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Newsfeed > Sidi's Profile
Sidi's family
Subsistence farming
Kenya Basic Income
Upcoming Stage
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25th Payment
Transfer Amount
3470 KES ($27 USD)
access_time 1 month ago
How is your life different than it would have been if you never received the transfer?
For now, I have two goals in mind. The first is to construct a larger, two-bedroom house for my family. To achieve this, I have devised a strategic plan using my monthly cash transfers. The current house is too small to accommodate my family, and it could collapse at any time, leaving us homeless. Therefore, by the end of this year, I want to start this project for the sake of my family's security and to restore my dignity. My second goal is to acquire many goats, as I hope they will multiply and increase in both number and value over time. In the future, when I have accumulated a substantial herd of goats, I plan to sell some to fund other lucrative projects as well as to support my son's education. I am hopeful that both plans will come to fruition, as providing my family with a spacious home and a thriving herd of goats would mean so much.
What did you spend your most recent transfer(s) on?
My son, who is now in Form 3, had been sent home due to accumulated arrears. Since I didn't have anything in my savings, he had to stay home. Luckily, the same week I received the transfers, I gave him $25 so he could continue his studies. This felt like motivation for him, as I could see from his face when he went back to school. In addition, I bought a goat and two chickens for $38, which I now keep at home. These will serve as my security in case I experience any financial constraints in the future, as I can sell some if needed. I also bought an iron sheet, bringing the total to three so far. My goal is to have more than twenty sheets with the aim of building a new house, as the current one is not in good condition and is on the verge of collapsing. It can no longer accommodate my growing family, so I feel the need to build a new one, and I am hopeful that this will be achieved soon. Finally, with $24, I bought food for my family, which has sustained us for a while. As of now, my husband and I rely on odd jobs, so getting daily bread has been a serious and ongoing challenge in my household.
22nd Payment
Transfer Amount
3470 KES ($27 USD)
access_time 4 months ago
How is your life different than it would have been if you never received the transfer?
My current living situation requires major repairs, which are only a temporary fix. In the long run, my goal is to construct a larger, three-bedroom house for my family. To achieve this, I have devised a strategic plan using my GiveDirectly cash transfers. Rather than directly allocating the transfers towards home construction, I intend to use a portion of the funds to purchase more goats. My hope is that these goats will multiply and increase in number and value over time. In the future, when I have accumulated a substantial herd of goats, I plan to sell them. The proceeds from these sales will then be used to fund the construction of a new, larger home for my family. This approach of investing in livestock as a means to eventually build a new house holds deep personal significance for me. It represents a pathway towards a more stable and comfortable living situation for my loved ones. I am hopeful that this plan will come to fruition, as it would mean so much to provide my family with a spacious, well constructed home.
What did you spend your most recent transfer(s) on?
My home was in dire need of repairs, which can be quite costly. To address this pressing issue, I allocated $19 from my GiveDirectly cash transfers to purchase iron sheets for roofing purposes. This investment will help protect my family and improve the overall condition of our living space. Recognizing the importance of education, I then spent $7 to pay school fees for my children. Ensuring they have access to quality education is crucial for their future success. To build a sustainable source of income and food security, I used $28 to purchase a goat. My hope is that the goat will multiply and increase in value over time. In the future, I plan to sell the goats or their offspring when in need, providing a valuable safety net for my family. Acknowledging the ongoing hunger crisis, I allocated $14 to buy food for my family. This ensures they do not go hungry and have access to nutritious meals. Finally, I fell ill and needed to seek medical attention. I used $34 of the transfers to cover the cost of treatment at the hospital. I am grateful that I am now in better health thanks to the care I received.
18th Payment
Transfer Amount
3470 KES ($24 USD)
access_time 8 months ago
How is your life different than it would have been if you never received the transfer?
Next month, I'll use my future transfers to buy new building poles and the rest of the iron sheets I need. Once I've gathered all the materials, I'll start constructing the house. This new house will provide me with safety and peace of mind, knowing it won't collapse on me. I'm incredibly grateful for the financial assistance that has allowed me to achieve tasks that were previously out of reach due to financial constraints.
