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We check in with people at each stage of the cash transfer process to see how things are going. Take a look at some of their stories as they appear here in real-time. Learn more about how recipients opt in to share their stories.
Newsfeed > Mwanaisha's Profile
Mwanaisha's family
Small business
Kenya Basic Income
Upcoming Stage
Next Payment
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29th Payment
Transfer Amount
3470 KES ($27 USD)
access_time 3 months ago
How is your life different than it would have been if you never received the transfer?
My main focus for the upcoming year and beyond is to complete the renovations on my house to ensure its long-term durability and safety. With the financial support I received, I was able to build a two-roomed house, which is a significant achievement for me. I also used the funds to install proper lighting. Moving forward, I plan to invest in purchasing a lorry of sand and stones for plastering the house. Additionally, once the renovations are complete, I intend to invest in buying livestock. This strategic investment will provide me with additional income streams and contribute to my long-term financial stability. I'm truly grateful for the support I received, which has allowed me to enhance my living conditions and pursue my goals with confidence.
What did you spend your most recent transfer(s) on?
I'm putting in a lot of effort to renovate our house. In our area, the loose soil causes our mud houses to easily crumble when it rains. That's why I'm focused on strengthening and fortifying the walls of my house so that it can endure for a longer period. From my recent transfer, I set aside $60 to purchase sand and stones. I also saved a portion of it in my Mpesa account and another portion in our chama, which amounts to $5 to go towards paying the builder. With the remaining funds, I allocated $27 to pay off the solar loan, $4 for my daughter's tuition fee, and $5 to acquire two chickens for rearing.
26th Payment
Transfer Amount
3470 KES
access_time 5 months ago
How is your life different than it would have been if you never received the transfer?
My primary goal for the upcoming year and beyond is to finalize the essential renovations on my house, ensuring its durability and safety for habitation. Thanks to the financial support from the transfers, I was able to construct this two-roomed house, a significant achievement for me. Additionally, the funds allowed me to install proper lighting in the house, greatly enhancing its livability. Looking ahead, I aim to invest in purchasing livestock once the house renovations are complete. This strategic investment will provide me with additional income streams and contribute to my financial stability in the long term. I am immensely grateful for the support from the transfers, which has enabled me to improve my living conditions and pursue my goals with confidence.
What did you spend your most recent transfer(s) on?
The soaring prices of kerosene and phone charging services prompted me to seek a lasting solution. Using $23 from my recent transfers, I invested in a solar panel on hire purchase terms, complete with a charging system and lights for household illumination. This innovative addition brings me great joy as it eliminates the need for costly fuel and traditional lamps. Moreover, I allocated $74 from my transfers towards savings, earmarked for constructing stone-walled pillars around my house. This crucial renovation will enhance the durability and safety of my home, addressing the issue of mud erosion during heavy rains. With plans to purchase sand, cement, and stones, I am eager to commence this project soon. Additionally, I utilized $5 to cover tuition fees for my daughter during the extended holiday period. This ensures her education continues smoothly despite the challenges posed by the pandemic. I am immensely grateful for the financial support from the transfers, which has empowered me to transition from living with my mother-in-law to owning a house. Furthermore, it has bolstered my small business, fostering financial independence and self-reliance.
21st Payment
Transfer Amount
3470 KES ($23 USD)
access_time 10 months ago
How is your life different than it would have been if you never received the transfer?
My husband works as a loader in a maize milling company in Mombasa. He earns around $5 daily. I am a fishmonger as well as grocery seller, I make about $2 a day from this business. This only allows us to cover our basic needs and even at that with a strain, we can only struggle to cover for food and school fees and we do not have the luxury of saving. Givedirectly transfers however changed how things are for us. Now we have an extra amount of money that we can use to take care of needs that the earnings we have cannot. We need about $140 for a lorry of stones and $90 for sand. I am able to see myself achieve the goal of getting this materials to better my families living state thanks to Givedirectly.
What did you spend your most recent transfer(s) on?
I have saved up all the money I have received from Givedirectly over the last three months. I have a goal of buying a lorry load of construction stones as well as a lorry of sand. I want to build a half stone wall for my house as well as pillars to hold the roof. The rainy season has been a tough one for my family. My house is made of mud and their are portions of the walls that the rains has washed up and it means this sections allow water to flow into the house. The only was to prevent this leakages is by creating a stone wall which cannot be washed off by the rain to ensure we do not go through this again.
