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Newsfeed > Furaha's Profile
Furaha's family
Small business
Kenya Basic Income
Upcoming Stage
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25th Payment
Transfer Amount
3470 KES ($27 USD)
access_time 2 months ago
How is your life different than it would have been if you never received the transfer?
From September this year on, I hope to start an animal business focusing on buying and selling goats. Currently, I have seven goats, and I’ve learned that this business can be very profitable because goats are in high demand and thrive well in my region. To make this dream a reality, I plan to save a set amount each month so that by the time I launch the business, I will have enough funds to support and grow it. This venture will not only provide me with a stable income but also help me support my family better, especially since the charcoal business I’ve been relying on is no longer profitable. I am confident that I will be able to meet my children’s needs and pay their school fees more easily.
What did you spend your most recent transfer(s) on?
I have been dependent on burning and selling charcoal to support my seven children, which has never been easy. One significant challenge has been the small size of my house, which has caused me a lot of stress. Given my financial situation and the need to pay for my children’s school fees, addressing this issue was difficult. However, upon receiving the transfer, I used $40 to begin buying building materials bit by bit to add another room to my house. I’m making progress, having already acquired four sheets for the construction. Paying for my school-going children’s fees has also been challenging. Therefore, I decided to invest in livestock, including goats, ducks, and chickens, at a total cost of $60. These animals will help support my children’s education, as I plan to sell them to cover their fees as they advance to higher levels of learning. Additionally, I used $2 to buy vegetables, as our farm was very dry, and we had no choice but to purchase them.
22nd Payment
Transfer Amount
3470 KES
access_time 4 months ago
How is your life different than it would have been if you never received the transfer?
In the coming year and beyond, I hope to start an animal vending business, focusing on buying and selling goats. Right now, I have seven goats, and I've learned that this business can be very profitable, especially from November through January when prices are high. To make this dream a reality, I plan to save $20 each month starting now. By steadily saving, I can build enough capital to buy more goats and eventually expand my herd. This business will not only provide me with a stable income but also help me support my family better.
What did you spend your most recent transfer(s) on?
From the recent transfers amounting to $102, I opted to add a third room to my two-room mud-wall house. The house was not enough to accommodate my family of nine, and I felt there was no privacy as I slept with my children. I wanted a separate room with my husband. Therefore, I used $70 to construct the additional room. I am now happy to see that my family is well and comfortable, and our privacy is restored. This extra space has made our home feel more organized, and it has brought a sense of peace to our daily lives. I also bought a goat for $27 and two small ducks for $5 as an investment for the future. Currently, my herd has grown to 7 goats through the transfers I have been receiving. I have been relying on my casual laborer husband and my small business of selling sardines, but I feel that investing in poultry and livestock will uplift us in the future. These animals can provide us with food and a source of income. The goat will give us milk, and the ducks can be raised for eggs. This small investment has given me hope and confidence that we can improve our situation over time.
18th Payment
Transfer Amount
3470 KES ($21 USD)
access_time 8 months ago
How is your life different than it would have been if you never received the transfer?
In my upcoming plans, I intend to construct an additional room to accommodate my three growing children. As they have matured, I recognize the importance of preserving my privacy, prompting the decision to build a separate space for them. This endeavor aims to provide me with a sense of peace, ensuring that my privacy remains intact within the household. I express profound happiness for the financial assistance received from Give Directly, as it has presented me with the opportunity to venture into livestock investment, a promising avenue for generating additional income.
What did you spend your most recent transfer(s) on?
The majority of my transfer was dedicated to acquiring livestock, a choice driven by their ease of rearing and the inherent value that tends to appreciate over time. To secure a diverse range of options, I invested in various types of livestock. This strategy is rooted in the flexibility it offers, allowing me to sell them in case of an emergency and utilize the proceeds to address pressing issues. Specifically, I allocated $62 for three goats, $28 for one sheep, $6 for two ducks, and $6 for two hens. My optimism lies in their potential to multiply, providing a future source of income. Apart from livestock investments, I directed $5 towards settling the school fees of my child, who had been sent home due to an outstanding balance. I am pleased to report that he has since returned to school after the payment. Recognizing the importance of personal safety, I allocated $3 to purchase a new pair of shoes, allowing me to navigate safely through areas with pricking thorns. With the remaining $2, I acquired sugar for tea consumption. The financial support received through the transfers has brought me considerable joy and satisfaction.
