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Newsfeed > Shadrack's Profile
Shadrack's family
Motorcycle or bicycle taxi
Kenya Large Transfer
Upcoming Stage
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Initial Payment
Transfer Amount
18240 KES ($141 USD)
access_time 11 days ago
Describe the moment when you received your money. How did you feel?
I  was at the farm, busy weeding my tomatoes, when I suddenly heard a message notification on my phone. My neighbor was with me at the time, and just as I was wondering what the message could be, her daughter came running over to tell us that her mother had received the transfers from GiveDirectly. I quickly checked my phone, and there it was—the money had come through! I was overjoyed, and we celebrated right there in the field, laughing and thanking God. I already knew exactly what I was going to do: buy stakes for my tomatoes to keep them upright and finally pay the dowry for my wife.
Describe the biggest difference in your daily life since you started receiving payments from GiveDirectly.
When I received the unconditional cash from GiveDirectly, the biggest difference it made was that I was finally able to pay dowry for my wife. This was a huge relief for me because, before that, things weren’t as smooth. Whenever my wife would go back to her parent's home, it used to feel difficult for me to follow her there since I hadn’t officially fulfilled that obligation. But now that the dowry is paid, our relationship with her family has also improved. I have gained more respect from my in-laws, and there is now a real sense of connection between us.  My wife is happier too, which makes life at home much easier and more fulfilling. With that stress gone, we can now plan better for our future together, and it feels like we are really on the same page. All this became possible because of GiveDirectly, and I am deeply grateful for that.
What did you spend your most recent transfer(s) on?
The first thing I did when I received the transfer was buy sticks for staking my tomatoes. I have half an acre of them, and it was the rainy season, so the plants needed immediate support to keep them from lying on the wet ground. I spent $50 on the sticks and another $20 on labor to help with the staking because it’s such a time-consuming task, and I couldn’t manage it alone. That felt like a good investment because, without proper staking, I could have lost a lot of the crop.  I then used $30 to buy clothes for my two children. It’s important to me that they look good and feel happy, and they haven’t had new clothes in a while. Seeing them excited in their new outfits brought me so much joy—it reminded me why every little effort we make for our children counts. I spent $20 on fuel for the generator we use to pump water to irrigate the tomatoes. With the remaining amount, I topped up my savings to buy a cow as part of the dowry for my wife. She has lived with me for five years, and I hadn’t fulfilled that obligation, but this was my chance to make the first step. I was excited to finally show my in-laws that I’m serious about doing things the right way.
access_time 4 months ago
What do you plan to do with the cash transfer?
Receiving GiveDirectly money is like blessing to me because I have a pending debts which as taken me many years to clear it due to lack of finances. Iam planning to use my first cash transfers to clear the land I bought on the high ground so that Incase of floods I have safe place to stay. I am also planning to invest in livestock keeping, I will buy 10 goats and I will use remaining amount of money to construct Latrine .
What is the happiest part of your day?
Farming is the main livelihood activity we practice in our village because we still have a large piece of land in the community. Early this year in February I was lucky to get a fertile piece of land on the shores of lake Baringo, getting that 2 acre piece of land and planting watermelon on it brought happiness into my life because I will earn a lot of money after harvesting but that happiness turned into sorrow after floods. But Iam happy because iam still energetic and my family are healthy and iam also optimistic that things will work out well with time.
What is the biggest hardship you've faced in your life?
The recent floods caused a lot of destruction in my household because I leased 2 acre piece of land and plant watermelon on it but unfortunately all the crops were washed away by the floods.iam now struggling financially because i invested all the money I saved on that farm.