18th Payment
Transfer Amount
3470 KES ($24 USD)
access_time 1 year ago
How is your life different than it would have been if you never received the transfer?
Currently our house is in a bad state and the rainy season puts it at risk of collapsing. We are in the process of buying bricks and cement to construct a new steadier house. I intend to increase the number of goats. My goal is to later trade some of these goats for male cows. With this, I would rent them out for ploughing and generate an extra income. Ploughing an acre here costs $24, and I would focus on ploughing a total of two acres of land in a day. Lastly, my eldest child is in school and I have allocated a portion of my earnings towards saving for his education, and in addition to this ensure that all our other basic needs are met.
What did you spend your most recent transfer(s) on?
I spent $25.5 to acquire three chairs for my home, each priced at $8.5. For over seven years, my family and I endured the discomfort of using jerricans and a locally made wooden bench. This became increasingly uncomfortable and even embarrassing, especially when hosting visitors. At times, we resorted to renting chairs for special guests, which proved to be expensive and unsustainable. The cost of these rented chairs could rise based on the number of guests we had. Now, I am thrilled to share that our living conditions have improved with the addition of comfortable seating in our home, benefiting both my two children and I. The transformative impact of GiveDirectly has filled us with joy, we'll carry fond memories of the transfers throughout our years. Furthermore, I allocated $5 to savings and utilized the remaining $3.5 to enhance my small business. As my husband's employment as a casual laborer lacks stability, the proceeds from my business contribute to our food and other essential needs in the household.
13th Payment
Transfer Amount
3470 KES ($26 USD)
access_time over 1 year ago
How is your life different than it would have been if you never received the transfer?
My aim for the year is to build a safety net for my family through the savings I am making with my savings group. I joined the group after GD transfers and most months I try to save as much as I can from my transfers to ensure that I will have something for a rainy day. I am also trying to add more animals to my flock so that they also grow giving us a chance as a family to decide to sell the animals where there is a need.
What did you spend your most recent transfer(s) on?
GD transfers have given me back the power of choice when it comes to my spending and even building a cushion for myself. I am a mother of one who runs a roadside grocery stall where I sell local groceries as well as dried fish. I accumulated my January and February transfers and spent it in the month of February on a few things I had thought about earlier. I used $15 to add to my grocery business which at the time was going through a rough patch. I also bought a goat at $38 as well as send $15 to my local savings group that I joined. I added $30 in February to my savings group. I bought sugar as well as paid school fees of $4.2 for my child.
10th Payment
Transfer Amount
3470 KES ($28 USD)
access_time almost 2 years ago
How is your life different than it would have been if you never received the transfer?
This program has brought quite a significant change into my life and I am honestly going to be forever grateful. Through the funds I was finally able to build myself quite a comfortable house which I am proud of, especially since it had been a long dream of mine to finally build a better home for myself and my family. Now that I am done with the house I plan on investing in buying a couple of goats and poultry since they are quite cheaper compared to cows. I also happen to own a business where I sell 13th and groceries at one of my friends' stalls. I will also use some part of the money to ensure that I keep my business afloat.
What did you spend your most recent transfer(s) on?
Because my husband could not afford to build a home, I had been living with my mother-in-law ever since we got married. He works as a casual at one of the businesses where he is employed. He doesn't make much money, but I am thankful that he was able to save a bit and start a modest business for me. We had been living in his mother's house who provided us with everything, even the bedding, ever since we got married. I was excited when we were accepted into the program because I knew it was the start of my independence. Due to the transfers, we currently own a house. I spent $50 for a 5 by 6 mattress and utilized $48 to grow my business with the last three months' transfers. I'm pleased and proud of the significant advancements I've made thanks to the transfers. In addition to having a home with all the necessities, my business has expanded and I now make more than $2 in profits every day as opposed to the less than $1 I used to.
6th Payment
Transfer Amount
3050 KES ($25 USD)
access_time 2 years ago
What did you spend your most recent transfer(s) on?