14th Payment
Transfer Amount
3470 KES ($23 USD)
access_time 1 year ago
How is your life different than it would have been if you never received the transfer?
Looking ahead to the coming years, my goal is to extend one of the rooms in our two-room house. The current space is not sufficient, especially when we have visitors, as both rooms are usually occupied by my children my husband, and me. I am tired of having to rely on relatives to provide shelter for our guests, and I want to change that. I plan to start buying building materials like iron sheets and building poles and hire someone to help me build the extension. Since my income from selling sardines is not enough to fund this project, and my husband's income from house construction jobs is inconsistent, my goal is to use the cash transfers to achieve this objective.
What did you spend your most recent transfer(s) on?
This time around, I used most of the cash transfers, which amounted to $89, to purchase a goat and two sheep. This brings my herd to a total of six animals. I believe that having both goats and sheep is a good strategy because while sheep can reproduce up to three times a year, goats are hardier and can withstand harsh climatic conditions. As these animals multiply and the herd grows, I can sell some of them to generate funds to support my children's education. This not only secures their education in the future but also eases the financial burden on my husband, who is our primary provider. I allocated the remaining funds to buy new sandals for myself. Previously, I used to walk barefoot and often suffered from thorn pricks and the scorching sun. Am relieved that I no longer have to experience the discomfort now. Additionally, I paid school fees for one of my children to ensure they would not miss their classes and used the rest of the money to purchase more food.
10th Payment
Transfer Amount
3470 KES ($25 USD)
access_time over 1 year ago
How is your life different than it would have been if you never received the transfer?
My biggest challenge right now is that I have to occasionally squeeze my belongings into my small, two-room shelter. Even worse, when guests arrive and I have nowhere for them to stay, it's really embarrassing. Because of this issue, I intend to construct an extension of a single room to make it more spacious. Every month, I will set aside a portion of the transfer to purchase building supplies such as iron sheets. To accomplish this goal, I plan to buy 15 iron sheets and some building poles.
What did you spend your most recent transfer(s) on?
I used my most recent transfers to buy goats, pay school fees for my four children in high school and primary school, and buy food for my family. I've been saving $20 per month for the past few months with the intention of purchasing livestock such as goats. I am pleased that I currently own five goats and two sheep. I couldn't afford to buy any of these on my own before enrolling in the program. I'm relieved that I can finally sit down and budget for livestock. They are a source of wealth, especially for someone like me who does not have any formal employment. I am also relieved to see my two children in school after having paid for them on time. I've been paying around $10 per month for the past few months, which has ensured that their education is not disrupted due to a lack of fees or failure to pay them on time. Aside from school and livestock, the transfers have also ensured that my household has enough food. I bought enough maize flour and cereal that I could now eat three meals a day. My husband, who is the breadwinner, works casual jobs that do not pay well in comparison to the numerous family needs. Thus, receiving the transfers and his meager income has enabled the family to afford some of the most basic necessities, such as food.
6th Payment
Transfer Amount
3470 KES ($28 USD)
access_time over 1 year ago
How is your life different than it would have been if you never received the transfer?
For this year, my main goal is to invest in buying and raising goats and sheep. Through this venture, I shall be able to diversify my livestock-keeping venture. As a result, I shall be able to acquire a cow as my flock increases. These are long-term assets that will be beneficial to my family. In the event of an emergency, we will be in a position to raise some money. Secondly, I aim to expand my business of selling cooked food. The re-investment plan will enhance its performance. As a result, it will be easier for me to raise some money from it to support the family.
