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Newsfeed > Ryan's Profile
Ryan's family
Subsistence farming
Kenya Large Transfer
Upcoming Stage
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2nd Payment
Transfer Amount
45000 KES ($349 USD)
access_time 18 hours ago
How is your life different than it would have been if you never received the transfer?
Once the melons are ready, I want to build a house on a plot I bought some time back. Where I’m currently staying, it floods a lot, especially during heavy rains, and honestly, I’m tired of dealing with it. I bought half an acre of land a while ago, and it’s about time I put it to use. I’ve just been holding off, waiting for the right moment, but I think this is it. The idea is to use the income from the melon harvest to kick start the construction. It doesn’t need to be extravagant—just something sturdy and reliable, something I can call my own without worrying about floods every rainy season. That piece of land has been sitting idle long enough. I’m ready to finally make it count.
In your opinion, what does GiveDirectly do well, and what does it not do well?
One thing they did really well was advising us on how to take care of our mobile money and keep our PIN secure. They explained clearly how important it is to avoid sharing our PIN with anyone, and that guidance gave me confidence to manage my money safely. Everything was well explained, so I always knew what to do at each step. GiveDirectly also told us from the beginning that they would send us money three times, and they have kept their promise without fail. Each time the money arrived exactly when they said it would, which helped us plan better. Knowing that the funds would come on time made a big difference in how I managed my expenses. So far, everything has gone just as they said, and I appreciate that they followed through on their word. With all these in place, there is nothing that I see that should be changed in the program.
What did you spend your most recent transfer(s) on?
I spent $200 on the farm, ploughing half an acre of land and ordering tomato seeds. I made sure the land was well-watered so that the crops would have a good start. Farming is our lifeline, and this investment will help us get a better harvest and hopefully more income down the road. I also used $50 to clear my daughter’s school fees. She’s in Grade 6, and we had some arrears from last term. If I hadn’t paid, she would’ve been sent home, and I didn’t want her to miss any more lessons. It’s important she stays in school so she can have a brighter future than what I had growing up. With $50, I bought new clothes for my wife, my youngest child, and myself. We all needed to look good—it felt right to celebrate this blessing by dressing well. Another $50 went toward stocking the house with food, ensuring we wouldn’t have to worry about meals for a while. The remaining amount helped me buy essential household supplies to keep things running smoothly. Every cent went to something meaningful, and I feel relieved knowing we’re in a better place than we were before.
Initial Payment
Transfer Amount
20000 KES ($154 USD)
access_time 3 months ago
Describe the moment when you received your money. How did you feel?
I was at home that evening with my wife, preparing the farm. Despite our challenges, I remained hopeful. Our 1.5-acre farm, our primary source of food and income, had recently been destroyed by floods. The loss was huge. Without the farm, we struggled to meet our daily needs. My wife, our child, and I were uncertain about our future. As we worked, a notification buzzed on my phone. It was from GiveDirectly, informing me that $200 had been sent to us. In that moment, my heart filled with joy and gratitude. This unexpected gift meant we could start rebuilding our farm and sustaining our family once again. The happiness and relief were overwhelming. Thanks to GiveDirectly, we could now envision a brighter future and work towards it with renewed energy and hope.
Describe the biggest difference in your daily life since you started receiving payments from GiveDirectly.
The biggest change in my life since I started receiving transfers from GiveDirectly is the ability to rise to my feet again after the devastating floods. Before these transfers, my family was in a very bad situation. Our only source of income, a 1.5-acre maize farm, had been completely destroyed by the floods, leaving us without food and with no hope of recovery. The GiveDirectly transfer provided us with the capital we needed to start rebuilding our lives. I used part of the money to cultivate maize on a 0.5-acre plot. My hope is that the harvest from this plot will allow me to buy land in a safer area, protecting my family from future floods. Additionally, the money helped us address our immediate food needs, which had been a significant challenge for my family. Thanks to GiveDirectly, we are now back on our feet and looking forward to a more secure future. Their support has been crucial in helping us return to the life we had before the floods.
What did you spend your most recent transfer(s) on?
Receiving $200 from GiveDirectly was a turning point for my family and me. Our 1.5-acre farm had been destroyed by a recent flood, leaving us in a dire situation. I decided to invest $110 into our farm. This amount covered land preparation, maize seeds, and fertilizer for the 0.5-acre plot we had left. I planted maize, hoping for a good harvest that would allow me to sell the produce. My goal is to save enough to buy land in a safer area, away from the threat of floods, ensuring a more secure future for my young family. With $50, I bought food, as the transfer came during a time of severe food shortage. It was important to address this immediate need so that my family would be energized and able to work on the farm. The remaining $30 was used to buy new clothes for myself, my wife, and our child. We are immensely happy and grateful to GiveDirectly. Recovering from the devastating effects of the flood would not have been easy without their support. Thanks to GiveDirectly, we are back on our feet and moving towards a better future.
access_time 5 months ago
What do you plan to do with the cash transfer?
Receiving this money means that I will not only have a home for my family but also venture into farming. I will first prioritize building a house at a cost of KES 60000 so that we will no longer rely on my mother for shelter and then use the remaining amount to venture into butternut farming as it is the main income activity I know. I am hopeful that my life will be different once I receive these transfers.
What is the happiest part of your day?
In the past 4 months, I was able to harvest butternuts in my one acre farm. I was able to earn KES 84000 from the sale of these butternuts. This made me proud as I was able to meet the basic needs of my family and also venture into maize farming.
What is the biggest hardship you've faced in your life?
My biggest challenge currently is that I don't have a house. I rely on my mother to shelter me as my house was destroyed by the recent floods in our village. I am not able to build a better house or repair it because I also lost vegetables (kales) and maize in my farm. These crops were my only source of income but unfortunately, I lost them all. This makes me sad as I now have to rely on burning charcoal as a source of livelihood.