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Newsfeed > Florence's Profile
Florence's family
Casual labor
Kenya Basic Income
Upcoming Stage
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29th Payment
Transfer Amount
3470 KES ($27 USD)
access_time 2 months ago
How is your life different than it would have been if you never received the transfer?
My mother needs a house. Right now we feel the elements first hand, be it rain, wind or the sun. The house we live in has fallen on one side. I had wanted to build the house a while ago but due to the lack of finances from my charcoal business this project stalled until I started receiving my cash transfers. My brother, a taxi driver supports us on food so we can save the entirety of my transfers to ensure we get the house up and running. Givedirectly transfers will surely change the face of our home.
What did you spend your most recent transfer(s) on?
I am a young lady living with my mother on her piece of land. She lives in a two room mud house which is now falling apart after 15 years. She has been unable to build herself a house and since I am the only one with her here at home I believe it is my responsibility to help her get a better house. I have set aside $88 of my transfers towards this project and I hope to be starting on it soon enough. I also spent around $14 to buy some food for us as our supply of stored grain has significantly dwindled.
25th Payment
Transfer Amount
3470 KES ($26 USD)
access_time 5 months ago
How is your life different than it would have been if you never received the transfer?
My top priority is to invest most of my upcoming transfer in expanding my livestock. Right now, I already own a cow and a goat that I purchased with funds from previous transfers. I anticipate that these animals will have offspring in the next few months, which will boost my investment considerably. Once my cow matures, I'll be able to sell milk to people in the nearby village and generate income. These transfers will not only aid in my personal growth but also fuel my determination to attain financial stability. I'm committed to maximizing these opportunities for a brighter future and to working hard towards saving for college through my investments
What did you spend your most recent transfer(s) on?
I come from a family of six, where my mother has been the sole provider since my father passed away. My mother and I are lucky to be enrolled in this program. We often sit down together to plan how to use our transfer wisely. Before Give Directly, we used to make and sell charcoal to afford basic necessities. It was tough and bad for our health, but we had no other choice. Thanks to Give Directly, we were rescued from these struggles. With my recent transfer, I spent $35.50 on food to ensure we don't go to bed hungry like before. I also used $5.50 to buy clothes for myself to look presentable. Lastly, I saved $60 for my college fees when I enroll.
22nd Payment
Transfer Amount
3470 KES ($21 USD)
access_time 9 months ago
How is your life different than it would have been if you never received the transfer?
My major goal is to build my mother a more spacious house, with a special section dedicated to a kitchen, providing her with the comfort she deserves. The current living conditions have been challenging and it will be a tangible expression of gratitude for my mother's sacrifices. Additionally, I aim to invest buying in a dairy cow, and capitalize on the demand for milk in the village due to persistent droughts. I'm so grateful, GiveDirectly transfers are transforming our lives.
What did you spend your most recent transfer(s) on?
Receiving Givedirectly monthly cash transfer has been a blessing for me and my family. In the past months, I decided to put the entire $102 towards completing the construction of my mother's house. In our polygamous setup, my mother is the eldest, and I, being her last born, I have always lived with her. She's unemployed but plays a crucial role in providing for the family. My father, who is fully dependent on us, lost his sight due to illness when I was still a young child. Back then, it was a struggle; I was raised single-handedly by my mother, and there were times when we went to bed hungry. Now, with the help of the cash transfer I run a small charcoal business, we never have to worry about going without food but have also created a foundation for a brighter future.
18th Payment
Transfer Amount
3470 KES ($23 USD)
access_time 1 year ago
How is your life different than it would have been if you never received the transfer?
My primary intention is to allocate the majority of my upcoming transfer towards expanding my livestock holdings. At present, I possess a cow and a goat, both of which were acquired using funds from previous transfers. In the coming months, I anticipate that the livestock will multiply, resulting in a substantial increase in my initial investment. Once the dairy cow reaches maturity, I will be able to generate income by selling milk to individuals in the nearby village. The support provided through these transfers has not only allowed me to develop personally but also strengthens my resolve to attain financial stability through prudent investment of the funds. I am genuinely grateful for the opportunities these transfers have afforded me, and I am committed to making the most of them for a secure and prosperous future.