What did you spend your most recent transfer(s) on?
I'm currently in the process of acquiring new iron sheets as I plan to construct a new house. The current house I inhabit is in a state of disrepair, with the supporting poles weakened and incapable of sustaining the structure's weight. To facilitate this endeavor, I've allocated $20 towards the purchase of two iron sheets. Additionally, $30 has been allocated to cover school fees for my three children, the eldest of whom is enrolled in junior secondary school. Earlier this year, prior to his enrollment, I spent $20 on a new school uniform, bag, and pair of shoes for him. I'm pleased to note that this financial assistance has facilitated his educational pursuits. Furthermore, I've invested in two ducks with the intention of raising them for future profit. With the remaining funds, amounting to $9, I procured four packets of maize flour for sustenance. I am deeply grateful for the financial aid that has enabled me to embark on the construction of my new home.
14th Payment
Transfer Amount
3470 KES ($23 USD)
access_time 11 months ago
How is your life different than it would have been if you never received the transfer?
In the coming year, my main focus is to complete the repairs on my house. After years of neglect, the house is in total disrepair, and the roof leaks during heavy rains. Although I began purchasing iron roofing sheets, I couldn't start renovations due to an urgent school fee debt that needed immediate settlement. With my son finishing school soon, I plan to use next year's transfers for this purpose. Renovating my house will ensure my family lives in a safe space, bringing me peace of mind. I'm grateful to GiveDirectly for providing me with the opportunity to transform my life.
What did you spend your most recent transfer(s) on?
I used to earn a livelihood as a charcoal seller, but unfortunately, I began experiencing ulcers, and the doctor advised me against engaging in strenuous work. Consequently, I turned to small-scale farming to make ends meet for my family of seven. With five children enrolled in school, covering their educational expenses has posed a significant challenge, especially since my husband, who is employed as an artisan, is unable to contribute to these costs. Nevertheless, I am grateful that the transfers have lightened this financial burden. I allocated $91 specifically for school fees, as my son, on the verge of sitting his final exams, had been sent home due to a lack of funds. This allocation enabled him to resume his studies without further interruption. The remaining $11 was utilized to purchase two chickens, which I plan to keep for future use. I extend my gratitude to GiveDirectly for providing hope to my family, particularly in easing the financial strain associated with school fees.
10th Payment
Transfer Amount
3470 KES ($25 USD)
access_time over 1 year ago
How is your life different than it would have been if you never received the transfer?
I have been saving towards buying iron sheets. I intend to acquire more and consider building a spacious house. I live in a small house that does not comfortably accommodate my entire family. Therefore, despite the high cost of living now, my goal is to prioritize saving my transfers to fulfill the new house-building plan in the next year. That will save my family from the extreme cold during the rainy season because the current house leaks. I also aim at focusing on my children's education.
What did you spend your most recent transfer(s) on?
I have two children enrolled in secondary school, while two are in Primary School. As a family, we do not have a regular source of income hence we struggle to raise their school fees. My husband does casual jobs with low wages that are insufficient to support the family. Consequently, we learned to bear with situations with lots of inconveniences. However, courtesy of the transfers, I always put aside $15 to help with fee payment while the goes into the food program.
6th Payment
Transfer Amount
3470 KES ($27 USD)
access_time over 1 year ago
How is your life different than it would have been if you never received the transfer?
I used to collect stumps and burn them for charcoal but in December I got an accident that has one of arms in constant pain. I was hit buy a cow which also tramped on me, my hand was in a cast for months but even after the cast was removed I still feel a lot of ain that means I am taking pain killers all the time. I am now unable to engage in this and so I do not have an income. I had hoped to use this money to help improve my house but since I have children in school and a form four who will be finishing school this year I have that plan on pause. I however want to use this money to buy animals such as goats which can reproduce and give more animals that I can sell for money so that I am able to educate my children especially the one in form four.
What did you spend your most recent transfer(s) on?
