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Newsfeed > Chrissy's Profile
Chrissy's family
Subsistence farming
Malawi Large Transfers
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access_time over 1 year ago
What do you plan to do with the cash transfer?
Receiving this money means that I will buy needed materials for the boysquarter and finish up the project so that my children, Mattias, Gift, Brian, Miracle and Precious should move in. This has been my long overdue wish so that's why I would do that first. Unfortunately I am unaware of the current prices of these items but maybe my spouse, Dickson Sanderson would have an idea. As of now he's away at work at Utale 2 primary school. Having completed the boysquarter project, I plan on buying new chairs for my house so that I have comfortable seats in my house. Additionally, I would buy an extra bag of cement for the floor in my bedroom because the one on it now has cracks.
What is the happiest part of your day?
In the past 6 months my source of joy and happiness has been from the fact that I have been able to find food on a daily basis which is not the case for most families in these parts. I am grateful to God and excited for there hasn't been a single day where I lacked food.
What is the biggest hardship you've faced in your life?
Thank God we have food in my household but we are still unsatisfied because of the our living conditions. I have a huge family of 8 children and sleeping space has always been a challenge considering 3 are girls and 5 are boys. We decided to elect this boysquarter you see on the side of the house so that the boys should move in and create space. This was last year but up to now we are unable to finish this project due to lack of money to buy the remaining needed materials thus, cement for floor, plaster and pointing as well as door and window frames. Additionally, we need new chairs for our house, as you can see the ones inside are torn and worn out that don't offer us the comfort we need.