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Newsfeed > Priscillar's Profile
Priscillar's family
Subsistence farming
Kenya Basic Income
Upcoming Stage
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25th Payment
Transfer Amount
3470 KES ($27 USD)
access_time 15 days ago
How is your life different than it would have been if you never received the transfer?
With four children in school and the support of my husband, who has some casual work, my primary goal is to ensure they continue their education. To achieve this, I plan to keep using a portion of my transfers to pay for their school fees, allowing them to focus on their studies without interruptions. Given the current drought and hunger in our region, I also aim to consistently buy food to keep my family fed and prevent us from going hungry until we are blessed with rain and can enjoy good harvests. Once we have a stable food supply, I will redirect my transfers to purchase more chickens to add to the ones I already have. My hope is that these chickens will multiply and increase in number, providing me with the opportunity to sell them in the future to help fund my children's education. I am committed to securing a better future for my family!
What did you spend your most recent transfer(s) on?
Our region is currently experiencing a prolonged dry spell, leaving us without food and exposed to hunger. As a family with children, having food in our home is crucial. I recently spent $34 of my transfers to buy food for my family, ensuring that we do not go hungry. Additionally, with four children in school, I used another $25 of my transfers to pay their school fees so they wouldn’t be sent home. I also spent $6 to buy a new uniform for my son, as his was worn out and tattered. Furthermore, I allocated $2 to purchase books for them since their old ones were filled up. To ensure my kids have clothes to wear while playing with their friends, I used another $14 and bought them additional outfits because their old ones were also worn out. They are now happy to wear nice clothes! To treat myself as well, I bought a new outfit at $7 for myself, and I feel great having something nice to wear when I leave the house. Consequently, I was in the process of renovating my house, and so I used $10 to buy some building materials, and I am happy to say that it is now complete. Lastly, since I only had one basin for doing laundry, I decided to buy another one using the remaining $4 of the transfers to make laundry time easier. Overall, I am very happy with these improvements.
22nd Payment
Transfer Amount
3470 KES ($27 USD)
access_time 4 months ago
How is your life different than it would have been if you never received the transfer?
My house was in dire need of renovation, as it had collapsed on the sides and was no longer suitable for us. My immediate goal is to complete the repairs so that we have a good place to live. To achieve this, I plan to use the transfers to buy the necessary building materials and finish the renovation. Additionally, once the house is complete, my long-term goal is to ensure that my children continue their studies without interruptions due to unpaid school fees. I intend to use the transfers from GiveDirectly to support their education. I am grateful for the assistance we are receiving and very happy with the support.
What did you spend your most recent transfer(s) on?
My house was in dire need of renovation, as it had collapsed on the sides and was no longer suitable for us. I spent $34 of the transfers to buy building materials to renovate my house. While it is still in the process of being completed, I am hopeful that it will be finished soon. To ensure my children could continue their studies without interruption, I spent $22 on their school fees, preventing them from being sent home for unpaid fees. Their school uniforms were worn out and tattered, which was very disheartening, so I used $20 to buy new uniforms and shoes. Seeing them happy and properly dressed makes me very excited. I also needed new clothes, as mine were tattered, so I used $7 of the transfers to buy myself a presentable set of clothes. This makes me happy and more confident. Additionally, I spent $16 on food for my family, as we had run out of supplies. Finally, I used the remaining $3 to buy a second basin for washing clothes, as we only had one. This addition has made daily chores more manageable.
18th Payment
Transfer Amount
3470 KES ($24 USD)
access_time 8 months ago
How is your life different than it would have been if you never received the transfer?
The transfers have been instrumental in funding my children's education, alleviating the significant challenges I once faced in ensuring their continuous schooling. Previously, I grappled with the recurring issue of school fee arrears, which often resulted in my children being sent home, disrupting their education. However, since receiving the transfers, this situation has vastly improved, and my children no longer face the threat of expulsion due to unpaid fees. Looking ahead, I intend to allocate a substantial portion of my transfers towards covering my children's school fees in the upcoming months. I am truly grateful for the financial empowerment these transfers have provided.
What did you spend your most recent transfer(s) on?
Currently, I have four children enrolled in primary education at Ikanga Primary School. To ensure their uninterrupted learning, I allocated $25 towards their school fees. Additionally, I invested $6 in purchasing a replacement school uniform for one of my children whose previous one had become torn. As the festive season approached in December, I allocated $34 to procure new clothing and shoes for my children. To replenish essential household supplies, including detergents, washing basins, and food staples, I invested $18. Amidst the rainy season, I allocated $19 towards plowing my 1-acre plot of land, where I planted maize. The support provided through these transfers has been invaluable, empowering me to meet my family's diverse needs effectively, a reality that fills me with profound gratitude.
14th Payment
Transfer Amount
3470 KES ($24 USD)
access_time 1 year ago
How is your life different than it would have been if you never received the transfer?
My primary goal is to provide unwavering support for my six school-going children's education. My husband and I have faced ongoing challenges in managing their school fees due to limited income sources. However, I am determined to see them through their educational journey successfully. To achieve this goal, I plan to allocate a significant portion of my monthly income towards clearing any outstanding school fees balances they may have. My ultimate aim is to ensure that they can continue their education without interruptions or the fear of being sent home, thereby enabling them to experience a seamless educational path.
What did you spend your most recent transfer(s) on?
I received the GiveDirectly transfers at a time when I was financially down. Two of my children had been sent home from school due to outstanding school fees, and three of them needed new school uniforms, which my husband and I couldn't afford. I was forced to keep them at home until we could gather enough money to settle their school fees. Fortunately, GiveDirectly came to my rescue, and the transfers were a lifeline. I used $22 to clear the school fees and purchase new uniforms for my children. With the remaining $12.70, I allocated it to various essential needs, including food and other necessities. The support from GiveDirectly brought immense relief and happiness to our family during a challenging time.