What did you spend your most recent transfer(s) on?
As a casual laborer, my livelihood primarily depends on selling charcoal, supplemented by growing food for subsistence during the rainy season. While my income is sufficient to meet my daily needs, the monthly transfers from Give Directly have played a crucial role in enabling me to tackle and achieve goals that would have otherwise been out of reach due to my limited earnings. One significant allocation from the transfers was the substantial portion of $30 that went towards settling a debt that had accumulated to $60. This debt had arisen as a result of purchasing food on credit during a challenging period when the prices of food commodities skyrocketed. Since we had not yet harvested our own crops, we had to rely on purchasing food from local shops. I am relieved to share that, together with my mother, we have finally managed to pay off this long-standing debt that had been weighing us down. Furthermore, I utilized a portion of the transfers to fix a door in my house, providing a sense of security for my belongings whenever I am away. During the planting season, I hired individuals to assist with weeding my farm, for which I paid a total of $15. This support was instrumental in ensuring a successful harvest. Additionally, I allocated $19 towards purchasing food to sustain my family, including my mother and two children, during the period leading up to the harvest. I am sincerely grateful for the financial assistance provided in improving my life.
13th Payment
Transfer Amount
3470 KES ($26 USD)
access_time over 1 year ago
How is your life different than it would have been if you never received the transfer?
In our culture, when you are older, you are not allowed to live in your parent's house. I moved out of my parents' house quite a while ago and I have been living with my brother. I had desired to get a house of my own but with my small earnings from selling charcoal, there was much hope of achieving this until GD came to us. I was so excited and in August last year, I started setting money aside to use for this building. I would save as low as $15 to ensure that I had enough to start up on the project and in March this year I started construction. In January and March, I set aside my entire transfer of $34 while in February I set aside a part of it $20. I used $14 in February to ensure my family was fed.
What did you spend your most recent transfer(s) on?
In our culture, when you are older, you are not allowed to live in your parent's house. I moved out of my parents' house quite a while ago and I have been living with my brother. I had desired to get a house of my own but with my small earnings from selling charcoal, there was much hope of achieving this until GD came to us. I was so excited and in August last year, I started setting money aside to use for this building. I would save as low as $15 to ensure that I had enough to start up on the project and in March this year I started construction. In January and March, I set aside my entire transfer of $34 while in February I set aside a part of it $20. I used $14 in February to ensure my family was fed.
9th Payment
Transfer Amount
3470 KES ($28 USD)
access_time almost 2 years ago
How is your life different than it would have been if you never received the transfer?
The house my mother owns is dilapidated. The house's walls are curved to one side due to the weakening of the poles that were used to construct it. Being the oldest daughter, I am solely in charge of fixing the house and making sure she has a better place to live. Since I am a housekeeper and make a meager living, it has taken me a while to build her a decent home. I bought 14 pieces of iron sheeting over the course of the previous year in order to build my mother a brand-new, sturdy home. My ultimate objective is to purchase building poles, cement, and sand, finish the house by the end of the year, and allow her to move in.
What did you spend your most recent transfer(s) on?
I bought building poles with the entire $34 transfer amount. I currently share a tiny, run-down home with my mother that is one room, grass-thatched (Makuti), and made of mud. Since we moved in two years ago, the house has been a good fit for us. However, three months ago, the house's walls began to sag and bend to one side. This is a ticking time bomb for us because my mother is very old and completely dependent on me, and we are unable to build a new home because I make so little money selling charcoal. My meager income is sufficient to cover my food expenses, so I have no money left over for savings. Now that the house is about to collapse, building a new one is my top priority. My goal is to start building the house early in the year and finish it in two weeks. My mother and I will relocate to the new home, which is secure for us all.
6th Payment
Transfer Amount
3050 KES ($25 USD)
access_time 2 years ago
What did you spend your most recent transfer(s) on?
