wisely. Sending the money in installments is particularly helpful, as it allows for better planning. You know the amount to expect and can prepare for it in advance. In my opinion, GiveDirectly’s approach works very well. I see no areas for improvement and would recommend they continue with this same method as they assist more people.
What did you spend your most recent transfer(s) on?
For the past six years, I’ve been living on my relative’s land after my own was submerged in water. My wish to buy land was not successful since I relied on casual jobs and charcoal production, which earned me an average of $3. I prioritized the needs of my family of five and couldn’t save anything. Upon receiving my second transfer, I decided to buy half an acre of land for $300. Additionally, to supplement my income, I bought two goats for $50 each. I had never owned goats before, but they do well in our area. My purpose for this is to provide milk for my family, and as the goats multiply, I will be able to sell them to address other needs. I also spent $35 on a mattress for my wife and me, giving our old one to our children, who had been using cowhide. Although we had maize at home, we lacked other essentials like sugar, so I used $10 for that and spent the remaining $5 on transport for my wife and me on our way back from the market where we bought our shopping.
Initial Payment
Transfer Amount
20000 KES ($154 USD)
access_time 4 months ago
Describe the moment when you received your money. How did you feel?
It was late in the evening, and I was on my way back from clearing bushes on my land in preparation for digging. I was very exhausted and was looking forward to reaching home to take a rest. Suddenly, my phone, which was in my pocket, buzzed, signalling an incoming message. As I retrieved it, I was delighted to see an Mpesa notification. It was the GD transfer! I was so happy as I hurried home to share the wonderful news with my wife. She was overjoyed, and we later sat down to plan how to withdraw the money the following day in order to purchase food and other necessities.
Describe the biggest difference in your daily life since you started receiving payments from GiveDirectly.
The biggest difference in my life is that I am now filled with hope and happiness, knowing that I was able to plant on time this season. Through the transfer, we managed to till our land on time and plant efficiently. We used a modern system of tilling the land with a tractor, something I had never used before. The entire process of tilling and planting was completed in a single day, which was a great achievement for us. Previously, my wife and I struggled to till the land manually by ourselves. This method was not only time-consuming but also exhausting. Additionally, we could not concentrate solely on the land because we had to take on casual work to ensure our children had food by alternating. This stretched the planting process over a long period and made it even more exhausting. I am grateful for the support that has made this possible.
What did you spend your most recent transfer(s) on?
I was overjoyed to receive the first transfer, enabling me to address our immediate needs. The first thing I did was buy food with $55 for my family of five, ensuring we had enough to eat and could focus on farming our land during the planting season. Typically, we rely on irregular work on other people's farms and burning charcoal for sale, which barely brings in $50 monthly. This little income often forced us to eat only two meals a day, leaving me stressed, especially when my young ones had to skip lunch. But now, thanks to the transfer, we can enjoy proper meals and leave those worries behind. I also used $62 to till our one acre of land and buy maize seeds. This investment is primarily for our domestic use, aiming for a good harvest to sustain us next year. Additionally, I purchased a bed for my children for $33. Before this, they slept on the bare floor, risking scorpion bites and suffering from extreme cold during the rainy season. I also spent $50 on clothes for my children, ensuring they have decent attire for special occasions such as church services. This transfer has been a true blessing, Thank you, GD.
access_time 7 months ago
What do you plan to do with the cash transfer?
Receiving this money means the world to my family of five, especially considering the challenges we face with food security. This transfer brings a sigh of relief and hope for better days ahead. Upon receiving the transfers,first and foremost, I intend to spend $50 towards purchasing food for my family. Ensuring that we have enough to eat is a top priority, and this will help alleviate some of the immediate concerns about food security. Next, I plan to spend $50 on clothing, ensuring that my family has the necessities to stay warm and comfortable. Additionally, I will spend $100 towards purchasing furniture, which will greatly improve our living conditions and overall comfort as I currently have one. Furthermore, I will invest in goats, as I believe they will provide a sustainable income source for my family. Goats breed quickly, and their prices appreciate during peak times. Moreover, the climate in our area favours their growth, making them a suitable investment option. Through this investment, I hope to secure our financial stability and provide a sense of security for my family.
What is the happiest part of your day?
Two months ago, my wife Betty gave birth to a healthy baby boy, and I could not be happier. Pregnancy comes with its challenges, both in terms of health and personal well-being, so I am relieved that Betty and our newborn are doing well. Adding a new member to our family, especially after having two boys already, fills me with immense joy. Witnessing the arrival of our baby boy has been a blessing beyond measure, and I am grateful for this precious addition to our family. As we embark on this journey of parenthood once again, I look forward to watching our family grow and create beautiful memories together.
What is the biggest hardship you've faced in your life?
Food security has been a constant struggle for my family of five. We rely heavily on farming for our livelihood, but the harsh climatic conditions in our area make it challenging to cultivate our land year-round. With water scarcity being a significant issue, we can only depend on rainfall for farming, which often proves to be insufficient. As a result, I find it difficult to produce enough food to sustain my family. We are forced to turn to casual jobs like land clearing, charcoal burning, and weeding to earn $3 daily. Unfortunately, these jobs are unpredictable, and there are times when we go for up to two days a week without any earnings. On those days, hunger becomes a real challenge, especially for my young children. Living in such circumstances is incredibly tough, and it weighs heavily on me as a parent. I am constantly worried about providing enough food for my family, especially during the lean periods when jobs are scarce. I am actively seeking ways to improve our situation and ensure that my children have enough to eat, but it is not easy.