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Newsfeed > Zenah's Profile
Zenah's family
Casual labor
Kenya Large Transfer
There will be no further updates from this completed recipient.
3rd Payment
Transfer Amount
45000 KES ($295 USD)
access_time 11 months ago
How is your life different than it would have been if you never received the transfer?
In the upcoming year, I am determined to expand my grocery business and acquire a dairy cow to support my family of four. To achieve this, we have set aside a target of $480 for these ventures. My strategy revolves around using the profits generated from my current business operations to fund these plans, ensuring a gradual and sustainable approach to growth. Expanding the grocery business involves strategic measures such as diversifying product offerings and improving marketing strategies to attract more customers and boost sales. Simultaneously, investing in a dairy cow is aimed at establishing a consistent income source through milk sales and meeting our family's needs. This balanced approach of reinvesting profits to expand the business while simultaneously working towards acquiring a dairy cow aligns with our goal of creating a more stable and prosperous future. It is a methodical process that aims to enhance our income while ensuring the well-being of my family remains a top priority.
In your opinion, what does GiveDirectly do well, and what does it not do well?
It is incredible how GiveDirectly has made such a meaningful impact on our community. Personally, I owe a debt of gratitude for their support. Without their intervention, I would not have been able to elevate my business or even secure my farm with proper fencing. Beyond individual successes, what is truly remarkable is the ripple effect within our community. GiveDirectly's contributions have fostered a sense of unity and harmony among us. It is as if a newfound spirit of collaboration and support has emerged, allowing us to not only improve our individual lives but also to collectively strive for betterment. From my perspective, their approach has been spot-on. I have not encountered any issues or drawbacks that need rectifying. Their method of providing direct financial assistance has been instrumental, allowing individuals like me to tailor the support to our specific needs, thereby maximizing its impact. I believe continuing with their approach will only further enhance the well-being of our village, ensuring a brighter future for us all.
What did you spend your most recent transfer(s) on?
Receiving these transfers was a turning point for my business and my family. I allocated $50 towards purchasing a goat, a valuable addition that holds promise for the future. Goats, with their multiple uses, from milk to potential breeding, symbolize a sustainable investment that aligns with our livelihood needs. The majority of the funds, $400, went into securing fencing wire to safeguard my produce. This was crucial for my 3-acre garden, where I have sown fruits like mangoes and pawpaws. These fruits hold potential for steady income, but constant intrusion by goats was a significant obstacle. As a businesswoman, my family's well-being hinges on the success of my endeavors. This investment in protecting my garden feels like a weight lifted off my shoulders. It is a strategic move that will hopefully yield fruitful returns and sustain our livelihood in the long run. The relief I feel stems from the knowledge that my business has received a substantial boost. It is not just about protecting the current crops; it is about ensuring a consistent income stream for my family of four. These transfers have provided an opportunity to fortify my business and secure our future.
2nd Payment
Transfer Amount
45000 KES ($310 USD)
access_time 1 year ago
How is your life different than it would have been if you never received the transfer?
In the future and beyond, my main goal is to ensure the safety of my land and crops from the potential risk of domestic animals. I intend to create a secure boundary by constructing a chain-link fence around my property. This proactive measure will grant me the ability to dedicate more attention to my business, as the ongoing requirement to be present on the farm to prevent livestock from encroaching upon my crops will be notably diminished. This measure will not only enhance the security of my agricultural endeavors but also allow me to invest more time and effort in growing my business.
In your opinion, what does GiveDirectly do well, and what does it not do well?
In my opinion, GiveDirectly has done commendably by providing us substantial cash transfers. This has not only broadened our minds but also paved the way for potential income-generating ventures. I am truly content with having initiated my own business, and I am confident that this venture will serve as a sustainable source of income, allowing me to offer the finest education for my two children.
What did you spend your most recent transfer(s) on?
