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Kiptek's family
Casual labor
Kenya Large Transfer
There will be no further updates from this completed recipient.
3rd Payment
Transfer Amount
45000 KES ($341 USD)
access_time 6 months ago
How is your life different than it would have been if you never received the transfer?
This year, my biggest dream is to get married. I've been longing for this moment, and now the plans are finally coming together. It means everything to me. Being alone has been tough. While others my age have companions by their side, I've felt a deep sense of loneliness. It's not just about having someone to share my life with; it's about having a partner to talk to, to laugh with, and to support each other through life's ups and downs. The thought of spending another day without a wife feels overwhelming. Sometimes, it's hard to even find the motivation to eat. But now, with the prospect of marriage on the horizon, I feel a renewed sense of hope and purpose. I'm eager to start this new chapter of my life as soon as possible. Every step I take towards making this dream a reality fills me with joy and anticipation. From planning the wedding to imagining our future together, every detail is important to me. I can't wait to find that special someone who will bring light and love into my life. This journey to marriage is more than just a goal; it's a journey towards happiness and fulfillment. And I'm ready to embrace it with open arms.
In your opinion, what does GiveDirectly do well, and what does it not do well?
I really admire GiveDirectly's programs. What caught my attention right away is their straightforwardness, which is clear from their name itself. There's no beating around the bush with them. One thing I truly appreciate about GiveDirectly is their commitment to honesty and transparency. They operate with integrity, ensuring that every step of their process is open and clear. There's no room for corruption in their programs, which is refreshing to see. Their approach is simple but effective. They directly provide assistance to those in need without any middlemen or complicated bureaucracy. This ensures that the help reaches the people who need it most without any delay or diversion. What I find remarkable is that I haven't seen any loopholes in their system. It's all laid out plainly, and you can see exactly where the money is going and how it's making a difference in people's lives.
What did you spend your most recent transfer(s) on?
After getting $450 from GiveDirectly, I made a choice to invest it wisely. I decided to put some of it into buying a cow. This decision was important because it means I'll have a sustainable source of milk, which I usually buy every day. Milk can be expensive, and sometimes I struggle to afford it, especially since I only do casual jobs. With some of the money, I also started a poultry venture. I used $40 to get started and bought 40 chicks. This was a big step for me. I know that taking care of these chicks can lead to a good income in the future. But to make sure they are safe and easy to manage, I used $70 to build a proper space for them. I'm focusing on this poultry venture because it offers stability. By selling eggs and eventually chicken, I won't have to worry about where my next dollar will come from. It's not just about the money; it's about being prepared for emergencies in the future. Now, I feel like I'm on the right track. These investments give me hope for a better tomorrow. With hard work and dedication, I believe I can build a brighter future for myself and my family.
2nd Payment
Transfer Amount
45000 KES ($293 USD)
access_time 10 months ago
How is your life different than it would have been if you never received the transfer?
Looking into the coming year and beyond, my plan is to transition part of our family-owned land into a fruit farming venture, focusing on mango cultivation, which thrives well in our region even during harsh droughts. Simultaneously, I aim to expand the livestock aspect of my farming, adding more sheep to the one I currently have. Presently, I rely on casual labor and engage in small-scale farming to sustain my activities. During this period, while I am still alone, I intend to save money diligently, managing my spending to accumulate funds for these ventures. This dual approach, combining fruit farming and livestock expansion, reflects my commitment to diversifying my agricultural activities and securing a sustainable source of income for the future.
In your opinion, what does GiveDirectly do well, and what does it not do well?
For everyone, GiveDirectly has had a profound impact on our daily lives, especially during challenging economic times when affording more than one meal a day was a struggle. . GiveDirectly's program has stood out as an open and transparent process that required no payment, bribes, or any deceptive tactics for enrollment. The fairness of the program is something we all appreciate and commend the organization for. The monetary support provided is deemed the best, allowing us to make timely investments based on market prices. Overall, the entire process has been commendable, and I express the wish that GiveDirectly continues with the same approach in subsequent villages.
What did you spend your most recent transfer(s) on?