I am very thankful for GD transfers as they have been a big help in facilitating my children to go to school. In December I used $20 for my form four child to settle his school fees arrears, I also paid for him $10 in January for his exams. I had another of my children who had cleared class eight join form one where I used my February transfers to get him school uniform at $13.50, a bag for school at $6, a badge for the school at $1.5 and shoes at $5. I also cleared the fee balance at his primary school so we could get his papers. I was also able to clear entry exam fees for my children in class 6 and class 4. In December the transfers also bought the food we had during the festivities at $10 and I bought a chicken for rearing $4.
2nd Payment
Transfer Amount
3050 KES ($25 USD)
access_time almost 2 years ago
In your opinion, what does GiveDirectly do well, and what does it not do well?
GiveDirectly has done well to enroll our village, which has many poor families. The support funds have ensured that the children are back in school and most of the families without homes have built their own homes
What did you spend your most recent transfer(s) on?
My husband is a casual laborer. Together, we have six children. Every day he goes to different villages looking for any job, including farming, fetching water, assisting in any construction project, or any job that he can do with his hands. I am unemployed and my work revolves around our home, which is mainly cleaning, cooking, raising livestock, and taking care of the children. Finding a hands-on job is very hard and lately, it has been a struggle to make money from his earnings. When I received my funds, I used $25 to pay for my children’s school fees, and the rest $5 went to my medical treatment. I had an incident with one cow while I was on my normal routine of feeding the cows. I got hit by a bull and fell, breaking my arm. The funds came in at the right time because I had to be attended to immediately
Initial Payment
Transfer Amount
1200 KES ($10 USD)
access_time 2 years ago
Describe the moment when you received your money. How did you feel?
I was in my house at around 8 pm when I heard a message alert on my phone.  After checking what it was all about, I confirmed that Give Directly had sent my first transfer as promised. I could not hide my happiness and danced with joy. After sleeping hungry the night before, I was relieved that my children would have something to eat the next morning.
Describe the biggest difference in your daily life since you started receiving payments from GiveDirectly.
Prior to the transfer, my family would occasionally run out of food, forcing us to sleep hungry. However, the transfer enabled me to purchase food. Although it only lasted a day, it gave my son and husband enough time to raise money for more food. Since then, we have never gone to bed hungry.
What did you spend your most recent transfer(s) on?
My family is dependent on my husband and son, who do odd jobs such as selling scrap metal and doing house construction.  When things become unsuccessful from their tasks, we are forced to skip meals or, worse, sleep hungry. I started selling charcoal to avoid becoming a burden to them, but my weekly earnings of KES 500 are insufficient to support my five children. I am occasionally forced to borrow food or money from friends and neighbors with the understanding that I will repay them later. So, I spent the entire amount on food because the family had gone to bed hungry the night before. The food I obtained lasted our family of 18 for a day while we waited for our providers to raise funds. 
access_time over 2 years ago
What does receiving this money mean to you?
Through access to good education, life success for my children is my dream. Quality education is obviously the necessary tool for cementing a strong foundation for any child. I have 4 children who are still in school and it is my responsibility to keep them in school. Due to financial constraints, raising their school in time is always a problem. I used to be a charcoal burner but I had to stop because of some health conditions. Since last year, my children have been in and out of school because of huge fee arrears. Their tuition fees have been pilling since last year when I quit charcoal burning. It will be very saddening to see them drop out of school and that is why I want to start livestock production. With 20,000 KES, I will purchase 8 goats. Livestock farming will be a continuous source of income in the future because the animals will keep on multiplying. Therefore, goat keeping will support my children's education through its income.
What is the happiest part of your day?
Last year, I was diagnosed with very severe ulcers that incapacitated me. I was unable to work. I had to seek medical attention and I am glad that I am almost recovering. I am overjoyed because hopefully, I will be resuming my income-generating activities.
What is the biggest hardship you've faced in your life?
Due to the numerous financial obligations I face as a parent, sustaining timely school fee payments for my children is impractical. This is all due to the unavailability of funds. I have 4 children who are in school and I have no source of income. Their education has been the source of my sinking into debts.