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Newsfeed > Omar's Profile
Omar's family
Small business
Kenya Basic Income
Upcoming Stage
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29th Payment
Transfer Amount
3470 KES ($27 USD)
access_time 1 day ago
How is your life different than it would have been if you never received the transfer?
As a parent without a stable job and source of income with a child in secondary school whose school fee is quite high, my top priority is to ensure her education continues without interruption, especially from being sent home to collect unpaid fees. My plan for the coming year and beyond is to continue using a portion of my transfers that I receive from GiveDirectly to consistently pay her school fees, ensuring she stays in school. Additionally, I am a farmer, and as a farmer, the costs of preparing my land have been a heavy burden. Each farming season, I have had to hire a tractor or plowing bulls, which is quite expensive. To reduce these costs, I have embarked on a journey to acquire two sets of plowing bulls, which would allow me to plow my farm and save on preparation expenses. To reach this goal, I started by purchasing goats and poultry with my previous transfers, and I plan to continue using a portion of future transfers to buy more. My hope is that these animals will multiply and increase in value, enabling me to trade them for the cows I have always dreamed of owning. These cows will help me work on a larger piece of land, securing more food for my family. I remain hopeful that these dreams will come true.
What did you spend your most recent transfer(s) on?
With a child in secondary school and the high school fees, the transfers from GiveDirectly have been incredibly helpful in ensuring she continues her education. I recently spent $60 of my transfers from GiveDirectly to pay her school fees, making sure she stays in school without being sent home for unpaid fees, which would interrupt her studies. Additionally, I have always dreamt of owning two sets of bulls to use for plowing my farm and cutting down on the preparation costs I face every farming season. To work toward this goal, I used an additional $38 of my transfers to buy two goats and two ducks, hoping they would multiply so I could eventually trade them for the bulls I have always wanted. Lastly, I spent $4 on special food for my family so we could enjoy a change in diet, celebrate, and appreciate the help that GiveDirectly has provided us. I am truly grateful for these transfers, as they have opened the door for me to start realizing my dreams.
25th Payment
Transfer Amount
3470 KES ($27 USD)
access_time 4 months ago
How is your life different than it would have been if you never received the transfer?
I am into charcoal selling business and as I continue to manage my transfers and the income from my charcoal business, my primary focus remains on ensuring that my children complete their education and have the means to lead independent lives. I plan to use part of my transfers and business earnings to continue funding their education, guaranteeing that they can complete their studies without interruption. Additionally, to achieve my long held dream of becoming a livestock farmer, I intend to continue investing in goats and chickens using part of my transfers. I am confident that these chickens will multiply and increase in number, allowing me to sell them in the future and use the proceeds to buy more goats. Similarly, I hope that these goats will multiply and increase in number and value, enabling me to trade some for cows and sell others to support my children's education and family needs. Once I have a sufficient number of cows, I plan to sell some to generate funds. With these proceeds, I aim to start a livestock selling business. This venture will involve buying livestock from farmers and selling them in the market, thereby securing a stable financial future for myself and my family.
What did you spend your most recent transfer(s) on?
I am a parent and have three children in school whose education is of utmost importance to me, and therefore, I am determined to ensure that their studies are not interrupted due to unpaid school fees. To achieve this, I spent $54 of my recent transfers to pay their school fees, allowing them to continue their education uninterrupted and preventing them from being sent home due to unpaid fee balances. In addition to prioritizing my children's education, I have also wanted to be a livestock farmer, and I have been gradually acquiring livestock with some of my previous transfers. In order to make my dream come true, I spent $48 of the remaining transfers to purchase an additional five chickens and a goat and increase my flock. I am hopeful that these animals will multiply and increase in number and value, allowing me to sell them in the future and use the proceeds to support my children's education as well as my family's needs.
22nd Payment
Transfer Amount
3470 KES ($27 USD)
access_time 7 months ago
How is your life different than it would have been if you never received the transfer?
I aim to expand my livestock to include cattle as well. Currently, I have seven goats obtained from the cash transfers. The goal of expanding the herd is to start a business selling them at the marketplace to acquire funds for my three children's needs, particularly school fees. This would also allow me to take a break from the strenuous practice of making and selling charcoal. The cattle would on the other hand help with farming activities like plowing and producing milk for domestic consumption.
What did you spend your most recent transfer(s) on?
