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Newsfeed > Nickson's Profile
Nickson's family
Casual labor
Kenya Large Transfer
There will be no further updates from this completed recipient.
3rd Payment
Transfer Amount
45000 KES ($341 USD)
access_time 4 months ago
In your opinion, what does GiveDirectly do well, and what does it not do well?
GiveDirectly staff who visited and registered us did a fantastic job. They helped us with the registration and also provided us with invaluable information. Their advice on how to use the transfer wisely and collaboratively as a family to avoid conflicts was particularly helpful. They took the time to explain the importance of planning our finances together and making joint decisions. This guidance has enabled us to plan our money and make decisions together, strengthening our family bond.
What did you spend your most recent transfer(s) on?
I do farming as a means of living, enabling me to raise my two children and my two younger siblings. I was previously leasing half an acre, but the third transfer allowed me to increase it to one acre of land for $100 and spend $250 to prepare and plant maize crops. These crops gave me so much hope of getting money to lease more acres of land next year and increase my income. I envisioned a better future for my family, with the ability to comfortably provide for my children’s education and well-being. Sadly, my hope was shattered by the heavy rains we received last month. The rains caused Lake Baringo to break its banks, flooding the farm and destroying the crops that I was holding dear. I feel so devastated and do not know where to start again. Seeing all my hard work washed away has been disheartening, and it’s been difficult to come to terms with this loss. Additionally, I used $50 to revamp the house I had built using the second transfer, adding three plastic chairs and a table that we didn't have before. I feel a deep sense of joy that my children can now sit on chairs and have a table to place food on, unlike before when they had to sit on the ground. I used the remaining amount to buy food items for my family, such as maize and sugar, which provided us with much-needed sustenance.
How is your life different than it would have been if you never received the transfer?
Due to the floods we experienced last month, I feel that where we are living is not safe. We constantly worry that the rising waters from Lake Baringo will submerge our house, as we are just a few meters away from it. It has been disheartening to see my neighbours lose their homes to the water. To escape this danger, I am determined to relocate my family to safer ground. Despite the setbacks of my maize crops being damaged, I remain determined in my plans. I will replant vegetables for sale and, God willing, farm maize next year. I am committed to using the proceeds from the farm to buy land and move my family to a secure location. This goal is my top priority, and I am determined to achieve it to ensure our safety and stability
2nd Payment
Transfer Amount
45000 KES ($308 USD)
access_time 7 months ago
What did you spend your most recent transfer(s) on?
My wife and I make our living through farming and have two children. When I received my second transfer, we decided to build a larger house for our family because the one we had was too small for all of us. Financial constraints made it difficult for us to renovate the existing house, as our farm's productivity was affected by a prolonged drought. We used $450 to construct a decent house, and now our family is delighted to have a more spacious home. We are thankful for the improvement, providing us with a comfortable shelter during rainy periods.
In your opinion, what does GiveDirectly do well, and what does it not do well?
The enrollment process was clear, and we received the promised unrestricted cash, which significantly transformed our lives. We were also educated on M-Pesa security, and so far, I haven't observed any operational inefficiencies within the organization. We genuinely appreciate the positive impact it has had on our lives.
How is your life different than it would have been if you never received the transfer?
In the coming year, my main objective is to develop my land and increase the number of goats, aiming for a comfortable living standard and ensuring my children can attend school without any financial strain. To realize this goal, I intend to use the modest income generated from the farm. I am optimistic that through dedication and hard work, this vision can be successfully achieved.
Initial Payment
Transfer Amount
20000 KES ($130 USD)
access_time 10 months ago
What did you spend your most recent transfer(s) on?
Upon receiving $200 from GiveDirectly, I strategically allocated the funds to address pressing needs within my household. Acutely aware of the time-sensitive condition of our maize crop, I promptly invested $32.5 in a sack of fertilizer for top dressing, an essential step given the late stage of growth, and allocated $5 to address the pest infestation it had occurred. Recognizing the scarcity of seats in our home – with only one solitary seat – I dedicated $26.3 to the purchase of 4 plastic seats, ensuring a more comfortable environment for both family and visitors. Furthermore, I addressed our lack of furniture by acquiring a table at $7.5.Understanding the importance of sustenance, I allocated $27 towards the purchase of utensils and $3 for essential water containers. The remaining $42 purchase of food, is a crucial step in mitigating the challenges of food scarcity. In an effort to improve our living conditions, I allocated $27 for iron sheets, initiating the expansion of our small house. Living in a single room had proven challenging, and the additional space was a necessary improvement. As my primary income stems from casual jobs, often supplemented by my wife and occasional charcoal sales, this financial assistance has not only addressed immediate needs but has also laid the foundation for enhanced sustainability and resilience within our household.
Describe the biggest difference in your daily life since you started receiving payments from GiveDirectly.
Life had been challenging before the support from GiveDirectly arrived. I relied heavily on casual jobs to sustain my family. However, since receiving their assistance, there's been a notable reduction in this dependency. Previously, luxuries like chapati and rice were reserved for Christmas, but now, thanks to the support, my family can afford these anytime. The change in our circumstances has brought immense happiness into our lives.
Describe the moment when you received your money. How did you feel?
I was doing a casual job harvesting pawpaws at my neighborhood farm when my phone vibrated, Upon confirming, $200 had been sent to me from GiveDirectly. The rush of joy was undeniable. When I returned home, I shared the news with my wife, and together with our two children, we reveled in the happiness of this blessing. We eagerly discussed and carefully budgeted the money that evening. Thank you immensely, GiveDirectly, for granting us the means to fulfill our needs and providing a moment of profound gratitude and security.
access_time 11 months ago
What is the biggest hardship you've faced in your life?
Life has been hard since we depend on casual jobs. During planting seasons we do farm jobs such as planting, weeding, or harvesting. One is paid $3 per day for casual jobs. This amount is not enough to sustain a family of 6. It means sometimes we miss meals. It stresses us because we'd want our family to have consistent meals. Mostly we don't have lunch.
What is the happiest part of your day?
We recently hired half an acre of land, and planted maize. The rainy season necessitated it. Our hope is to be food secure after harvest. If the farm performs optimally, we'll get 3 bags. This will support us for about 3 months. This farm has been the source of joy since it's currently doing well, the maize are growing fast.
What do you plan to do with the cash transfer?
Due to persistent food insecurity, we plan to hire an acre of land. It will enable us to plant maize and vegetables. Plan to partition a quarter for vegetable farming, for short-term sustainability. Ideally, the project will cost us approximately $500 and we hope to gain well. The production will enable us to be food secure. Goats do well here, we plan to buy 4 goats. One goat costs $50. They will breed and support us in the future, during emergencies, or even to support our children's education. We live in a small house, it's not enough for our family. We'll use $250 to expand it to a 2-roomed house. Nowadays, the cost of materials is high. It will give us privacy and enough room for my family to sleep.