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Rodah's family
Kenya Large Transfer
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access_time 4 months ago
What is the biggest hardship you've faced in your life?
Water scarcity is the biggest challenge I am currently facing. I often have to purchase 20-liter jerricans of water at $0.20 each. My family of four uses about four jerricans daily for our household needs. When I do not have the finances, I have to trek approximately 25 kilometers to the Perkerra canal to fetch water for the family. This journey takes a lot of my time and energy, and I am worried it will eventually impact my health. To make a living, I prepare and sell mandazi, but the $1 profit I make each day goes right back into purchasing stock for the business, leaving no extra money to save. Occasionally, I rely on my husband, who is a teacher, to help support the family.
What is the happiest part of your day?
Five months ago, I took the initiative to start a mandazi business to become self-reliant. Staying idle and fully depending on my husband, who is a teacher, was something I wanted to avoid. I am grateful that this business has been earning my family of four a daily profit of $1, which goes towards replenishing stock. On good days, I use the extra profits for personal upkeep and food for the household. I am happy that I no longer have to wait on my husband when I need finances; instead, I can source the cash from my business.
What do you plan to do with the cash transfer?
Nothing beats self-reliance and comfort. Five months ago, I started a mandazi business that has been earning my family of four $1 daily. However, I have been unable to expand it due to financial constraints. With the anticipated transfers, I plan to spend $200 on expanding this business. I also intend to spend $250 on cultivating a 1-acre piece of land that I plan to lease at the Perkerra scheme. Additionally, I will venture into poultry farming with $100 and use the rest for food and clothing for the household. I am excited about the prospect of having an extra source of income from the expanded mandazi business, allowing us to depend less on my husband, who is a teacher.