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Newsfeed > Linet's Profile
Linet's family
Subsistence farming
Kenya Large Transfer
There will be no further updates from this completed recipient.
2nd Payment
Transfer Amount
53010 KES ($355 USD)
access_time 1 year ago
How is your life different than it would have been if you never received the transfer?
In the coming year, I hope to venture into a retail business, a goal that carries a deep sense of purpose. My intention is to not only support my husband in providing for our family of six but also to serve the community I call home. This journey represents a step toward independence , and I am eager to embrace it. For a start, I plan to harness the profits from my existing tailoring business, a testament to my determination and skill. In addition, we will rely on the income generated by my husband's job as a mechanic. Together, these financial resources will lay the foundation for our retail venture. The idea of being an independent business owner is not just about financial stability but also about making a positive impact in our community. I envision a store where I can provide essential goods and services, catering to the needs of my neighbors and fostering a sense of togetherness. I am excited and optimistic about the future, knowing that the combined efforts of both my tailoring business and this new retail endeavor will provide a better life for my family and allow us to thrive together.
In your opinion, what does GiveDirectly do well, and what does it not do well?
GiveDirectly's impact on families is truly remarkable. Through their transfers, they've not only met basic needs but also provided assets that have significantly improved the lives of countless families. This transformative work has brought a positive change to many. On a personal note, the assistance has had a profound effect on my own family. We now have a decent shelter, providing us with a comfortable and secure home. Moreover, my husband has secured a job, a development that brings stability and opportunities for growth. These changes are a testament to the positive influence of GiveDirectly and the brighter, more secure future they help families build. It is truly heartwarming to see lives being uplifted and improved through their support.
What did you spend your most recent transfer(s) on?
When I received the transfers, I spent $120 on purchasing a sewing machine, a symbol of my passion and dream and the potential for it to become an income-generating activity. I had learned the art of sewing from a relative, a cherished memory from my childhood that I now hold close to my heart. The idea of turning that skill into a livelihood filled me with a mix of enthusiasm and anticipation. A portion of the transfers, $50, went toward my son's school fees for grade 11, ensuring that his education remains a priority. Another $50 was spent on clothing for my children, something that brought smiles to their faces and a sense of pride. The remaining funds were used for essential household goods such as utensils, furniture, and drums, making our home more comfortable and complete. Even though my family of six relies on my husband's income as a mechanic, the decision to invest in the sewing machine was not just a financial strategy. It was a declaration of my desire for financial independence, a way to contribute to our family's well-being, and a step towards a future where we could provide more and pursue our dreams with greater freedom. These transfers have ushered in a wave of emotions, from hope and determination to joy and fulfillment, reminding me that positive change is possible and within reach.
Initial Payment
Transfer Amount
55000 KES ($387 USD)
access_time 1 year ago
Describe the moment when you received your money. How did you feel?
The joy of receiving a huge amount of money at once makes me remember every vivid detail. It was 1519 hours when I received a message on my phone, and upon checking, it was the promised transfer of $550 that had been deposited into my account by GiveDirectly. My heart leaped with excitement and gratitude. It was a moment of immense relief and hope, knowing that I would finally be able to renovate the rusty roof of my house, which had been leaking during the rainy season for far too long. The weight of the financial burden that had been pressing down on my shoulders seemed to lift, and I felt a newfound sense of security. This unexpected act of kindness from GiveDirectly filled my heart with immense gratitude and renewed faith in the goodness of humanity. I whispered a heartfelt thank you to the universe, for this generous gift that would forever change my life.
Describe the biggest difference in your daily life since you started receiving payments from GiveDirectly.
The most significant transformation has been the improvement in our living conditions; we now reside in a nice and well-roofed house. Gone are the days of endless worry and sleepless nights caused by constant leakages during the rainy season. This newfound comfort has brought immeasurable joy back into our lives. Additionally, the financial relief has allowed me to provide for my family's basic needs effortlessly, especially when it comes to putting food on the table. No longer do my children go to bed hungry. The burden of scarcity has lifted, and instead, we can focus on building a brighter future filled with hope.
What did you spend your most recent transfer(s) on?
When I first received the cash transfer from GiveDirectly, I couldn't believe my luck. It was like a lifeline had been thrown my way. The very first thing I did was rush to the nearest hardware store to buy 30 pieces of iron sheets. My old and rusty roof had been causing us so much trouble during the rainy season, and it was high time we put an end to the leaks. With $330 spent on the renovation, my house was transformed into a safer and more comfortable shelter for my family. Thereafter, I used part of the money to purchase a solar panel on hire-purchase. It required a $30 deposit and a daily installment of $0.6 for 12 months. It was a sacrifice, but having some lighting at home was essential for my children's education. Now, they could comfortably conduct their studies in the evenings, and their faces lit up with joy as they immersed themselves in their books. Thinking ahead, I used $90 to purchase three goats. I knew that these animals would serve as a long-term investment for our family. If they procreate, we could expand our little herd and create a sustainable source of income for the future. The remaining amount from the cash transfer was dedicated to taking care of my family's immediate needs. We bought food, clothes, and other essentials that had been out of reach for so long. I will forever be grateful to GiveDirectly and the support that changed our lives for the better.
access_time over 1 year ago
What do you plan to do with the cash transfer?
I have a family of fives members and we all live in a one room house. The roof was once blown by strong winds and has never been restored. During rain season it leaks very much thus the family spends sleepless nights. My husband is a mechanic by career but he has not secured a job since covid year and I am just a house wife. The family lacks the capacity to build a house since what the husband gets from the casual jobs goes for food only. I will use $700 to build a two room house for the family. I will also use $300 to buy six goats as an investment. This will help me raise school fees for my three children once they join school.
What is the happiest part of your day?
It has been four years now since we last had harvest in the village. This has caused famine and drought in the community. On March 2023, we received rain in the village and planted maize and other crops. The maize is doing well and in three weeks time will be ready. This will solve the shortage of food in my family. I feel so happy for the harvest.
What is the biggest hardship you've faced in your life?
My husband is a mechanic by career and I am just a house wife. He lost his job since covid year and since then he has not secured a reliable job. This has caused lack of food in the family and sometimes our son fails to go to school due to lack of school fees. Lack of reliable source of income is the challenge I am facing in life.