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Newsfeed > Naomi's Profile
Naomi's family
Casual labor
Kenya Large Transfer
There will be no further updates from this completed recipient.
3rd Payment
Transfer Amount
45000 KES ($306 USD)
access_time 1 year ago
How is your life different than it would have been if you never received the transfer?
As we have been gathering materials for building a new house for my family of four, our immediate focus is on completing that project. Looking into the coming year and beyond, our goal is to acquire more goats to add to our current herd of 20. This will be beneficial not only for milk production but also for selling offspring to purchase other household essentials as well as paying school fees for our children. Now that we have completed our loan payments, we are eager to begin saving, primarily from my husband's cobbler job and his motorcycle taxi services.
In your opinion, what does GiveDirectly do well, and what does it not do well?
The unconditional transfer from GiveDirectly was truly amazing, as it allowed us to pay off a burdensome loan that had been taking our daily income, leaving us with nothing to afford even basic food. Now, we possess an invaluable asset that not only makes it easier to fetch water from a distance but also serves as an income-generating source through taxi services. I am pleased that there were no restrictions on how we could spend the funds, giving us the freedom to address our most pressing needs. GiveDirectly has undoubtedly provided the best support, and we are profoundly grateful for it. I sincerely hope that the same kind of support can be extended to other needy communities, as it can truly make a significant difference in their lives.
What did you spend your most recent transfer(s) on?
The support from GiveDirectly has been truly amazing, making a significant impact on our living standards. We were facing numerous struggles before this, but now we have something we can call our own and can generate income from the few projects we managed to complete. Clearing a debt of $300 on a motorcycle we obtained on credit is a significant achievement for us. This happened in the very last part of our transfers, and it was our only hope after several nights of going without food, as all we earned from our daily chores went toward repaying the asset. After this much-needed relief, we allocated $31 for food for my family of four and the remaining $119 for the purchase of iron sheets, which I plan to use in constructing a better and larger house. Currently, we live in a small one, and it is our aspiration to upgrade to a more decent and spacious dwelling, replacing the old one we currently occupy. I am delighted that we can now save on the motorcycle taxi services my husband provides to the community and his cobbler business in the nearby shopping center, which earns him at least $5 combined most days.
2nd Payment
Transfer Amount
45000 KES ($316 USD)
access_time over 1 year ago
How is your life different than it would have been if you never received the transfer?
I have a strong desire to save enough money to cover my children's school fees. Seeing the challenges other parents face during school opening days has made me anxious about the financial burden. I am willing to open a savings account dedicated to this purpose, as I understand the importance of securing my children's education without unnecessary struggles. In addition, I would like to own a water tank to address the safety concerns when fetching water for my family. The current situation is risky, especially for the children, and I want to take proactive measures to ensure their well-being. Having a water tank at home would provide a reliable and safer water supply, and I am determined to make this happen. To achieve these goals, I am committed to planning and taking practical steps to create a more secure and stable future for my family.
In your opinion, what does GiveDirectly do well, and what does it not do well?
The impact of the GiveDirectly transfers on my life has been transformative. Before receiving the transfers, my daily struggles revolved around basic needs like food, with little room for thinking about the future. With the transfers, a new world of possibilities opened up for me. I was able to think beyond immediate survival and consider building a better future for myself and my family. The freedom we were given to use the transfers as we saw fit allowed us to prioritize our needs and aspirations. One significant change has been the ability to think about building a stable home for my family. This was something I never thought possible before, as our focus was solely on meeting daily needs. Additionally, I was able to invest in acquiring goats, which would have been out of reach without the support from GiveDirectly. The transfers have brought a sense of gratitude and hope into our lives. The assistance has given us the confidence to dream big and work towards achieving our goals. The impact goes far beyond the financial aspect. It has given us a sense of empowerment, knowing that we can take charge of our lives and create positive changes.
What did you spend your most recent transfer(s) on?
