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Newsfeed > Kauchi's Profile
Kauchi's family
Kenya Basic Income
Upcoming Stage
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30th Payment
Transfer Amount
3470 KES ($27 USD)
access_time 4 days ago
How is your life different than it would have been if you never received the transfer?
In the coming year and beyond, I hope to transform my home into a safe and welcoming place by renovating the roofing, which has become old and rusty over the years. I feel a deep sense of pride in my home, and I know that a new roof will not only protect my family but also bring a fresh look to our living space. To achieve this, I plan to buy one iron sheet every month, slowly but surely making progress toward my goal of 14 sheets. This journey of improvement will not just be about fixing my house; it will be about creating a loving environment where cherished memories can flourish.
What did you spend your most recent transfer(s) on?
As an elderly mother without children of my own, I have come to rely on my co-wife's son for support. Recently, I found myself burdened with a $20 debt at a local shop where I had taken goods on credit. Realizing that it was prudent to settle this debt and free myself from the worry it brought, I decided to use part of my most recent three transfers to pay it off. This act not only alleviated my financial stress but also restored my peace of mind, allowing me to focus on more pressing matters in my life. After clearing my debt, I turned my attention to the well-being of my co-wife's son, who has been struggling to make ends meet with casual jobs. I spent $40 on food to ease his burden, recognizing that providing some relief was essential. Additionally, I invested in my future by purchasing three chickens for $15, bringing my total to seven. This small flock is not only a source of sustenance but also a potential source of income. Finally, with the remaining $27, I bought myself some new clothes, as my old ones were worn and tattered. This small act of self-care reminded me that, despite my age, I still deserve to feel good about myself.
26th Payment
Transfer Amount
3470 KES ($27 USD)
access_time 4 months ago
How is your life different than it would have been if you never received the transfer?
When my house collapsed some time ago, it felt like my world had crumbled with it. But thanks to GiveDirectly, I was able to rebuild a new house. Although I constructed the new house, I had to use the old, rusty iron sheets from my previous home for the roofing because I needed to complete it urgently. Now, these iron sheets are leaking and deteriorating further. In the coming year, I aim to save the monthly transfers bit by bit, balancing it carefully with my family’s needs, to secure a new, sturdy iron sheet roof. This will make my home safer and more comfortable.
What did you spend your most recent transfer(s) on?
Relying on casual labor of burning charcoal in my old age has been a big challenge for me. Since I did not have children, life has been so hard for me, but thanks to my monthly transfers, I've managed to make ends meet. Out of the $102 from the three recent transfers, I was able to secure food for $50, ensuring I have enough to keep me going since I did not get any harvest last season. It brought me immense relief to know I wouldn't go hungry, and I could finally focus on other pressing needs without worrying about my next meal. I also bought a mattress for $38, replacing the torn mats I was using. It felt like a dream to finally rest comfortably at night. The aches and pains from sleeping on the hard floor are now a thing of the past, and I wake up feeling much more refreshed and ready to face the day. With $2, I bought some detergents, keeping my surroundings clean and myself healthy. The remaining $12 has been saved for any emergency that may occur, giving me peace of mind knowing I have a small safety net.
22nd Payment
Transfer Amount
3470 KES ($23 USD)
access_time 8 months ago
How is your life different than it would have been if you never received the transfer?
Even though I recently built a new house, the roof was constructed with iron sheets salvaged from the wreckage of my old house. Unfortunately, these sheets are not in the best condition, showing signs of rust and developing perforations over the years, causing water leaks during rainy periods. This doesn't look ideal for a new house, does it? I have a plan to address this issue by saving money from the cash transfers until I have enough to replace the iron sheets. The cash transfers have given me the confidence to take on projects like these without relying on my nephew for financial support. He already bears a significant burden of school fees for his six children, and I wouldn't want to add another financial strain. 
What did you spend your most recent transfer(s) on?
The cash transfers have been incredibly supportive, especially for elderly individuals like me. Unable to take on any job to make a living, the transfers have made it possible for me to afford things that were once beyond reach due to a lack of funds. My family mainly relies on my nephew for necessities such as food and school fees for his six children. However, his sporadic jobs in house construction are unreliable, and meeting basic needs is often a challenge. The cash transfers have made it easier for me to access essential items and services that were once difficult to afford. From the recent two cash transfers, I allocated $32 to obtain a mattress. While I had already replaced my old sisal-roped bed with a new wooden one, I lacked the necessary bedding for it. I am pleased to have a comfortable mattress now, providing me with better sleep compared to the fatigue I experienced with the old bed. Additionally, I used $20 for a health checkup appointment to regulate my blood pressure in old age. The remaining amount was contributed towards providing food for the family, helping to ease the burden on my nephew.