My daughter recently completed high school, but there was a debt at the school that prevented her from receiving her certificates. I contributed $30 towards covering the debt, ensuring she obtained her credentials and is now ready to embark on the next academic journey. Also, I paid $24 in school fees for another child in Form Two to reduce the outstanding fees, as secondary school tuition is considerably more expensive than primary school. I rely on making and selling charcoal to provide for my family's needs. Sometimes, it can be challenging to raise enough funds to cover all these expenses, which is where the transfers come in to supplement. Since I started receiving transfers, I have seen a significant improvement in the hardships I was facing. I couldn't be more grateful. I also bought a goat for $34, bringing my total to seven goats from the transfers, some of whom have already given birth. My goal is to continue rearing them and eventually exchange them for cows in the future, which can assist with plowing activities and provide milk for domestic consumption.
18th Payment
Transfer Amount
3470 KES ($23 USD)
access_time 11 months ago
How is your life different than it would have been if you never received the transfer?
Looking ahead to the next year, I anticipate sending my recently completed high school son to college. He aspires to pursue a course in either medicine or law, following the release of his examination results. While I am uncertain about the financial feasibility of these courses, I am committed to supporting him to the best of my ability. I firmly believe that his college education will open opportunities for stable and well-paying employment, ultimately uplifting both him and the family from poverty.
What did you spend your most recent transfer(s) on?
Prioritizing my children's education, I directed a significant portion of the recent cash transfers toward settling tuition-related expenses. One of my children was undertaking their final secondary education, and there was a pressing need to clear a tuition debt to ensure the acquisition of their leaving certificate. Consequently, I allocated $30 to settle this balance. Additionally, before the school closure, I used $68 to cover the school fees of my other three children. The cash transfers have played a crucial role in supporting my children's education, particularly as one of them recently completed their high school final examinations. As the main provider for my family, engaged in making and selling charcoal, the cash transfers have proven essential in supplementing my income and maintaining my children's education.
14th Payment
Transfer Amount
3470 KES ($24 USD)
access_time 1 year ago
How is your life different than it would have been if you never received the transfer?
In the upcoming years, my most significant achievement will be acquiring livestock, particularly goats. Goats are relatively affordable, and I can easily purchase them using my monthly stipend. My ultimate aspiration is to possess bulls, which will assist me in tilling my land during the rainy season and even generate income by tilling other people's land. I am confident that this endeavor will be prosperous, especially now that we have an abundance of food after the harvest. I intend to dedicate my monthly stipends to acquiring and investing in livestock, ensuring the success of this project.
What did you spend your most recent transfer(s) on?
My wife and I rely on selling charcoal as our main source of income. In a good month, we can earn over $100 from these sales. However, this amount only covers our basic household needs such as food, clothing, and medical bills. Unfortunately, after taking care of these essential expenses, there is no money left to pay for our four children's school fees. Our two eldest daughters attend Mitangani secondary school, and the younger two are in Bengoni primary school. Currently, my two daughters owe more than $230 in unpaid school fees. Thanks to the financial support I received from Give Directly, I allocated $20 from my July transfers to partially pay the school fee debt for our second-born daughter, who is in first grade. This support has been immensely helpful, as it would have been extremely challenging for me to cover the fees otherwise. With the remaining $14, I decided to invest in three hens. I see this as a long-term investment since they will multiply over time. Once they mature and are ready to be sold at the market, I plan to use the money from their sales to clear the outstanding school fees debt for my children. This way, we can ensure their education continues uninterrupted and build a better future for them.
10th Payment
Transfer Amount
3470 KES ($26 USD)
access_time over 1 year ago
How is your life different than it would have been if you never received the transfer?
My biggest accomplishment and goal for the year is to facilitate and create a positive environment for my children to pursue their education and reach their objectives. I'm sure that spending money on my children' education will give them a bright future. It will bring me great satisfaction to know that they will live good, better lives than I do, and having a bright future for them.
What did you spend your most recent transfer(s) on?
Last year, my daughter, who is my second child, finished primary school. I'm delighted and a proud father that she did so well on her exams. I've been working very hard since the start of the year to save up enough money to put my daughter through secondary school. The fact that my wife and I both work as casual laborers selling charcoal in Mariakani town has made this for me a very difficult situation. Since a bag of charcoal costs $3, our income is extremely meager. We only make about $2 per day because the charcoal bags have high transportation costs. There are too many needs for my family for this little money to cover. When I received my March transfers, I spent the entire $34 and my other earnings on new school uniforms, books, pencils, and pens, as well as partially covering my daughter's form one enrollment fees. The fact that my child is now enrolled in school and pursuing his education makes me happy and excited.
6th Payment
Transfer Amount
3470 KES
access_time almost 2 years ago
How is your life different than it would have been if you never received the transfer?
It has been an uphill task for me in dealing with the school payments. I have two children in high school yet I depend on the charcoal vending business with an income that barely meets my needs. My goal is to be able to invest in my children's education. This is because I believe they are the ones who'll take care of us in our old age and this is through securing their education which will have them excel in life. For that, I plan to ensure that the entire amount I get monthly will be used on school fees.