I have long been desiring to enter into a business venture, as the farming activities I heavily relied on to provide for my family have been significantly hampered by frequent droughts. The arrival of the second transfer has finally provided me with the means to turn this aspiration into reality. I invested $250 to open a shop in our nearest trading center. I am thrilled to share that the business is thriving, acting as an additional income source as on an average day, it generate around $50 in profit. In addition, I used $150 of the transfer to renovate my deteriorating kitchen. This involved purchasing iron sheets and building nails then replacing the crumbling mud walls with the iron sheets. This not only enhanced the appearance of the kitchen but also relieved me from the tedious and repetitive task of constantly smearing the walls. With the remaining funds, I acquired a goat worth $50, thereby expanding my livestock holdings to three goats. Goats are well-suited to our region, and their rapid reproduction rate assures a secure future for my children's education. This comprehensive approach to utilizing the second transfer has significantly improved both my livelihood and the quality of my living conditions.
Initial Payment
Transfer Amount
20000 KES ($141 USD)
access_time 1 year ago
Describe the moment when you received your money. How did you feel?
The day I received my transfer, I was out at the farm when I heard my phone buzz. Excitedly, I picked it up and checked the message, which confirmed that GiveDirectly had sent me the promised transfer. I couldn't contain my joy, so I immediately called my husband to share the good news with him. He was elated too, knowing that this support would bring us closer to realizing our dreams. I am immensely grateful for the assistance we received and the positive impact it will have on our lives.
Describe the biggest difference in your daily life since you started receiving payments from GiveDirectly.
The support I received has made a significant difference in my daily life. With the funds, I was able to buy an ample supply of foodstuffs for our household. Before this assistance, we lived from hand to mouth, struggling to meet our basic needs. Now, thanks to this support, we no longer have to worry about having enough food on our table. I am incredibly grateful for this aid, as it has greatly improved our living standards. The newfound stability in our daily life brings us a sense of relief and happiness. This support has truly been a blessing, and I am thankful for the positive impact it has had on our well-being.
What did you spend your most recent transfer(s) on?
My husband works at Jiggery and I am a farmer and thus, we are blessed with two children, we knew that the arrival of GiveDirectly in our village would be a life-changing opportunity for us. We recognized that this was the chance to improve our lives significantly. When I received my transfer, my first priority was to ensure that my family had enough food to last us for a considerable period. I spent $65 for this purpose. Next, I decided to invest in some essential household items to enhance our living conditions. I purchased a cupboard worth $70 and a table worth $15. Finally, I used the remaining funds to buy clothes for my children. In the past, such improvements would have been impossible, given that my husband's monthly earnings of $30 were barely enough to meet our basic needs. I cannot express enough gratitude for the support we received from GiveDirectly. It has lifted our living standards remarkably and has given us hope for a better future. With this newfound opportunity, we are determined to continue working hard and make the most of the positive change in our lives
access_time over 1 year ago
What do you plan to do with the cash transfer?
Receiving the transfers will be a major boost for us. It has come at the right time when we had just finished on the stock of the maize grains we had purchased and so it will go a long way in enabling us to buy the foodstuffs. Food insecurity is giving us headaches and sleepless nights here, it has been worsened by the ever-increasing cost of living. We had been pondering where to get the money, little did we know that the transfers from GiveDirectly was in the offing. We plan to use $80 to buy foodstuffs and the rest of the money to construct a more decent kitchen house since the one we have at the moment is old and dilapidated.
What is the happiest part of your day?
Poultry keeping has been our mainstay economic activity and source of livelihood for us. It has salvaged our situation from the adverse food insecurity crisis that we have been facing. Sometimes last December we sold 15 chicken that fetched $80 and we used it to buy maize grains that lasted us for 6 months. It made our lives livable and easy, we were so glad since we never had the stress of looking for foodstuffs unlike in the past when we were struggling to put food on the table.
What is the biggest hardship you've faced in your life?
We are a family of 4, life has been hard. It is full of insurmountable challenges. We are people of little means struggling a lot to make ends meet. Currently, the cost of living has shot high to unprecedented levels unseen before. Nearly all the commodities are very expensive and sometimes unaffordable, recently the cost of sugar increased from $1.5 to $ 2 which is unaffordable, we have stopped taking tea with sugar as a result. My children are unhappy because they are not used to tea without sugar, they feel so bad, and the youngest one, Brigit, has been crying a lot.