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Newsfeed > Jeniffer's Profile
Jeniffer's family
Casual labor
Kenya Large Transfer
There will be no further updates from this completed recipient.
3rd Payment
Transfer Amount
45000 KES ($307 USD)
access_time 8 months ago
How is your life different than it would have been if you never received the transfer?
I'm planning to plant fruit trees, specifically mangoes and bananas, as they do well in our area. My husband and I, now growing older, will take care of them together since we won't continue our farming activities. This project is important to us because, when the trees mature in the coming years, they will provide a source of income. We intend to sell the fruits to support ourselves in the future.
In your opinion, what does GiveDirectly do well, and what does it not do well?
I am grateful to GiveDirectly for their support. The officers during enrollment, were respectful and patient and made sure I understood everything by speaking in our local dialect. This approach helped ensure that we, the locals, could easily understand them. They were patient and willing to repeat information until I fully understood it, which allowed me to make an informed decision about enrolling in the program. This support has had a significant impact on our community. If you had seen our community before and compared it to how it is now, you would notice remarkable changes. I encourage GiveDirectly to continue with the same approach.
What did you spend your most recent transfer(s) on?
When I got my final transfer, I decided to upgrade my house's floor. It was made of cow dung and ash-based render. This made it unconducive for my husband, our two grandchildren, and me. I was tired of dealing with dust and replenishing it frequently, which required a lot of water. However, getting water was challenging due to the water shortage in our area. I used $300 for this project. My husband and I are farmers; we focus on crop production, specifically seed maize, under the Kenya Seed Company. We cultivate on our half-acre land, receiving seeds from the company, which they deduct from our income when they pay us. We sell all the produce to the Kenya Seed Company, except for the male produce, which we keep for our consumption at home. To create a memory of the support from GiveDirectly, I purchased two goats for $110. In addition, I set aside the remaining $40 to address daily needs such as food. Thank you, GiveDirectly, for your support. My life has improved significantly.
2nd Payment
Transfer Amount
45000 KES ($293 USD)
access_time 11 months ago
How is your life different than it would have been if you never received the transfer?
Currently, our reliance has been on subsistence farming, which is not consistently productive, and livestock farming to complement our practices, especially during harsh weather conditions. Looking ahead to the coming year, I have a grandchild preparing to transition to secondary school after completing the final primary school examination. With this in mind, my plan is to allocate a portion of the next transfer to cover the initial admission costs. Additionally, I aim to enhance my farming practices, capitalizing on the sufficient rainfall and utilizing irrigation from nearby seasonal streams to facilitate a better harvest. At the moment, I am focused on cultivating half an acre where I intend to plant maize, hoping for a substantial yield. The surplus from this harvest will be sold to cover subsequent school terms, ensuring continued support for my grandchild's education. This comprehensive approach reflects my commitment to both immediate and long-term needs within my family.
In your opinion, what does GiveDirectly do well, and what does it not do well?
I am delighted that GiveDirectly has empowered us to make choices that have significantly improved my family's living standards. The ability to invest in diversified projects, such as livestock, farming, and even foodstuff, goes beyond what traditional material support could have achieved. The livestock I purchased provides the opportunity to sell their offspring when needed, offering a sustainable source of income. The freedom that comes with receiving money allows everyone to plan and work on projects of their choice without a predetermined spending pattern. I express my gratitude for the generous support from GiveDirectly and the empowerment we have received in making these choices. It is my hope that the same positive impact will be realized in other villages the organization plans to visit in the future.
What did you spend your most recent transfer(s) on?
The challenge of open defecation in the nearby bushes, particularly at night due to the thinner vegetation, prompted me to address this issue with $200 of my second transfer. I invested this amount in constructing a pit latrine, involving digging the pit and covering labor costs during the construction process. This effort has significantly improved hygiene, providing us with a lockable latrine that our visitors can comfortably use. Additionally, recognizing the importance of diversified livestock, I spent $100 on acquiring two sheep, considering their easier management practices and the additional benefit of wool besides milk. With a family of four, including my husband and two grandchildren, I allocated $60 to purchase a sack of maize and other food items, ensuring our food security. Another $60 was used to buy new clothes for all four of us, enhancing our appearance for various occasions and church events. The remaining $30 went towards acquiring household goods such as kitchen consumables and toiletries, further contributing to our overall hygiene. I am grateful for the support and am still looking forward to making more transformations with the final transfer.
Initial Payment
Transfer Amount
20000 KES ($134 USD)
access_time 1 year ago
Describe the moment when you received your money. How did you feel?
The momentous message from GiveDirectly reached me while I was diligently tending to my farm at around 3 p.m. The elation that surged through me was profound, and in that instant, my primary concern became securing food for my household. Operating without this fundamental necessity had proven to be an arduous challenge, making the prospect of having ample food a source of great relief and joy.
Describe the biggest difference in your daily life since you started receiving payments from GiveDirectly.
The impact of GiveDirectly's support is evident in the positive changes within our household. The availability of food has brought relief and eliminated the stress associated with uncertainty. Paying my grandchild's school fees has not only ensured their education but also alleviated a significant source of concern. The newfound stability has even empowered me to cultivate a kitchen garden, planting vegetables to further enhance our self-sufficiency. The overall effect is a happier and more hopeful family, grateful for the transformative impact of this assistance.
What did you spend your most recent transfer(s) on?
Amid the hustle and uncertainty of selling charcoal to make ends meet, receiving the GiveDirectly funds was a transformative moment. The $90 dedicated to purchasing food brought a sense of relief, alleviating the challenges of finding buyers for charcoal and the associated bouts of hunger. The financial constraints that dictated the use of sacks and old clothes for bedding were eased with a thoughtful $5 investment in a mattress to provide comftability and ease the backache felt every morning upon waking up. Additionally, i allocated $60 to ensure my grandchild's uninterrupted education by covering their school fees. This infusion of financial support not only addressed immediate needs but provided a pathway to a more stable and secure future.
access_time 1 year ago
What do you plan to do with the cash transfer?
The plan I have for the transfers is to purchase food, I will purchase three bags of maize at $30 each, a half a bag of maize and also a few clothes. For the remaining amount I would also renovate my house using iron frames at about $70. For the second and third transfers I plan to purchase 1 cow at $200 and 4 goats at $35 each. For the remaining amount I intend to pay school fees for my grandchild who is joining pre-primary. In addition to this I also plan to purchase 4 sheep at $30 each. With the transfers I believe I will be able to change my life positively.
What is the happiest part of your day?
My happiness on a daily basis comes from my family. Whenever I see them happy it brings me joy and I'm glad and thankful to God.
What is the biggest hardship you've faced in your life?
My greatest challenge at the moment is lack of food. We depend on rive Wessex for irrigation of our farms, however, this has become difficult since water is not enough due to lack of rains. This has led to a lack of food in my house at the moment. My house has also been eaten by termites which makes it squeak when beaten by wind. This worries me so much.