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Newsfeed > Stephen's Profile
Stephen's family
Workshop/industrial (works for others)
FSD / Urban Youth
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15th Payment
Transfer Amount
3997 KES ($40 USD)
access_time over 4 years ago
What did you spend your most recent transfer(s) on?
I used most of the money I recently received to expand my clothes business by adding more stock. This is also a way of trying to invest the money which would otherwise be spent on non-important items if left at hand. I spent the rest of the money on foodstuff and other household requirements.
Do you have any new or additional goals for your life?
I am currently operating the clothes business that I started using the transfers at a stall located by the roadside where I do not get a good number of customers. My plan is to expand the business by renting a stall in one of the busy markets in Eastleigh where I also have a number of customers whom I mostly deliver to. To achieve this goal, I have to save the transfers for two to three months so that I can raise the amount required to rent the stall. Once I have the stall, I am certain my business will improve because I will have many customers as this place is usually very busy.
How is your life different than it would have been if you never received the transfer?
I managed to set up a business on second-hand clothes when I started receiving the transfers which has improved my income from the little I used to earn when I was working as a casual labourer. Through the extra money I earn from the business, I am now comfortably able to pay my rent on time and also provide for my family without much strain.
12th Payment
Transfer Amount
3997 KES ($39 USD)
access_time almost 5 years ago
What did you spend your most recent transfer(s) on?
I topped up some amount to the recent transfer and paid rent. I have once been harassed by an agent because I did not have money to pay rent. This situation forced me to move out. It was so humiliating and embarrassing experience that I don't wish to go through again. This explains why I had to take care of rent first before any other bills.
Do you have any new or additional goals for your life?
My new goal is to boost the business that I am currently doing. I started it with my first transfer. I do not want to lose it because this is what I have been depending on since I started doing it. I even stopped doing casual jobs because it was doing so well. I do not want to go back to unreliable casual jobs that is why I will do anything to boost it to the next level
How is your life different than it would have been if you never received the transfer?
My life is different from how it was in that, I have learned a few business skills and this is what I have been surviving on. I learn every day and I am grateful for the opportunity to meet new people which the business has exposed me to. I like what I am doing and will work hard to ensure it grows. I cannot complain. I have learned that I do not have to depend on other jobs while I can employ myself and earn a better living.
8th Payment
Transfer Amount
5000 KES ($48 USD)
access_time 5 years ago
What did you spend your most recent transfer(s) on?
I spent the transfers on paying my monthly rental obligations. Where I currently live, I normally pay a total of around Kes 6000 every month, so this means that apart from the cash transfers that I get from GD, I also have to dig into my pocket in order to be able to raise the total amount.
Do you have any new or additional goals for your life?
Apart from the business that recently collapsed due to unavoidable circumstances, I used to have my side hustle which was to sell clothes. From the short period in which I was running the business, I saw the positive side of it because of the profits that it was able to generate for me. My main aim right now is to get the business back on track and let it run smoothly and effectively like it used to do before.
How is your life different than it would have been if you never received the transfer?
The transfers have really been of great help to me. I always had this dream of starting a business but then it has never been possible all this while because of the heavy family burden and responsibility that ha been bestowed on me. However, with the transfers from GD, I was able to successfully launch the business and of course, it generated profits before things started going south.
4th Payment
Transfer Amount
5000 KES ($50 USD)
access_time over 5 years ago
Describe the moment when you started receiving transfers. How did you feel?
I was overwhelmed with happiness the moment I started receiving my money. This money meant a lot in my life since I knew that I would be able to achieve so many things using it. With the current economic situation, it is very hard to be given even 100 KES by your best friend and being among the people to receive such a huge amount of money which is nonrefundable made happier.
What did you spend your most recent transfer(s) on?
I spent my most recent transfer to boost my business of buying and selling second-hand clothes and shoes. I settled on this because I knew that investing in the business is worth since it increases the level of my income. I started this business early this year using my transfers and it was still at a tender stage which needs constant input in order to make it more profitable. I am now glad since I will be using my income from this business to settle my bills.
Describe the biggest difference in your daily life since you started receiving payments from GiveDirectly.
The biggest difference in my daily life since I started receiving payments from GiveDirectly is that I now own a business which I did not have before. Before Givedirectly came for enrolment, I used to depend on selling water to different people. This was always tiresome and the income was little and it could not cater for all my needs. Owning this business has now enabled me to meet my family needs on time even though it is still not so stable.
Do you have any new goals that you didn't have before receiving the transfer?
My goal now that I have started receiving the money is to expand my business. By doing so, I will be maximizing the level of my income. This will help me save some money after settling my family needs. I will use these savings to buy a plot where I will build some rental houses. I will be living in one of the rooms so that I can save the money I would otherwise use in paying my house rent. Owning some rental houses has always been my dream and I believe that I will soon actualize this because of the aid I am now receiving from GiveDirectly.
access_time almost 6 years ago
Describe your usual day. How do you spend your time?
On my usual day I spend my time looking for jobs. Am a casual labourer and that means I need to look for jobs every now and then. Depending on the day I might called in to help in construction work, or even juakali. I also sell second hand clothes but this is something I do on specific days. This is because gauging the money I get from casual work and having a small business, I get more doing casual work and also because my wife takes the bigger role in attending to our clients. So the days I sell clothes I let her rest as I help her. I spend my free time watching football with my peers and just catching up.
What are your greatest ambitions?
My ambition in life is to be a good role model to my family, be financially stable and meet dream of owning a big business as well as a house. When I accomplish these dreams then my family will be able to live a better life, without being oppressed financially. My children will also the best education.
Describe your biggest worry.
My top concern is unemployment because, not being able to have a job and an income, limits me to meeting my needs financially. Unemployment also results to poverty and I may not be able to offer or provide the basic daily needs for myself and my family. That includes better education for my children.
What do you plan to do with the cash transfer?
My first priority for this money will be to save. Through savings I can be able to have some large amount set aside. Money from my savings will be used for my second priority, which is to invest money in my business of selling clothes. I will use the money to buy a new stoke or a bale. I believe from this business I will get profit and I can save to meet my other priority of buying land. I want to have saved enough money to buy land in the rural area. This way I can build a house for my family and I can have a place to call home.