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Newsfeed > John's Profile
John's family
Casual labor
Kenya Large Transfer
Upcoming Stage
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2nd Payment
Transfer Amount
45000 KES ($293 USD)
access_time 8 months ago
How is your life different than it would have been if you never received the transfer?
In the upcoming year, I am eager to embark on a new venture into goat farming, which I believe will not only provide income but also contribute to our food security as a family of two. To kickstart this endeavor, I have set a budget of $200, which I intend to invest wisely in acquiring goats and necessary supplies. To raise the initial capital, I will be relying on the support of my son, who works as a casual laborer. Together, we will work diligently to save and set aside the funds needed to start our goat farming venture. Goat farming presents a promising opportunity for us to diversify our income streams and ensure a sustainable source of food for our household. I am excited about the prospects this venture holds and am committed to putting in the effort required to make it a success. By investing in goat farming, we are not only investing in our own future but also in the well-being of our family. I look forward to the journey ahead and the opportunities it will bring for our family's prosperity.
In your opinion, what does GiveDirectly do well, and what does it not do well?
The impact of GiveDirectly's transfers on lives, including my own, has been nothing short of transformative. Personally, I have experienced significant positive changes thanks to these transfers, which have enabled me to acquire assets and provide food for my family of two. These transfers have served as a catalyst for improvement in various aspects of our lives. With the financial assistance I have received, I have been able to invest in valuable assets that contribute to our long-term security and well-being. Additionally, being able to purchase food has alleviated the burden of worrying about our next meal, providing much-needed stability and comfort for my family. The positive impact of these transfers serves as a testament to the importance of targeted assistance in uplifting communities and improving livelihoods. I am optimistic about the future and am committed to making the most of the opportunities afforded to us through GiveDirectly's generosity. I therefore never wish anything to change in their approach, as everything works well.
What did you spend your most recent transfer(s) on?
Upon receiving the transfers, I immediately set to work on improving our living conditions and securing our future. With $200, I expanded our cramped one-room house to accommodate my family of two more comfortably. The previous living space was simply too small for us, and this expansion was long overdue. Additionally, I invested $150 in purchasing a dairy cow to add to our existing herd. Livestock rearing is our primary source of income, and expanding our herd with another cow will help increase our milk production and generate additional revenue for our family. The remaining portion of the transfers was allocated towards purchasing food for our household. Ensuring that we have enough food to sustain ourselves is crucial for our well-being and livelihoods. Overall, the transfers have been instrumental in improving our living conditions, expanding our livestock enterprise, and providing for our basic needs. I am grateful for the support we have received, and I am committed to making the most of these opportunities to build a better future for my family.
Initial Payment
Transfer Amount
18010 KES ($118 USD)
access_time 11 months ago
Describe the moment when you received your money. How did you feel?
The memory of receiving my transfer is etched vividly in my mind. It happened while I was heading home after tending to my cows. My grandson eagerly approached me, radiating happiness. When I halted to inquire about the cause of his excitement, he happily shared the news that the promised transfer from GiveDirectly had come through. The joy was overwhelming because, at that moment, I realized I could finally afford a comfortable place to rest and ensure an ample supply of food in the house, a luxury previously hindered by financial constraints.
Describe the biggest difference in your daily life since you started receiving payments from GiveDirectly.
The most significant change in my everyday life is the ability to afford at least two meals a day. Previously, I relied solely on my children for support, but they had their own responsibilities to manage. Moreover, I now have the luxury of sleeping in a decent place. I express immense gratitude for the support I received, as it has profoundly transformed my life.
What did you spend your most recent transfer(s) on?
In my advanced years, my energy to work on the farm has diminished, leading me to rely on my children and grandchildren for our livelihood, although I still manage to herd my cow. I live with my grandson. The financial assistance from GiveDirectly has proven to be a true blessing, allowing us to comfortably meet our daily needs. Previously, we faced challenges, especially during harsh weather conditions. Upon receiving the transfer, I spent $87 to purchase foodstuffs. Additionally, I used $50 on medication and $15 for clothes. To improve our living conditions, I invested $30 in buying a mattress and a bed. The assurance of having enough food at home brings me profound fulfillment a stark contrast to the past when my grandson and I would go to bed on empty stomachs due to the absence of a stable income source. I am immensely grateful for the support we've received, as it has significantly elevated our lives.
access_time 1 year ago
What do you plan to do with the cash transfer?
Since goats do well here and we also have enough grazing land. They are also very expensive and easy to sell. We plan to buy about 10 goats, they breed faster here. This will support us in the future. One goat costs about $50. I also have a leaking roof. We need to repair it and buy some materials. It will cost about $50 to complete. I also need some household items such as a bed, mattress and others. That will cost an additional $100. To also ensure we have a constant supply of milk for domestic use. We need a cow, one costs about $200. This will help us make tea daily and reduce the cost of buying milk.
What is the happiest part of your day?
I am happy when my grandson can get a casual job. One is paid $3 per day. That's enough for us two in a day. It makes me happy when my grandchild can get some income.
What is the biggest hardship you've faced in your life?
I have been sickly for the last 3 years. This has affected my ability to work. I was infected with Kala-azar. It left me with a long term effect, meaning I cannot walk for long distances or do heavy lifting.It has led me to depend on my grandson most of the time. He works most of the time and I only help in hearding the livestock. It has affected our ability as a family to provide optimally for ourselves.