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Newsfeed > Rusia's Profile
Rusia's family
Raising livestock
Kenya Large Transfer
There will be no further updates from this completed recipient.
3rd Payment
Transfer Amount
45000 KES ($341 USD)
access_time 6 months ago
How is your life different than it would have been if you never received the transfer?
Now that I am unable to do heavy tasks due to my health condition, my wish was to invest heavily in farming. Unfortunately, I cannot do that because it requires a lot of energy. So, my plan is just to focus on and invest in my mangoes and papayas because they only need to be watered, and I have plenty of water at home. From their harvest, I will be able to meet my basic needs.
In your opinion, what does GiveDirectly do well, and what does it not do well?
GiveDirectly has positively impacted my life so much. One thing I really appreciate about GiveDirectly is that they have enrolled so many women in these transfers compared to men. Women know how to manage cash without wasting it, unlike men who often spend money on alcohol without investing it. Whenever you visit other villages, please enroll only women because they have many expenses that need to be settled.
What did you spend your most recent transfer(s) on?
Life on my side has not been easy. Since 2020, I have been suffering from arthritis and stomach ulcers, which have made me feel unwell and unable to do any heavy work. Therefore, fetching water from long distances has been a problem for me. After receiving my last transfer, I invested $175 to purchase a water tank so that I could harvest rainwater or refill my tank and have sufficient water at my homestead. However, after finishing that part of the water, I also used $210 to purchase fencing materials to fence my farm so that it would be safe from being entered and destroyed by other people's livestock. This way, whenever I want to go anywhere, I do not have to worry that my farm will be destroyed. I have planted papaya, mangoes, and vegetables in that farm, although the vegetables were swept away by floods, at least the mangoes and papayas have remained safe. With the remaining $70, I used it to purchase enough food. Previously, I was depending on casual jobs such as burning charcoal, or we would use my husband's pension after he retired from being a police officer. Now, he is just at home, and he is also very old. Our children are all married, but I have two of my grandchildren at home whom I am taking care of. I really appreciate GiveDirectly for their help. At least my life has improved compared to the past when I suffered a lot to achieve some of the things that I wanted. I am hoping my future will be better.
2nd Payment
Transfer Amount
45000 KES ($293 USD)
access_time 11 months ago
How is your life different than it would have been if you never received the transfer?
Looking into the coming year and beyond, my aspiration is to delve further into cash crop farming, specifically focusing on fruits. Currently, I have taken the initial steps by planting 11 mango seedlings. The choice of mangoes is deliberate, considering their resilience in thriving even during dry seasons, and the substantial productivity they offer once they start bearing fruits. This venture into fruit farming aligns with my long-term goals, aiming for sustainable agricultural practices that contribute to both economic stability and the productivity of the land. I am optimistic that the cultivation of mangoes will prove to be a fruitful endeavor, providing a valuable source of income in the future.
In your opinion, what does GiveDirectly do well, and what does it not do well?
GiveDirectly did an excellent job that benefited not only those in dire need but the entire village. The impact of the money was significant as we had the freedom to spend it on what we deemed fit. The GiveDirectly staff played a crucial role in educating the community on all security measures when receiving the money, outlining potential risks and how to be vigilant against them. I believe nothing should change in the program as it proceeds to other villages.
What did you spend your most recent transfer(s) on?
Upon receiving both the first and second transfers, my husband and I devised a plan to enhance our living conditions. We allocated $367 for the purchase of barbed wire, chain links, and fencing poles, and covered the associated labor charges to fence our property. Our farm had been vulnerable to invasion by stray livestock from the neighborhood, causing damage to any attempts at planting trees or crops. Additionally, I allocated $73 for foodstuffs and household consumables, ensuring provisions for my family of four. Recognizing my husband's personal needs, I provided him with $10 to acquire the necessary items. Previously, our livelihood had relied on chicken farming and charcoal production, both of which contributed to sustaining our household finances.
Initial Payment
Transfer Amount
20000 KES ($133 USD)
access_time 1 year ago
Describe the moment when you received your money. How did you feel?
While I was at the hospital, managing my health, the message came in around 4 p.m. The joy I felt was profound because it meant I could finally address a long-standing need—to purchase utensils and seats. Having proper seating, especially for the women who participate in the merry-go-round visits every two weeks, was a concern of mine. This support arrived at a crucial time, aligning with my medical care and offering both physical and material assistance.
Describe the biggest difference in your daily life since you started receiving payments from GiveDirectly.
The positive shifts in my life are quite tangible. Stability has become a constant, allowing me to welcome visitors without the need to borrow essentials like seats and utensils, which was a common practice in the past. This newfound ability to host without depending on neighbors is a testament to the positive changes brought about by the financial support from GiveDirectly. Moreover, the investment in mango seedlings signifies a forward-looking approach. Beyond the prospect of future income, it serves as a visible symbol of the transformative impact of GiveDirectly's assistance on my life. It's a hopeful gesture towards sustainable and self-sufficient living. In essence, the changes in my life go beyond the immediate material improvements; they reflect a shift towards a more empowered and self-reliant future.
What did you spend your most recent transfer(s) on?
Spending $100 on utensils was not just about enhancing the experience for my visitors but also a significant step in reclaiming a sense of independence and self-respect. In the past, relying on borrowing from neighbors was a routine, and this investment marks a departure from that cycle. The $30 dedicated to purchasing plastic chairs is a testament to the newfound ability to host visitors without constantly relying on borrowed seats. It not only adds a layer of comfort but also boosts our sense of pride and self-sufficiency. Looking ahead, the $10 investment in mango seedlings holds promise for the future. Beyond potential income, it's a commitment to contributing positively to the environment around us. The allocation of $60 for essential groceries is a strategic move to ensure a consistent supply of food for daily sustenance. This not only safeguards against malnutrition but also contributes to maintaining a healthy and robust lifestyle. We are grateful to GiveDirectly for the support they have granted us through the transfers.
access_time 1 year ago
What do you plan to do with the cash transfer?
Receiving the transfers means so much for us. Owing to our old age we have plans to fence our farm so that when we grow maize we don't have to worry about livestock destroying them. We also plan to purchase a 5000 liter tank which will ensure that we have enough water in our household. This would cost us about $300 of the transfers. In addition to this we intend to expand our poultry farm by purchasing chicken and feeds together with a poultry house. We would use about $200 of the transfers to accomplish this. Finally we would use the transfers to pay for my daughter Naomi who is yet to join tertiary college in January next year.
What is the happiest part of your day?
Our happiness over the past 6 months has come from our wellbeing and being alive to date. Even though my husband is not feeling well, we are happy that he is recovering and we are all doing well.
What is the biggest hardship you've faced in your life?
With old age and my husband who has bad health, it has been very difficult for us. We have livestock that we take care of and because of this it's really challenging for us since our children are grown and have left home to look for work in various towns. This has made life difficult especially considering the drought that has affected our village in the recent years.