My parent's house is in a dilapidated state and is soon falling apart. My mum is aged while my dad is blind and hence cannot do any income-generating activity therefore they have not been able to renovate the house. I have therefore used the past three months' transfers to purchase building materials such as iron sheets, nails, and timber with a plan of constructing a new house. I am hoping to kick start the construction of the house in January next year once I have all the building materials required.
2nd Payment
Transfer Amount
3050 KES ($26 USD)
access_time over 2 years ago
In your opinion, what does GiveDirectly do well, and what does it not do well?
My life has not fully improved but at least I have some hopes in my life. The idea of giving people cash and letting them decide on how to spend it was a great idea. We did not know we would own a better house anytime soon but thanks to the GiveDirectly unconditional cash transfers. Most people in the village are contented because they have been able to meet their various needs from daily food, to good houses, some even pay for their children's school fees. I have not heard of any discontent from anyone about the work the organization does.
What did you spend your most recent transfer(s) on?
Three years ago my mother constructed a house that was meant to be temporary hoping to get money for constructing a better one but all were in vain. We are still staying in the same house to date with the walls already fallen off while the roofing materials have broken. We are yet to experience heavy downpour, and I am afraid if that happens then we shall be rendered homeless. Therefore, when I received my first transfer I saved it so that I could add it to the second one and purchase building materials. So far, I have bought 6 pieces of iron sheets with both the first and second transfers, targeting 8 more with the coming transfers so that I can start constructing a new house. My mother is aged with a health condition that can not allow her to do casual work leaving me as the sole breadwinner.
Initial Payment
Transfer Amount
1200 KES ($10 USD)
access_time over 2 years ago
Describe the moment when you received your money. How did you feel?
My phone had gone off thus it was being charged at the time transfers were sent. When I accessed it, I was glad to see an Mpesa message. Upon confirmation that the cash was from GiveDirectly, my excitement doubled. This gave me confidence that at long last, I shall add a positive value in the life of my mother who had somehow been neglected by my father. I also informed my mother who happily cited that she had also received her transfer that morning.
Describe the biggest difference in your daily life since you started receiving payments from GiveDirectly.
Currently, the most obvious difference I have in my life is being in a position to offer support to my mother. I am rest assured that I would actively participate in building my mum a new house. Her owning a new house will definitely earn her respect from the daughter-in-law who had been uncomfortable seeing living in the current house. She had reserved option on her mother-i- law living in her house, though the situation forced this to be so.
What did you spend your most recent transfer(s) on?
As a single lady, I have been living with my biological mother for the past two years. My father is a polygamous, very old and blind, a condition that deprives him capability to build a new house for my mother. Due to this situation, she opted to use my brother's house because he is always away. Despite this, my brother's house is too old and almost falling down on one side. Upon receiving my transfer, I opted to save it with an intention of building her a house before this year ends. It pains me not only to live with my mum in a very old house, but also seeing my mum spending in her sons house. Even though my brother has no issue with this situation, it is very demeaning to our family.
access_time over 2 years ago
What does receiving this money mean to you?
Being a single parent and at the same time bearing the burden of raising a daughter of 4 years has never been a walk in the park. With my energy-draining charcoal burning occupation I cannot guarantee my family all the basic needs because I only get peanuts from the sale of charcoal. Receiving this money would mean I start a small scale dairy farming at my home whereby I will buy 3 cattle at a total cost of 75000 KES. There is a ready market in my area and I believe through this, it will be a source of income for my family 5 members.
What is the happiest part of your day?
Being in good health and able to provide for my family has always made me feel great. It was during last term when my daughter was promoted to the next class in pre primary school, this made me rejoice and felt proud of her and promised her gifts if she keeps on performing well.
What is the biggest hardship you've faced in your life?
Considering that I am a single parent, providing my family of 5 members all the basic needs like food, clothes and better health care becomes an uphill to me. My four year old daughter who is in pre primary school lack school fees and most of the time she is sent home and this has affected her academic performance.