Currently, I am single, and I aspire to start a family in the future. With a focus on securing my family's financial well-being, I have been dedicated to long-term investments that can provide sustained support. The generous support from GiveDirectly has significantly facilitated my ability to undertake additional projects. Upon receiving the second transfer, I allocated $340 to purchase six goats, adding to the nine I already had, bringing the total to 15. This investment is crucial for enhancing milk production and potentially selling offspring in the future, contributing to my family's financial stability. Leveraging the availability of vast grazing land, I also acquired a three-months-incalf sheep at $110, a low-maintenance option that can graze independently. With future plans to expand my flock, I intend to utilize the support from the small savings accumulated through casual labor and other farming activities. The support from GiveDirectly has opened doors for me to build a foundation for a secure and prosperous family life.
Initial Payment
Transfer Amount
20000 KES ($134 USD)
access_time 12 months ago
Describe the moment when you received your money. How did you feel?
Engrossed in the daily tasks of fencing around my home, the familiar chime of a notification on my phone interrupted the rhythmic intonation of my chores. A quick glance revealed that it was the promised amount from GiveDirectly, and in that moment, a profound sense of relief washed over me. In a time where securing a casual job was a challenging endeavor, this financial assistance was a lifeline, a solution to the pressing issue of putting food on the table. The weight of uncertainty regarding meals, a constant concern in the backdrop of daily life, was suddenly lifted.
Describe the biggest difference in your daily life since you started receiving payments from GiveDirectly.
It warms my heart to share that my life has taken a turn for the better since receiving support from GiveDirectly. The burden of constant worry about where the next meal would come from or how to secure casual employment has been lifted. Moreover, the assistance has provided me with the means to acquire decent clothing, enabling me to present myself with dignity and confidence. Beyond the immediate needs, the relief has extended to addressing health concerns. I have been grappling with eye problems that had previously hindered my ability to engage in any form of work. With the financial support, I prioritized seeking medical care for my eyes, and I am pleased to report a significant improvement in my condition. This positive transformation, both in terms of material well-being and health, is a testament to the impactful change that GiveDirectly has brought into my life. I express my deepest gratitude to GiveDirectly for alleviating the immediate challenges and also empowering me to take charge of my health and overall well-being. This support has truly made a meaningful difference in my life, allowing me to embrace each day with hope and optimism.
What did you spend your most recent transfer(s) on?
With a thoughtful approach to distributing the funds received, I allocated $70 to address the immediate concern of sustenance. This financial decision ensured that my family had access to nutritious meals. In a bid to enhance the quality of life in my household, another $70 was dedicated to improving the living space. The purchase of furniture, including chairs and a table, aimed to create a warm and welcoming atmosphere for both family and visitors. This investment went beyond its functional aspects and carried a deep significance—it symbolized a commitment to fostering a sense of comfort and togetherness within my home. Furthermore, recognizing the importance of maintaining a secure and well-kept environment, I used $30 to clear my compound, that involved using a power saw machine to address the precarious state of an acacia tree that, if left unattended, could pose potential risks to my residence. This proactive measure contributed not only to the safety of my surroundings but also to the aesthetic appeal of my living space, fostering an environment conducive to well-being and peace of mind. In making these decisions, my goal was not to address immediate needs but to invest in aspects that would contribute to a better and more fulfilling quality of life for myself and my family.
access_time 1 year ago
What do you plan to do with the cash transfer?
Due to persistent eye problems affecting my work ability. I need to solve this, it has been there since early 2021. I need to visit a good eye specialist. The previous engagement with a doctor indicated that I need about $150. After treating myself, I know that I can work well without worrying about my eye. Secondly, I need to make a good investment in goats. I currently have 4. I plan to buy 20 more. This will cost me about $500. They do well here, hence in no time, I will be owning a large stock. This will support my future activities. It can also act as a cushion during emergencies. I also need to optimize my farm. Mangoes do well here, I will plant 20 mangoes on my land. This will cost approximately $100. They have a 5-year maturity. I also need to expand my poultry. I now have 3 hens. I will then buy 50 more chicks. This project will cost me approximately $150. It's easy rearing chicken, you only need enough feeds and medicine. They also start fetching income faster.
What is the happiest part of your day?
My joy is the 1-acre land I own, it can be irrigated. This means I can be able to sustain myself through farming. It's brings me happiness now that I am harvesting maize for sale to a local seed company.
What is the biggest hardship you've faced in your life?
I have an eye problem. It had been a hindrance to my day-to-day work activities. The right eye is sometimes painful, especially during the night. Hence I cannot have a good rest. Additionally, during the day, I cannot see completely. This means I cannot perform my daily tasks such as farming or looking for casual jobs. Since I don't have the amount needed for medical attention, I am forced to stay this way. This has affected my ability to fend for myself optimally.