18th Payment
Transfer Amount
3470 KES ($23 USD)
access_time 1 year ago
How is your life different than it would have been if you never received the transfer?
In the upcoming year and beyond, my primary objective is to make significant investments in acquiring livestock. By doing so, I aim to establish a sustainable source of income through the multiplication of my livestock and the subsequent sale of the surplus in the market. This strategy ensures that even after the conclusion of the financial aid from Give Directly, I will have a reliable asset to rely on. By focusing on livestock, I am proactively securing my financial stability and creating a long-term plan for self-sufficiency. The multiplication of the livestock will not only provide me with ongoing income but also serve as a valuable asset that can be used to support my needs and aspirations in the future. I am grateful for the initial support provided by Give Directly, as it has set me on a path towards self-reliance and financial independence.
What did you spend your most recent transfer(s) on?
To improve my comfort during the night, I decided to invest in blankets worth $11. The sheet I had been using was too light to keep me warm, and I often felt the cold while sleeping. Additionally, I purchased two hens with the hope that they would multiply, providing me with a valuable source of income. If any unexpected expenses arise, I can sell the hens and utilize the funds to address urgent needs. I recently experienced a bountiful harvest, which allowed me to allocate $11 towards grinding the maize into flour for consumption. Prior to the harvest, I had to purchase food from a shop, spending a total of $48 to sustain myself during challenging economic times. Fortunately, I was able to save $20 from the financial support I received, which I intend to use in the upcoming months to acquire a goat. As a widow with no one else to depend on, the financial boost from the transfers has brought me great happiness. It enables me to meet my own needs and provides a sense of security. In particular, I am grateful for the opportunity to improve my living conditions by investing in essential items and creating potential income sources.
14th Payment
Transfer Amount
3470 KES ($25 USD)
access_time over 1 year ago
How is your life different than it would have been if you never received the transfer?
I am thrilled to have finally acquired a bed after an extended period of time. Now, my objective is to obtain a mattress to ensure comfortable sleep and alleviate the burden of carrying backpacks. Additionally, I plan to capitalize on the recent abundant harvest resulting from substantial rainfall by investing in livestock. With an abundance of food, I can save a significant portion from my monthly transfers to finance the procurement of livestock. As the livestock grows, I will sell a portion of them and utilize the funds to address my most urgent requirements.
What did you spend your most recent transfer(s) on?
I work as a casual laborer, earning a living by selling charcoal and working on other people's farms. The income I make from these jobs is not substantial, and I struggle to meet my needs. Unfortunately, I have been unable to have children, and as a result, I have relied heavily on my stepson, who works as a construction worker in the town, to send us money for our expenses. He has many responsibilities of his own, including providing for his own family and paying school fees for his six children. For a while now, I have had a strong desire to buy a comfortable bed and mattress so that I can sleep better, but my limited income has made it difficult for me to achieve this dream. However, recently, I received some money transfers and used all of it, along with some additional savings, to purchase a $40 bed. Despite enduring severe back pain and struggling with my health for a long time, I had to make do with sleeping on a hard surface, which was very uncomfortable. I am incredibly happy now that I have this new bed, as it will allow me to finally enjoy a good night's sleep and, to some extent, improve my deteriorating health. After waiting for a long time, I can finally wear a smile on my face, having fulfilled one of my longest-held dreams.
9th Payment
Transfer Amount
3470 KES ($28 USD)
access_time almost 2 years ago
How is your life different than it would have been if you never received the transfer?
First, I would like to register my gratitude to the organization for the assistance. I used to struggle to make ends meet in terms of getting some food but nowadays the stress has been reduced. Currently, I have a goal that I would like to accomplish by the end of the year. Since I have been sleeping on the floor using some boxes and rags as bedding, I would like to get a bed and a mattress. This will make me sleep comfortably unlike now. Apart from that, I would also like to get some poultry that is; chicken or goats depending on their availability and how affordable they will be. This is because I want to have an investment that will aid me to cater to my family so that I save the amount I will be receiving from GiveDirectly for a bigger project with time.
What did you spend your most recent transfer(s) on?
