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We check in with people at each stage of the cash transfer process to see how things are going. Take a look at some of their stories as they appear here in real-time. Learn more about how recipients opt in to share their stories.
Newsfeed > Kelemesiya's Profile
Kelemesiya's family
Small business
Malawi Large Transfers
There will be no further updates from this completed recipient.
Initial Payment
Transfer Amount
354200 MWK ($346 USD)
access_time almost 2 years ago
What did you spend your most recent transfer(s) on?
I spend my most recent transfer to pay school fees for my 3 kids who are still in primary school..The approximate amount of money that I spent on this was about $5..I did this so that the kids should remain in school and have a brighter future. I bought 7 bags of maize at $20 each..This bags of maize will be enough for me and my family and will help my family to be food secured. I also used part of the money to pay for transport during transportation of the bags of maize and I used about $3 as transfer one night when my younger daughter was sick and needed to go to the hospital urgently. Furthermore I spent about $32 to purchase clothes and bedding for my children..I bought at least a dress and shoes for my female children and at least a shirt, short and shoes for my male children. Lastly, I bought 2 bags of fertiliser at $67 each..With this, I will be able to harvest more food and I will never experience hunger issues in my household.
Describe the biggest difference in your daily life since you started receiving payments from GiveDirectly.
The biggest difference in daily life is that I am now able to eat at least three times a day as compared to the past..Also when coming back from the field, I am able to find food at home hence we are all happy as a family.. I feel like i am enjoying in my marriage as I don't force my husband to find piece works anymore as food is always available in the house..I am a happy woman and wife all thanks to Givedirectly..There are no household conflicts since basic needs are now easily accessible.
Describe the moment when you received your money. How did you feel?
The moment when I received my cash transfer I was so happy since I had so many problems..I received the message around 4pm at my house and I rejoiced throughout the night.
access_time 2 years ago
What is the biggest hardship you've faced in your life?
Failure to find casual jobs gives me stress these days. I am unable to make money and support my family nowadays because I can't secure casual labour like I used to. For instance, in the past I was able to do piece works in peoples farms and get paid like 1000 kwacha on a daily basis which was enough for me to buy dish for my family but with the high cost of living even those who used to give me such work are failing to offer me the jobs now. Sometimes I would do the ganyu and they'd give me a bucket of maize but not in today's life. Additionally, as you can see I have about 4 children living with me in this house and taking care of them in terms of dressing and other basic needs is expensive on its own, just thinking about that and the fact that I am unable to meet those needs makes me feel like a failure. These give me headaches but I have accepted that this is the way of life nowadays.
What is the happiest part of your day?
The past 6 months have been full of mixed emotions but the birth of my grandchild in Lilongwe gave me a sigh of great excitement. I was there awaiting that birth and fortunately the Lord blessed us with a grand daughter on the 22nd of August 2022. I was extremely happy when she was born. Coming back here at home and being warmly welcomed by my children here just added icing on the cake of my happiness. I feel extremely happy when my children are coexisting in peace and harmony it gives my heart sheer joy.
What do you plan to do with the cash transfer?
Receiving this money would mean that I would be able to extend my house, which has always been my plan, so that it accomodates all my children since currently it only has 2 rooms and I have 4 children living with me. So I would buy extra iron sheets and extend the house. Then I would also buy 2 goats and rear them. I would make sure that they breed and produce morw so that I am able to sell some in future in times of need. The other part of the money I would use it for the most important element, thus, buy bags of fertilizer. I would buy 3 or 4 bags of fertilizer and apply in my field. I believe that would be sufficient with the way I farm and this would in turn help me have enough harvest next thereby avoiding hunger like the one I am facing this year.