I had a strong desire to provide my children with a good home before they grew up, so I used $220 to ensure that the house was completed. The house construction was a priority for me, as it offered a stable and comfortable living environment for my family's future. With the house now completed, I can shift my focus toward saving for my children's school fees as they grow. The support from GiveDirectly has allowed me to lay a solid foundation for their education, providing a safe and conducive home environment that will aid in their learning and development. In addition to securing their education, I invested $110 in buying goats. These goats are valuable assets that can provide a potential source of income through breeding and sales. The diversification of income streams is essential for our long-term financial stability, and the goats serve as an excellent investment in that regard. To further support my family's needs, I allocated $120 towards purchasing food supplies. Having sufficient food for our daily needs is crucial for maintaining our well-being and productivity. The support from GiveDirectly has allowed me to address important aspects of my family's life. I am immensely grateful for this assistance, I will continue to work hard and make the most of these blessings, ensuring a stable and prosperous life for my family.
Initial Payment
Transfer Amount
20000 KES
access_time over 1 year ago
Describe the moment when you received your money. How did you feel?
The moment I received the message brought me immense joy and gratitude. It was around 3:00 p.m. when I received the long-awaited message, and I couldn't help but feel grateful. As we were informed during training, the sender's name was supposed to be Segovia, and upon seeing the name and the accompanying amount, I instantly knew it was the transfer I had been anticipating. I was with my mother-in-law at that time, and she too had received the same message. The shared excitement and joy between us were unmistakable, and we couldn't contain our happiness.
Describe the biggest difference in your daily life since you started receiving payments from GiveDirectly.
The most significant change in my daily life has been the addition of a much-needed mattress. After giving birth, my husband had been sleeping on spread-out boxes on the floor, as we had beds but no mattresses for our family of four. It was a challenging situation, but thanks to the first transfer, we were able to invest in a comfortable mattress that has made a world of difference. Now, both my husband and I can enjoy a restful night's sleep, waking up refreshed and ready to face each day with renewed energy. This simple yet transformative improvement has greatly enhanced our overall well-being and created a cozy haven for our family.
What did you spend your most recent transfer(s) on?
Upon receiving my transfer, I had just given birth to my secondborn and had to delegate a lot to my husband. We first put a dent in the loan we had taken with my spouse for our motorcycle, paying off $71 of it. It's been a gradual process, but we are thrilled to be nearing the end of this financial burden. The motorcycle has been providing income and easing the task of fetching water, particularly during my pregnancy and after giving birth, since walking to the river became challenging. I allocated $135 towards purchasing essential foodstuff for my family of four, including maize, rice, beans, and fruits. My husband's work as a gobbler in the nearby market has been instrumental in sustaining our household. We shared a single bed with our firstborn child in the past, but thanks to a fortunate purchase, we now have an additional bed. However, the absence of a mattress meant that my husband had to endure uncomfortable nights using makeshift cartons. This changed when we invested $38 from the transfer to buy a brand new mattress. Now, my husband can enjoy a restful sleep after long and tiresome days. I set aside $10 to improve my farming activities. Additionally, I spent $6 to purchase household goods, including toiletries, to enhance our daily well-being.
access_time over 1 year ago
What do you plan to do with the cash transfer?
Receiving this money means living a debt-free life. I have not had any peace after borrowing $800 from micro finance because repaying it has been an uphill task. We have sold almost all our goats to raise the $ 50 each month so as to avoid defaulting payment. The average of $ 70 he earns monthly is not enough to cater to all our basic needs. I am happy that the transfers will lift that burden from us since we shall use it to settle the debts. We will also purchase goats and food from the remaining transfers.
What is the happiest part of your day?
Two days ago, I was blessed with a bouncing baby boy. I am elated and thankful to God for the safe delivery and his health. Having added another member to our family and being the first son has brought us happiness.
What is the biggest hardship you've faced in your life?
I have never had peace of mind for the past two years due to debts. Due to the distance, we cover to fetch water, we borrowed $800 from a microfinance bank to purchase a motorbike for transporting it. We have repaid only $200 and raising the full amount has been a challenge for us. My husband is the breadwinner and is employed as a cobbler in a nearby town. His income is unpredictable hence we have not been consistent in repaying the loan.