10th Payment
Transfer Amount
3470 KES ($25 USD)
access_time over 1 year ago
How is your life different than it would have been if you never received the transfer?
Supporting the education of my five children until they complete high school is a primary goal for me. My husband works at a logistics company, but his salary is received at the end of the month, which often makes it challenging to cover all of our household needs. Additionally, his income alone is not sufficient to meet all the financial requirements. Therefore, I aspire to contribute to financing our children's education and alleviate the burden on my husband's shoulders. I firmly believe that investing in their education is crucial for their future success and well-being. Through the cash transfers, I hope to have the means to support them in their educational journey.
What did you spend your most recent transfer(s) on?
As a housewife, my main focus is on farming during the rainy season, while my husband is the primary provider for our family. During the ongoing rainy season, I seized the opportunity to engage in farming activities by allocating $20 to plow my one acre so that I could grow some maize crops. This investment in farming holds the potential for a fruitful harvest in the future as the rains have been persisting over the last month. Additionally, I spent the remaining funds to settle the school fees for my four children, who had accumulated debts from the previous month. Previously, they had been frequently sent home due to unpaid fees, disrupting their education. I am relieved and grateful that they have not faced such interruptions recently.
6th Payment
Transfer Amount
3470 KES ($28 USD)
access_time over 1 year ago
How is your life different than it would have been if you never received the transfer?
Being a farmer, my focus is primarily on grains, which grow well whenever there is sufficient rainfall. I often obtain a good crop during this time that is enough to last us for a full year, usually more than two bags, each weighing 90 kg. Due to the protracted drought, I currently harvest less than a bag, and in most cases, it is not enough to keep us fed for a month. My objective is to begin commercial chicken farming in order to increase my income. I'll be investing in at least two chickens each month to help me reach my goal. I will eventually sell some of them after the project has stabilized in order to raise money for our kids' school costs. As a result, my spouse won't have to bear the responsibility of being the only provider.
What did you spend your most recent transfer(s) on?
The transfers from the previous three months were sent at a time when I had a full budget. Out of our five kids, four are in school and one is still a baby. Due to the size of our family and the fact that my husband, who is the primary breadwinner, gets paid on commission, he is unable to provide for all of our requirements. Our children had $40 in tuition arrears at the time we received the transfers, which I paid using some of the funds. I spent $34 on new clothes for my kids during the holiday season so they would look just as fashionable as other kids. I bought meals for my family with the $28 I had left. I 'm thankful because since I started receiving payments, my husband doesn't have to struggle as hard to maintain the family.
2nd Payment
Transfer Amount
3050 KES ($25 USD)
access_time almost 2 years ago
In your opinion, what does GiveDirectly do well, and what does it not do well?
GiveDirectly does well by giving money to the poor in the community. The majority of the people have been able to provide food and basic household needs for their families. I do not find anything that GiveDirectly did not do well.
What did you spend your most recent transfer(s) on?
I have four children in primary school, and I paid $2 for their exam fees. I am so happy because they would be able to sit for their examination. Were it not GiveDirectly they would have missed the exams. I spent $1 on purchasing books and pens as well. I do not have any steady source of income I depend on small-scale farming and because of the prolonged drought we have not been able to do farming. I spent $6 on purchasing two hens. This will be my additional source of income since I would be selling eggs. The remaining amount of money I spent on food and other basic household items that we were missing. I am so grateful because GiveDirectly has enabled us to meet all our basic needs on time.
Initial Payment
Transfer Amount
1200 KES ($10 USD)
access_time 2 years ago
Describe the moment when you received your money. How did you feel?
I only realized that I had received the funds at about four in the evening after I had come back from the farm since I had left my phone at home charging, and as soon as I realized that I'd finally got the transaction I was super excited especially because I really needed the money to ensure that my family and I did not have to go to bed on an empty stomach that night.
Describe the biggest difference in your daily life since you started receiving payments from GiveDirectly.
In all honesty the funds were able to help me with mostly matters concerning nutrition especially since it was something that had been quite a tribulation to provide both on my side and my husband as well, so I was definitely relieved that I did not have to worry about when my next would be after I received the transfers.
What did you spend your most recent transfer(s) on?
Upon receiving the transfers from the Organization, my immediate concern was to ensure that my family and I had a meal especially since it was a challenge that kept occurring over and over again. Therefore I ended up using KES 400 buying two packets of maize flour, KES 110 on wheat flour, a half a kilogram of sugar which is KES 140, cooking oil worth KES 100 and then I also bought laundry detergent what KES 70. I was still left with about KES 380 which I have been using gradually still on the same issues concerned with food.
access_time over 2 years ago
What does receiving this money mean to you?
I have five children, four of them already enrolled in a primary school with the last one still a baby. My husband sells milk in Mombasa town where he lives as his main source of income. I have not yet known how much he makes from that business, but he pays children's school fees at 400 KES each as well as sending me 2500 KES monthly to take care of the family. Personally I have not been involved economically and only depend on the much he sends. When I receive this money, I would like to be paying school fees for my children to ensure that it's done in a timely manner before they're sent home like it's always been.
What is the happiest part of your day?
My life has been a little too hard partly due to the fact that I do not have a source of income of my own and also because my husband never sends enough money to be cover all family expenses. But what makes me happy lately is the fact that I have been registered in this program and if I'm lucky I might just get a way to pay school fees for my children effectively.
What is the biggest hardship you've faced in your life?
Inadequacy of food supply. I'm a housewife without any source of income while my husband lives in Mombasa town where he sells milk to earn money. He normally sends home between 300 KES to 2500 KES monthly on random dates which is somehow too little and inconveniencing as you can not plan with it.