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Newsfeed > Catarine's Profile
Catarine's family
Raising livestock
Kenya Large Transfer
There will be no further updates from this completed recipient.
3rd Payment
Transfer Amount
45000 KES ($281 USD)
access_time 7 months ago
What did you spend your most recent transfer(s) on?
Life has never been easy for me, as I am the sole provider for my family, relying on casual jobs. My husband, who works for the county government, neglected his responsibilities when he married two other wives. Receiving support from GiveDirectly was a blessing. To create a lasting memory of this support and to secure my family's future, I purchased three goats for $120, adding to the few I already had. These goats will provide enough nutritious milk for my family. In the future, I can sell the offspring to meet our needs. I paid $30 for my youngest child's early childhood education to ensure a pathway out of poverty. I also invested $200 in farming my maize, covering plowing, seeds, planting, weeding, and pesticides. It has been unreliable due to our dependence on a seasonal river, so to have an alternative income source to help meet daily needs like food, I decided to invest $20 in buying and selling vegetables. I later spent the remaining $80 on food. This will sustain us for a while and save us from hunger before my grocery business picks up.
In your opinion, what does GiveDirectly do well, and what does it not do well?
I'm grateful for the support from GiveDirectly; it has lifted the stress I've been carrying since my husband remarried. Thanks to their help, I now have goats, started a business, and have been able to cultivate my farm. I'm at peace knowing I can support my children. This support has helped my family and the whole community. The freedom that comes with the support has enabled us to spend on diverse pressing issues. New houses, children attending school, improved sanitation, better farming practices, and much more. I hope this support continues in other villages creating more positive changes.
How is your life different than it would have been if you never received the transfer?
Since I am the sole provider for my five children, my husband stopped supporting us after marrying two other wives. I plan to focus on farming to meet my family's needs. I aim to plant maize and beans and ensure I do timely planting. We depend on a seasonal river, and I want to minimize losses. I plan to sell the produce and use the money to invest in growing horticultural crops, specifically tomatoes. Although the cost of producing tomatoes is high, the returns are promising. The market price for tomatoes is favorable, and they take only one and a half months to mature, unlike maize. With proper timing, the seasonality of the river will not be a problem. The market for tomatoes is also reliable, as brokers from other countries come to buy directly from the farm. With this investment, I believe my family will be sustainable.
2nd Payment
Transfer Amount
45000 KES ($325 USD)
access_time over 1 year ago
What did you spend your most recent transfer(s) on?
As a child, the thought of owning a television was a distant dream, as it was a luxury few households in our county could afford. Even having a radio was a challenge for my parents, who had to prioritize our basic needs over such expenses. Over the years, I held onto the hope of providing my children with a different experience, but the financial strain made it difficult. However, thanks to GiveDirectly, that dream finally became a reality when I used $65 from my recent transfer to purchase a small television. Although modest in size, it allows me to stay updated with live news and connect with the world. The next priority was improving my farming endeavors, so I allocated $70 towards land preparation and the purchase of maize seeds, with the hope of achieving a bountiful harvest to reduce our food expenses. Additionally, I spent $60 on a sack of maize, which serves as sustenance for my family of seven. I also set aside $49 to buy clothes for my children and $100 for other essential household items like sugar, tea leaves, and toiletries. To support my husband, who works as a cleaner in the county, I gave him $50 to cover his monthly rent. Lastly, I managed to save $60 for future management practices on the farm, including weeding, spraying, and harvesting.
In your opinion, what does GiveDirectly do well, and what does it not do well?
I am immensely thankful to GiveDirectly for the exceptional and invaluable financial assistance we received, which was both timely and substantial. While we had been accustomed to receiving aid in the form of material goods for a long time, GiveDirectly's approach brought newfound relevance and empowered us to make independent decisions regarding our finances. The entire process was gratifying, and I earnestly wish to witness the same transformative impact in other villages that continue to struggle with poverty. Although GiveDirectly has made significant strides, there is still room for further improvement in its efforts to uplift disadvantaged communities that are still anticipating the aid.
How is your life different than it would have been if you never received the transfer?
With a solid foundation laid in subsistence farming, where I aim to generate ample food for my family of seven and potentially have a surplus for selling, my aspirations for the future extend to livestock farming. I plan to initiate this endeavor by venturing into poultry and goat rearing. Given the abundance of shrubs and thickets in our surroundings, the goats will have ready access to feed, making their management relatively easier. Collecting milk and eggs will serve as an additional source of income for my family, and I eagerly anticipate starting these projects soon after harvesting the current crops on my farm.
Initial Payment
Transfer Amount
20000 KES ($149 USD)
access_time over 1 year ago
What did you spend your most recent transfer(s) on?
As a farmer and part-time casual worker, it has always been a challenge for me and my husband to provide for our family of seven children comfortably. This is because he works at the county where they go for months without pay due to the current inflation in our country. However, the financial support I received came as a huge relief. I immediately knew that I had to prioritize paying my children's school fees, which amounted to $100, to ensure that their education wouldn't be disrupted. With $30, I bought a bay of maize, which helped sustain our family's food supply. Finally, with the remaining amount, I was able to purchase some much-needed clothes and seat cushions, which made our home more comfortable. I am immensely grateful for the assistance that allowed us to address our needs and enhance our living standards.
Describe the biggest difference in your daily life since you started receiving payments from GiveDirectly.
The biggest change in my everyday life has been my ability to timely pay for my children's school fees, which was previously a challenge due to financial limitations. I feel immense happiness in accomplishing this goal. Additionally, I am content and satisfied knowing that I have bought enough food for our household, ensuring that we won't go to bed hungry. I am truly grateful for the amazing gift that has brought such a transformation to my life.
Describe the moment when you received your money. How did you feel?
It is difficult to put into words the overwhelming happiness that consumed me upon receiving the money from GiveDirectly. I remember being at work, picking tomatoes when I overheard my neighbors discussing the funds they had received. I hurried back home and asked my son to check if I had received the same message. When he confirmed it, I was filled with joy and gratitude because I knew that the money would allow me to fulfill my aspirations.
access_time over 1 year ago
What is the biggest hardship you've faced in your life?
There are many challenges that I go through in my life. One of the most pressing challenges is the lack of food and water. Our sub-county is very dry and we have to walk for 4km to get water. Sometimes we have to go without food, especially when I don't get work in the irrigation farms. Life is very hard for me here.
What is the happiest part of your day?
My happiness in the past six months came from my husband who works in Kabarnet town in Baringo county. He came home and when I saw he was well I was very happy. Even though he came with a few household goods I was very happy that he came home with good health and well-being.
What do you plan to do with the cash transfer?
Since my house is not complete, especially the verandah, I plan to use the first transfer to complete it. I also intend to purchase foodstuff for my family. I intend to buy a sack of maize at $500 dollars. This will ensure that while I'm working doing casual work, I won't worry about food. The remaining amount I intend to pay school fees for my son, Kipchumba.