What did you spend your most recent transfer(s) on?
In Mariakani town, I sell charcoal to make a living. My weekly earnings of only $6 are sufficient to provide food for the family. Due to my meager income, I am unable to meet some basic needs, including paying for medical care, purchasing clothing for the children, and paying for school expenses. I have four school-age children in total. One recently completed her final primary school exams and is waiting to start secondary school in the early part of next year while the other two are in primary school. My oldest child is a third-year student at Lutsangani Secondary School. My love for education is enough to drive me to put in long hours and earn money for my children' tuition at their respective schools. As a result, when I got my transfer, I spent a significant sum of money ($30) to pay off my daughter's secondary school's outstanding school fee balance so that she could take her end-of-term exams. Being able to focus on putting food on the table for my family while also knowing that my children have no outstanding school fees makes me very happy.
2nd Payment
Transfer Amount
3050 KES
access_time over 2 years ago
In your opinion, what does GiveDirectly do well, and what does it not do well?
GiveDirectly as NGO is progressive in ensuring that its targeted recipients are well attended to and well informed on its program. Therefore, it does well in enhancing that the recipients are well informed and they take in the program based on the knowledge they have. Moreover, it sets up protective mechanisms that help safeguard us from exploitation by seeking tokens of appreciation from its staff. Collectively, these practices are good and they play a key role in enhancing their effectiveness. Lastly, GiveDirectly does well in being considerate to the less fortunate by working on how to better the lives of the less fortunate in our society.
What did you spend your most recent transfer(s) on?
Due to the hard economic times that people have been experiencing, it had been pretty hard for me even to support my school-going children. I rely on charcoal making which does not fetch much. As a result, I was forced to take a soft loan to pay off the school fees. Upon receipt of the recent transfer, I prioritized paying off debt which I took to pay school fees for my children. The balance of KES 1,000 helped the outstanding fee arrears for my two children in primary school. Courtesy of the transfer, my children can go to school comfortably.
Initial Payment
Transfer Amount
1200 KES
access_time over 2 years ago
Describe the moment when you received your money. How did you feel?
I was in the field raising my three goats when I received a message notification on my phone. After quickly checking it out, I found out that I had received my first transfer. I was surprised and happy at the same time. I looked up at the sky and thanked the Lord for the miracle he had done for me.
Describe the biggest difference in your daily life since you started receiving payments from GiveDirectly.
Paying school fees for my son is the biggest difference the transfer has made in my life. I was worried that my son would soon come back home because of the school fees arrears. Receiving the money assured me he would continue with his education with no further interruptions, unlike in the past when he would spend over a month without going to school.
What did you spend your most recent transfer(s) on?
I am a casual laborer who earns a living through the making and selling of charcoal. I currently have four children who full depend on me to pay their school fees. The eldest is in secondary school while the other three are in primary school. The major challenge I face is a lack of enough money to pay for their school fees caused by the unstable source of income that I have. I struggle a lot to make sales because of the low demand for charcoal from the clients. Per year I have to pay KES 50000 as a school fee for my four children. On average, I earn make KES 3000 per month. This has become a burden for me and as a result, they often send my children home and spend most of the time studying at home and not in school. Therefore, when I received my first transfer, I spent it all on paying school fees arrears for my eldest son, who is in secondary school, to avoid him being sent home.
access_time over 2 years ago
What does receiving this money mean to you?
The best gift a parent can give to a child is good education, nevertheless, this can only be achieved when one has a stable source of income. As a father of 6 children, I have been burning charcoal tirelessly to attend to their needs. Sometimes the needs are overwhelming. A 6,000 KES a month income is not enough to cater for food, health care, and education. Food and health care being the most important, all the amount is consumed on these two needs leaving my children with huge fee balances. I plan to buy 6 goats at 3,000 KES each. These animals will help me in paying the tuition fees. I will be selling the extra livestock after they reproduce. Therefore receiving this money means good and quality education for my children.
What is the happiest part of your day?
I made 2,100 KES last week from charcoal burning. The amount helped me buy food for my family that lasted for 6 days.
What is the biggest hardship you've faced in your life?
The lack of enough funds to cater to my children's education is the current challenge I am facing. I have worked as a charcoal burner since I got married. This job does not earn me enough to sustain my family of 6 children. A 6,000 KES a month's income is very little to buy food, sort out medical bills, and still pay school fees. Since my children started schooling, their tuition fees have been pilling day by day. As of now, the fee arrears for my 4 school-going children stand at 65,000 KES.