We have not built a house at home since I got married. Even though I now have two children, we always sleep at my mother-in-law's house because my husband is based in Mombasa and rarely returns home. When I received my second transfer, I decided to top up our finances so that we could build a new house. I am relieved that, with the help of my husband, we were able to construct a two-bedroom house with a large veranda. Having a house is the best gift I have received this year, and at long last, I have begun to appreciate my privacy as a woman.
2nd Payment
Transfer Amount
3050 KES ($26 USD)
access_time over 2 years ago
In your opinion, what does GiveDirectly do well, and what does it not do well?
Our village is transforming since GiveDirectly came in. Those who did not have houses have started the construction process while some have invested their money in business while others spent on food. I would not have raised money for the construction labor had it not been for the transfers. We are happy and thankful that the support came right when we needed it the most and allowed us to spend on all we had been wishing to accomplish. Nothing was done contrary to our expectations, a reason behind everyone's happiness.
What did you spend your most recent transfer(s) on?
We got married six years ago but since then we have not been able to raise enough money for constructing our house. Instead, I have been staying in my mother-in-law's house. My spouse is a casual laborer in town (offloads luggage from trucks). He has been purchasing building materials in bits and what we lack currently is the construction labor which is totaling to KES 16000. I had saved KES 5000 from my small fish business for this. When I received both the second and first transfers, I added them to the savings for the construction labor. I am glad I am yet to start the construction since I already have KES 11000 saved for it. I can not wait to own a house and have my freedom and a feeling of independence.
Initial Payment
Transfer Amount
1200 KES ($10 USD)
access_time over 2 years ago
Describe the moment when you received your money. How did you feel?
I was washing clothes when I heard a message notification from my phone and thought to myself, that must be the usual promotional messages. After I was done washing, I picked my phone and saw a cash transfer pop-up and because I wasn't expecting money from anyone, I was eager to open the message only to find out that it was the transfers from GiveDirectly. That was such a good was to start off my day since it was early in the morning.
Describe the biggest difference in your daily life since you started receiving payments from GiveDirectly.
Right now, I have peace of mind knowing that in the next few months, I will have a house to call mine and the father of my children will nolonger shy from coming home oftenly. This will be a great opportunity for him to bond with the children.
What did you spend your most recent transfer(s) on?
Ever since I was married, I have been living in my father In-law's house because my husband don't have a house. When he married me, he promised to build a house as soon as possible but things didn't go as planned because we got our first born earlier than we thought. My husband lives in the city while I live in his rural home with our two daughters therefore, he rarely comes home and when he does, he cannot spend a night here because he doesn't have a house. This has denied our daughters bonding with him because they get to see him once in a while. Overtime, he has worked so hard and managed to buy enough building materials to construct a two bedroom house but we couldn't afford to pay the mason. When I was enrolled into the program, we both agreed to be savings the monthly transfers so that we can raise enough money to pay the mason. I saved KES 1200 that I received and I'm looking forward to save the subsequent monthly transfers of KES 3000 until I accumulated enough money to pay the mason and I believe this will be possible in the next seven months.
access_time over 2 years ago
What does receiving this money mean to you?
Imagine sharing a room with my mother-in-law just because I lack money to pay for the masonry despite having bought all the required materials. This is something that has robbed away my joy because I lack privacy as a woman and my husband also can not spend a night at home, he usually stays in Mombasa. Receiving this money means a big boost to me because I intend to start constructing the house and I will be paying the masonry monthly. This will guarantee me a private house within the first 8 months of getting the transfers. The remaining transfers will help me to expand my business of selling silver cyprinids dubbed as "lake sardines" which will act as my long-term project. Hence, this is generally what receiving this money means to me.
What is the happiest part of your day?
When I heard the arrival of GiveDirectly to our sub-location, I felt like a savior has come for my rescue. I knew a better chapter of my life had started, and with the transfers, I will manage to undo the status quo and construct a private house that will relieve me from the mockery that I have had in the village. Therefore, I consider this as what has brought joy to my life.
What is the biggest hardship you've faced in your life?
I consider lack of privacy as the main challenge that I am currently facing. Imagine living a life away from your husband because we lack a house at home! Whenever he comes home, he seeks shelter from his cousins or to make sure he goes back to Mombasa on the same day. I have been mocked by my neighbors for failing to own a separate house and this has stressed me a lot. I am now happy knowing that, soon I will own a house courtesy of GiveDirectly.