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Newsfeed > Kazosi's Profile
Kazosi's family
Small business
Kenya Large Transfer
There will be no further updates from this completed recipient.
2nd Payment
Transfer Amount
55000 KES ($381 USD)
access_time 8 months ago
How is your life different than it would have been if you never received the transfer?
In the years ahead, my big dream is to raise cows on my own. Having cows would mean not just economic security but also a steady source of income. When they have calves, it's like having money grow on its own, and in times of trouble, I could sell them to handle emergencies. Right now, I don't have enough money to start this venture because most of what I earn goes into buying food. But I believe that with time and perseverance, I'll be able to turn this dream into reality.
In your opinion, what does GiveDirectly do well, and what does it not do well?
Givedirectly does well in providing direct cash transfers, which helped me secure a house. It's a straightforward process that allows recipients to decide how best to use the funds to meet their needs and I feel nothing about their way of operation should be changed.
What did you spend your most recent transfer(s) on?
When I got the second cash, I used $380 to build a 0ne roomed house for my son because he had no proper place to sleep. He used to borrow places to sleep, which made him very uncomfortable. I work as a casual laborer, making charcoal and selling aloe vera, but I only earn about $30 every two weeks, and sometimes even less. This isn't enough to cover our needs, especially food and school fees for my three children. I'm the only one supporting my family, with my children helping with odd jobs. I used $40 to buy food because sometimes we would go a whole day without eating, and another $40 went to pay off food debts. Then, I used $76 to pay off school fees for two of my children who had accrued fees over time. This made my children happy because now they can focus on school without worries. Unfortunately, my husband doesn't support us as he has another family.
Initial Payment
Transfer Amount
55000 KES ($349 USD)
access_time 10 months ago
Describe the moment when you received your money. How did you feel?
At precisely 3 p.m., I found myself tending to my livestock on the farm when the unexpected chime of my phone echoed in the rural stillness. Illiterate but hopeful, I sought the assistance of a friend to decipher the message's origin. A surge of euphoria overcame me as she revealed that it was an Mpesa message from GiveDirectly, indicating the deposit of my first unconditional cash transfer. Gratitude and dreams intertwined as I envisioned a tangible change in my life. The persistent torment of nightly rains penetrating the grass-thatched roof of my previous dwelling was now set to become a distant memory. With the newfound financial support, the prospect of building a sturdy, rain-resistant home transformed from a distant hope to an imminent reality.
Describe the biggest difference in your daily life since you started receiving payments from GiveDirectly.
Ever since I made the tough decision to leave my husband and return with my two children to my parents' compound, life has been an uphill battle. Our previous grass-thatched house exposed us to all the unforgiving elements, especially during heavy rains. As a mother, it pained me deeply, especially when neighbors started hurling hurtful words our way. Our small dwelling compounded our struggles, exacerbating the discomfort with thick smoke every time I cooked. It was a terrible situation that weighed heavily on my shoulders. However, thanks to the unconditional cash transfers from GiveDirectly, everything changed. I now feel an immense sense of relief and joy in owning a spacious, two-bedroom house that comfortably accommodates my family. No more mockery or ridicule; the change has been monumental. The absence of judgmental whispers has made the biggest difference in my daily life, fostering hope and happiness in our newfound sanctuary. The newfound stability and security in our own home have been a beacon of light in what was once a stormy existence.
What did you spend your most recent transfer(s) on?
For over two decades, I endured the challenges of raising my two children in a cramped and dilapidated house, a constant reminder of the struggles that came with my divorce a decade ago. The weight of societal judgment and scorn was a burden I carried daily. However, when the unconditional monthly cash transfer arrived, a glimmer of hope illuminated my life. I decided to invest it wisely. I purchased iron sheets, timber, nails, and building poles, allocating around $450. The transformation was remarkable. Now, standing in the embrace of my new home, I feel a sense of pride and relief that words cannot adequately express. With the remaining $100, I ensured my children and I had enough food, a basic necessity that was often a luxury in our previous circumstances. My income from the charcoal business and farming, which typically amounts to around $50 a month, can now be stretched further. This unexpected support has been a lifeline, a gesture of kindness that has brought me immeasurable gratitude and a renewed sense of strength. In the echoes of my past struggles, I now find solace within the walls of my newfound home. The generosity bestowed upon me has ignited a flame of resilience, and for the first time in years, I feel a profound sense of hope that transcends the material changes I see around me.
access_time 1 year ago
What do you plan to do with the cash transfer?
I am a single mother of two living with my family in a one room house with grass roof. The house also serves as the kitchen. I do casual jobs earning approximately $20 per month which caters for food and school fees for my two children. The money is not enough such that most of the time the family goes without food. The house is not suitable for the children to do their studies during night time. I will build a two room house worth $600 . This will be spacious enough to accommodate the family and also give opportunity to my children to have studies at night. The children have a school fees balance of $112 and this makes them miss classes sometime. I will also use $300 to clear the balances and also make a prepayment so that they settle at school and focus on their education.
What is the happiest part of your day?
I like crop family despite the climate challenges that we have in our community. Famine has been a problem in the community such that securing for consistently for even a week is a challenge. In April 2023, we received rain and I ventured into crop farming. I planted maize crops on my four acre piece of land despite the destruction caused by elephants I got two bags of maize each 50kg. The maize sustain the family for at least three months. The harvest brought happiness in my life.
What is the biggest hardship you've faced in your life?
Housing is the challenge I am currently facing in life. I am a mother of two and I live in a one room structure that also serves as the kitchen. No proper beddings and I sleep on the earthen floor with my children. This has happened for ten years now. The house leaks during rain season and it is prone to theft since it lacks a door so anyone can get in at anytime.