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Newsfeed > Bismark's Profile
Bismark's family
Casual labor
Kenya Large Transfer
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2nd Payment
Transfer Amount
45000 KES ($293 USD)
access_time 11 months ago
How is your life different than it would have been if you never received the transfer?
Despite having numerous tasks related to construction and other household matters, my determination is to focus on farming, especially with the acquisition of a new piece of land. I am optimistic about the potential for a better harvest, particularly if the rains are favorable. The challenge of insufficient rain has impacted past farming efforts, leading to less successful outcomes. To address this, I am strategically farming closer to streams, ensuring a more reliable water source during short rains. Additionally, I plan to implement inter-cropping practices, combining long-season crops with short-season crops. This approach not only optimizes land utilization but also enhances the chances of a successful harvest. Despite the many responsibilities, my commitment to effective farming practices remains a priority for sustainable household well-being.
In your opinion, what does GiveDirectly do well, and what does it not do well?
In my view, GiveDirectly is undertaking commendable work that has enabled me to accomplish tasks I couldn't have managed before. Now, I can plan ahead differently, unlike when I solely depended on hard-to-find casual labor. My family is now able to enjoy regular meals, and we find peace in knowing that we are utilizing the support we received in a meaningful way. Everything went well, and I believe the positive impact is extending to other villages as well.
What did you spend your most recent transfer(s) on?
Upon receiving the second transfer, my first priority was investing in construction materials for a new house, and I spent $150 on purchasing 15 iron sheets. The transportation cost incurred to bring them home from the shopping center amounted to $20. Anticipating the need for construction poles, I made an initial payment of $60 and am currently awaiting their delivery, understanding that it may take more than a week due to the distance. With the goal of expanding my farming activities in the upcoming year, I made a lease payment of $100 for an acre of land closer to the stream. This strategic location aims to enhance sustainability with the ongoing rainfall. Additionally, in preparation for furnishing the yet-to-be-constructed house, I spent $50 on furniture, acquiring 5 plastic chairs and a table. I used a sum of $16 on foodstuff, including maize and sugar, to sustain my current family of three. The remaining funds were used to purchase clothes and other household goods, preparing for the upcoming Christmas celebrations with my family.
Initial Payment
Transfer Amount
18010 KES ($120 USD)
access_time 12 months ago
Describe the moment when you received your money. How did you feel?
The atmosphere was calm, and the sun was setting, casting a warm orange glow across the horizon. I had spent the day toiling on my neighbor's tomato farm, trying to earn a meager living. In the evening, I met up with my friend, looking forward to some relaxing conversation. As we chatted, my friend's face lit up with a smile as he checked his phone. Excitedly, he told me about receiving the GD transfer. My heart raced with anticipation as I fumbled for my phone in the pocket of my trousers. The moment of truth had arrived. When I checked, my eyes widened in disbelief; I had received an amount that was promised earlier by GiveDirectly. Brimming with excitement, I hurried home to share the incredible news with my spouse. The possibilities seemed endless, and together, we eagerly began planning how to wisely utilize this blessing.
Describe the biggest difference in your daily life since you started receiving payments from GiveDirectly.
Certainly, I am experiencing a significant improvement in my life compared to before. The assurance that my family has enough food on the table has brought a profound sense of peace to my daily life. No longer do we worry about going hungry or scrounging for meals. Additionally, having a comfortable mattress to sleep on has drastically improved the quality of my sleep and overall well-being. It might seem like a simple thing, but a good night's rest is invaluable. I am truly grateful for that.
What did you spend your most recent transfer(s) on?
The first thing I did with the transfer was to ensure my family's basic needs were met. I allocated $50 to purchase a sack of dry maize, a vital source of sustenance for my family of three. In addition, I spent $20 on essential groceries, guaranteeing that our pantry was stocked with food. As the sole provider for my family, my work in casual farm labor is irregular, and on a good week, I might earn a mere $6. This income is far from sufficient, especially considering the needs of my growing family, particularly my baby, who is under one year old. Ensuring the proper nourishment of my child's mother is crucial for the baby's well-being. I also allocated $50 to buy clothes, supplementing the very few garments we had. Wearing the same clothes repeatedly had become a source of embarrassment for me, especially when I was around my peers. This investment in clothing brought a sense of dignity and confidence. Additionally, I used part of the money, $40, to purchase a new mattress, replacing the old, small one that had been given to me by my mother during my high school years. Now, our nights are warm and comfortable, providing us with the rest we need. These purchases, though seemingly simple, significantly improved the quality of life for my family and me. I utilized the remaining funds to clear a debt that I had.
access_time 1 year ago
What do you plan to do with the cash transfer?
Receiving this money means financial independence. I do not have a stable source of income neither does my wife. Casual jobs at people's farms have decreased due to the lack of rainfall hence scarcity of even food. I did not complete my education therefore I cannot secure formal employment. I plan on purchasing livestock, especially goats with the transfers because, in due course, it will multiply and I can sell due to the readily available market. I also want to build a descent house for my family of three. Give directly has given me the hope that I had completely lost and I am looking forward to leading a good life.
What is the happiest part of your day?
Life has been difficult for me and my family and nothing has given me joy in life. I struggle so much to get money to feed my family, sometimes I lack and I am forced to borrow from my parents or take foodstuff on credit. This saddens me and each day I wake up I am filled with thoughts of how I can make my life better.
What is the biggest hardship you've faced in your life?
The persistent drought has been a challenge for the past three years. I rely on farming to make income, but due to the scarcity of water yield has gone down hence a reduction in income. This has made it difficult to comfortably cater to all the basic needs of my family.