Due to my advanced age, I cannot actively contribute to my needs. I depend on my son who works as a casual laborer and sometimes burns charcoal to make a living. The little he makes barely covers any need beyond the basics, that is food and school fees for his six children. I hate worrying him with any ask above the essentials for it would put so much strain on him. This is why I was patient to obtain a wooden bed to replace the sisal twined one that I have been using for so long. Gladly, the cash transfer allowed me to save for the bed, and I set aside $20. I plan to use the next transfer to fully pay for the bed and start enjoying more comfortable nights. Also, not to be a burden to my son, I contributed the remaining amount towards the purchase of food for the household. At least this bought him more time to find the money.
6th Payment
Transfer Amount
3050 KES ($25 USD)
access_time almost 2 years ago
What did you spend your most recent transfer(s) on?
After I got the chance to withdraw the money, I decided to spend KES. 1,500 in buying four hens to invest in poultry farming. This is because back in the village poultry is highly marketable and I plan to rear them and after they produce I could always put them for sell if I'm struggling financially. I then proceeded to use KES 1,000 in purchasing a sack of maize flour because there was barely any food in the house and it was less cheaper compared to buying maize flour. Lastly I used the remaining balance of KES 500 and bought two kilograms of beans and sugar.
2nd Payment
Transfer Amount
3050 KES ($26 USD)
access_time over 2 years ago
In your opinion, what does GiveDirectly do well, and what does it not do well?
In my opinion GiveDirectly is doing an amazing job because through the donations I managed to begin investment in a poultry farming project which I had aspired for for the longest time. The project is aimed at giving me sustainability in the future so that I can be better equipped at depending on myself rather than my children like I did in the past.
What did you spend your most recent transfer(s) on?
After receiving the funds I decided to buy about four hens because I have wanted to begin a project on poultry farming for the purposes of financial gain tor the longest time now but what derailed me was the lack of finances. Therefore I took KES 1,000 from the transfers and bought three hens and one cock. I was left with a balance if KES 2,000 and I ended up using half of it in matters associated with nutrition because having a meal was at times challenging so I bought five packets of maize flour accompanied with two kilograms of beans and sugar. Then as for what remained I decided to leave it in my savings account and wait for the next necessity that would arise later on.
Initial Payment
Transfer Amount
1200 KES ($10 USD)
access_time over 2 years ago
Describe the moment when you received your money. How did you feel?
I was doing some household chores when I overheard some neighbours talking about Mpesa messages they had received from Give Directly. I was expecting some money they had promised to send monthly so I called my helper to come and check for me. I was overjoyed when he disclosed to me that I had also received my first transfer KES 1200. I could now afford to buy foodstuffs that could serve my family for some weeks.
Describe the biggest difference in your daily life since you started receiving payments from GiveDirectly.
I have been doing subsistence farming and getting a good harvest thus food security in my household. When drought struck our area we could not manage to have good harvest. Doing farming has now become difficult due to inadequate rains. At my old age, I cannot work thus I depend on my son for livelihood. He also has a family to take care of as well as paying school fees for the children. He does casual jobs with low pay though at times its unreliable. We had to skip meals because of lack of sustainable income. I thank GiveDirectly because when I received my first transfer, I did enough shopping on foodstuffs such as maize flour that could serve us for some weeks. This reduced my son's financial burden.
What did you spend your most recent transfer(s) on?
I spent Ksh. 500 of my first transfer to buy two chickens for poultry farming project. I am planning to venture into the project as an investment which can be a good source of income in the near future. When chickens will have reproduce, I'll sell some in case of any financial problem. Currently, I depend on my son for livelihood and he has his own family too to support. I feel taking care of us all is a burden to him, thus I am expecting some good returns from this project to enable me to support myself. I spent the remaining Ksh. 700 on buying foodstuffs such as maize flour to serve us for some weeks. At least I could now afford to take three meals a day unlike before.
access_time over 2 years ago
What does receiving this money mean to you?
We are a family of nine people and we all depend on a solitary breadwinner. I have always felt it is a huge responsibility to him. Receiving this money means I will be able to take some of the responsibilities such as buying food and also taking care of my daily expenses on my own so that I can reduce overdependence on him.
What is the happiest part of your day?
I was having some pains in my entire body for a month. My son took me to the hospital to seek medication and I thank God I am now feeling better. This has brought peace of mind, joy and happiness.
What is the biggest hardship you've faced in your life?
Food. I am a farmer and the prolonged drought conditions have made my life miserable as I always depend on subsistence farming and the lack of rains means I was left with nothing to harvest.