What did you spend your most recent transfer(s) on?
For the last three months, I have been able to invest my transfers in livestock rearing. So far, I have bought a goat for $30 and five hens for $15. From this venture, I am hopeful they will increase and earn me a respectful standing in my community. Goats are highly valued, and those who do not have them are considered of low status in our community. In addition, with the increased flock, I shall be in a position to sell some to help raise money when I have an emergency. Lastly, I spent $54 on iron sheets for building a new house. The old one was leaking, and I could hardly have comfort during rainy seasons. I am glad that we are currently living in a better condition.
2nd Payment
Transfer Amount
3050 KES ($25 USD)
access_time almost 2 years ago
In your opinion, what does GiveDirectly do well, and what does it not do well?
GiveDirectly, in my opinion, does an excellent job of alleviating poverty by giving direct cash transfers. As a result, it has helped to raise the living standards of the surrounding community. We have been able to buy food and pay school fees for our children since GiveDirectly began sending transfers. This is a huge relief that we did not expect. Although GiveDirectly provides assistance to many people, the amounts vary. I suggest that it should offer equal financial assistance to all recipients within our area.
What did you spend your most recent transfer(s) on?
I had never owned a goat or a sheep before in my life. I have, however, been raising domestic fowl. As a result, I devised a plan to start raising goats, even though I lacked the necessary funds. I bought a goat with $28 from a recent transfer. I am hopeful that when it produces and my lock increases, I will have assets in terms of livestock to fall back on in the event of an emergency. As a result, I will have more possessions than I could have imagined before I received my transfer.
Initial Payment
Transfer Amount
1200 KES ($10 USD)
access_time 2 years ago
Describe the moment when you received your money. How did you feel?
I had been struggling financially in August because the election process had temporarily halted my ability to earn a living through casual jobs. As a result, my family had to deal with some financial difficulties. However, when I received confirmation that I had received my transfer that evening, my heart was overjoyed. It was such a historic moment that I can't stop thinking about it. Before that, I was struggling financially and worried about how I would feed my family. We are grateful for this assistance.
Describe the biggest difference in your daily life since you started receiving payments from GiveDirectly.
It had been my dream to advance my poultry farming project although that seemed impossible owing to my low level of income. It, therefore, played a big role in making me embark on my dream by buying a hen and a duck. I know these seem just a few but I am hopeful that when they begin laying, my fowl will increase. Whenever I see these birds, I feel so good and see a positive move in my life. I am so grateful to GiveDirectly for coming to my aid.
What did you spend your most recent transfer(s) on?
I spent KES 500 on a duck and KES 200 on a hen as soon as I received my recent transfer. I have some domestic fowl that I intend to sell to supplement my family's income. Due to the low income from my charcoal selling business, I will be able to fund a portion of my children's school fees through this venture. For the remainder of the transfer, KES 500 assisted me in purchasing food for my family, as I did not have enough food at the time. As a result of the transfer, I was able to feed my family comfortably and stress-free for five days. Thanks to GiveDirectly for the historical support.
access_time over 2 years ago
What does receiving this money mean to you?
Receiving this money means a decent life through good housing. For two years, I have been staying under a leaking roof together with my 3 children. The iron sheets are old and full of holes. I have been unable to renovate it because the income I make from charcoal burning only caters for food. My goal is to refurbish the roof at a cost of 15,000 KES. A good house free from leakages will boost my dignity.
What is the happiest part of your day?
My daughter who passed her primary education examinations made me so proud. Her success brought me so much. In a month, she will be joining secondary school.
What is the biggest hardship you've faced in your life?
Food insecurity is the current challenge I am facing. I have a family of 3 children still under my care. Unlike before when I was depending on subsistence farming for food, I currently buy food because the weather patterns are no longer reliable. The last time I made meaningful farm produce was in 2020. I work as a charcoal burner earning approximately 500 KES per week. This income only lasts us three days. Skipping meals or going a day without a meal is our new normal.