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Newsfeed > Zawadi's Profile
Zawadi's family
Kenya Large Transfer
There will be no further updates from this completed recipient.
2nd Payment
Transfer Amount
53010 KES ($336 USD)
access_time 8 months ago
What did you spend your most recent transfer(s) on?
Upon receiving my recent transfer, I strategically allocated the funds to address various pressing needs. Recognizing the importance of livestock, I invested $40 in purchasing a goat, adding a valuable asset to my household. Prioritizing basic comforts, I spent $120 on mattresses, providing my family with a proper place to sleep. The educational well-being of my four children was paramount, leading me to allocate $40 for school uniforms and $50 for their fees, ensuring they had the necessary resources for school. To secure our food source, I used $60 to purchase a bag of maize, aiming to reduce dependence on my casual work of selling water. Acknowledging my husband's struggles, I offered him $20 for support during a delayed salary period. Lastly, I strategically invested the remaining funds in my existing businesses—selling groceries and petrol to boda boda riders—increasing my stock and paving the way for future financial stability. This thoughtful distribution aimed to address immediate needs, enhance our living conditions, and create opportunities for long-term self-sufficiency.
In your opinion, what does GiveDirectly do well, and what does it not do well?
Once living in poverty, GiveDirectly transformed my life. With their support, I now own a goat which will multiply in future, a thriving grocery business, and a comfortable home which i built using my first transfer. My children are happy, enjoying life like never before. Grateful for the impact, I hope GiveDirectly continues touching the lives of others in need.
How is your life different than it would have been if you never received the transfer?
In the upcoming years and beyond, I want to work even harder at my current business, growing it by stocking more groceries and increasing the community's gasoline supply. This way, we can at least make more money and eventually live a comfortable life instead of having to sell water to cover our basic needs.
Initial Payment
Transfer Amount
55000 KES ($364 USD)
access_time 10 months ago
What did you spend your most recent transfer(s) on?
When I received my transfers, I spent $450 on house construction, a long-awaited project that I had been dreaming of for a while. Our current living situation was far too cramped for my family of six, and the prospect of having a spacious and comfortable two-room house was both a necessity and a dream come true. Additionally, I spent $68.8 to cover school fees, ensuring that my children's education remained a top priority. The rest of the funds went towards providing food for my family, helping us meet our daily needs. I earn my livelihood through a water vending business, a venture that has supported my family and me. With the changes brought about by the transfers, I could not help but feel an overwhelming sense of excitement and accomplishment. The realization of my dreams, especially in the form of a larger and more comfortable home, had finally become a reality, and it filled me with gratitude and happiness for the promising future ahead.
Describe the biggest difference in your daily life since you started receiving payments from GiveDirectly.
My life has changed greatly, and now my family of six has a decent place to live, unlike the previous small house that was inadequate. My privacy has been restored. Moreover, my family has bought food. The support provided through the transfers has transformed our living conditions, giving us a more spacious and comfortable home. It is a significant improvement, and the newfound privacy is a welcome change. Additionally, we no longer have to worry about having enough food on the table, as we have been able to purchase the essentials. The impact on our daily lives is truly remarkable, and we are filled with gratitude for the positive changes these transfers have brought us.
Describe the moment when you received your money. How did you feel?
It was around 3 p.m., as I was at a Merry Go Round chama with my friends, when my phone buzzed with an SMS. As I read the message, a rush of happiness washed over me; it was the notification that I had received the transfers I had been eagerly awaiting. With a heart full of joy, I could not wait to share the good news with my family of six. When I arrived home, I gathered my loved ones, and as I revealed the reason for my happiness, their faces lit up with excitement. My children, in particular, could not contain their enthusiasm and quickly requested new clothes as the old ones were torn. I gladly confirmed their wishes. It was a moment of pure elation, knowing that my dreams and the desires of my family were about to come true, thanks to the support we had received through the transfers. The future seemed brighter and more promising, and I could not have been happier.
access_time 12 months ago
What is the biggest hardship you've faced in your life?
What I never expected in my life was to raise my children with difficulties including food insecurity and fee problems. This is exactly what is happening because life has become so miserable and it has not spared us. Imagine a child being sent home because of $5! At home, we also skip some meals, a situation that has directly affected our health status. Both our incomes with my husband can not fully cater to our needs because in a month we earn less than $100. Considering the many needs in our household, it becomes tough to balance between meeting all our basic needs. This has pained me as a mother since watching my children desperately has robbed away my joy. Hence, I consider financial instability as my biggest challenge.
What is the happiest part of your day?
In April this year, I was lucky to buy a goat at $30 which is the whole of my monthly income. This was possible because my husband was able to support us with our basic needs that month and I took advantage of it. Having this goat means achieving a dream that I have had for a long time and I consider it as what has brought me joy.
What do you plan to do with the cash transfer?
Starting a business and constructing a house are among my top priorities. My house at the moment is small and its walls are falling especially when it rains. On one side, I covered it with a polythene. Living in this house has lowered my self-esteem and I always feel ashamed to be at home during the day time. I would rather spend my day at my workplace. With this money, I look forward to changing my status quo since I plan to spend my first transfer ($550) to ensure the housing problem is put to an end. This will provide the opportunity to enjoy my life at home by welcoming visitors to whom I have postponed their appointments. On the other hand, my work earns me $30 per month an income that goes to food. I desire to supplement this income by starting a kiosk where I will be selling foodstuff. This will earn me extra cash to continue supporting my family. I intend to spend $200 on this project. The remaining amount will help me to cater for other needs like school fees and food.