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Newsfeed > Felistar's Profile
Felistar's family
Small business
Kenya Large Transfer
There will be no further updates from this completed recipient.
2nd Payment
Transfer Amount
53010 KES ($335 USD)
access_time 9 months ago
How is your life different than it would have been if you never received the transfer?
My dreams for the future are filled with hope, thanks to the support I received from GiveDirectly. I aspire to venture into livestock farming, focusing on raising cows. I believe that this endeavor will not only provide a stable source of income for my family but also serve as a solid foundation for securing my children's education. Every day, I am diligently saving a little from my business to gradually build the path toward achieving this goal. The prospect of a brighter future motivates me, and I am determined to turn my aspirations into reality, ensuring a better life for my family through hard work and careful planning.
In your opinion, what does GiveDirectly do well, and what does it not do well?
In my view, GiveDirectly is an uplifting organization that truly helps those who are less advantaged to discover and unleash their potential. I am grateful for the support they provided, which has made a positive impact on my life. The organization's vision of empowering individuals resonates with me, and I wholeheartedly support its mission to create opportunities and bring about positive change for those in need. GiveDirectly's commitment to making a difference has not only benefited me but has also inspired confidence in their ability to uplift communities and individuals facing challenges. I believe in their vision, and I am thankful for the positive impact they've had on my life.
What did you spend your most recent transfer(s) on?
Surviving on casual labor to feed our family of seven was a daily struggle for my husband and me. When we received the cash transfer from GiveDirectly, we decided to make our festive season special by using $200 to buy a sack of maize, a sack of rice, beans, sugar, and other essential food items. The joy of having enough to eat was immense, and it brought comfort to our family. After securing our immediate needs, my husband and I discussed the future, realizing the importance of having a sustainable source of income. We decided to invest the remaining amount in starting a boutique business, selling second-hand clothes. The goal was to create an income-generating activity that would support our family even after the assistance from GiveDirectly ended. I am delighted to share that our business is thriving, bringing hope and financial stability to our household.
Initial Payment
Transfer Amount
55000 KES ($360 USD)
access_time 11 months ago
Describe the moment when you received your money. How did you feel?
I was at home alone, considering burning charcoal to earn some income, when, around 3 p.m., I received an SMS notification that the transfers had come through. It was a moment that brought a rush of thoughts and plans flooding in, especially regarding my children's school fees, which had been a struggle all along. I decided to wait until my husband returned home in the evening before sharing the news with him. Managing a family of seven means every financial decision is crucial. Withdrawing a small amount, just $10, to cover our immediate food needs for the evening seemed like the best choice. I opted to wait a couple of days to withdraw the rest of the funds, ensuring I could carefully plan and allocate the money for our family's various needs. The relief of having the means to cover essential expenses, especially the school fees for my children, was immense. Waiting to discuss the transfers with my husband highlighted the importance of making financial decisions together, ensuring that our choices align with our family's overall well-being.
Describe the biggest difference in your daily life since you started receiving payments from GiveDirectly.
Before receiving transfers from GiveDirectly, providing enough food for my family of seven and managing school fees was an ongoing struggle. Back then, I had to balance cultivating my farm for food and taking up casual jobs just to make ends meet. However, since receiving the transfers, there has been a shift. The financial support has enabled me to focus more on cultivating my farm to ensure there is enough food for my family. It has been a relief not to have to juggle multiple jobs but to concentrate fully on my own farm. Now, without the pressure of having to seek additional casual jobs, I can dedicate all my time and effort to making my farm more productive. This means better yields, ensuring that we have sufficient food on our table. Moreover, the relief from worrying about how to cover school fees has been immense. I can put my energy into farming, which not only sustains us but also becomes a source of income for our family. The transfers have not only eased the immediate financial burden but have also provided the opportunity for me to focus on a more sustainable long-term solution for my family's well-being.
What did you spend your most recent transfer(s) on?
Receiving the transfers was a significant relief for my family of seven. The first priority was securing my children's education, so $50 went straight towards their school fees. Education is an investment in their future, and I wanted to ensure they had the opportunity to learn without interrupting their schooling for non-fee payments. With the remaining funds, I made essential purchases to improve our living conditions. Investing in comfortable beds and mattresses for the family, totaling $200, was important for our well-being. Additionally, I spent $100 on clothing for my children, ensuring they had decent attire. The bulk of the funds, $120, went towards purchasing food for the household. As my husband's construction job and my charcoal-burning business mainly provided income for food and education, it was crucial to ensure our family had enough to eat. Lastly,addressing outstanding debts with $80 was a weight off our shoulders. It is important to me to honor our financial commitments, and this allowed for some progress in that area. While our income primarily supports food and education, I am glad these transfers have allowed us to improve our living conditions and invest in a more sustainable future. The sense of security that comes from having these essentials taken care of is invaluable for our family's well-being.
access_time 1 year ago
What do you plan to do with the cash transfer?
The ministry of health is against open dification. My family has practiced it for three years now. I dug the latrine pit but lack the money to costruct a house on it. The family has been using the bush as a toilet. I feel embarrassed in the community since I am the only person without a pit latrine . I have a family of seven members with five being school going children. I do casual jobs at the quarry together with my husband earning approximately $25 each. The money caters mostly for school fees and food and it is even not enough. The children have a fees balance of $100 and they have sometimes missed classes due to this. I will use $200 to clear school fees for the children and also do prepayment. This will enable the children settle at school and improve their performances. I will also use $400 to buy eight goats as an investment. This will help me raise school fees for the children once they join secondary school. I will construct a pit latrine at a cost of $200 so that I comply with the ministry of health requirements.
What is the happiest part of your day?
The community has faced drought for the past seven seasons. In March 2023, we received rain and did farming on my one acre piece of land . I harvested two bags of maize each 90kg which has sustained the family for two months now. I felt very happy for the harvest because my children would go to school having taken breakfast unlike before.
What is the biggest hardship you've faced in your life?
My husband and I do casual jobs at the quarry earning approximately $25 each per month. The money caters mostly for food and school fees which is not even enough. Sometimes my children miss classes due to lack of school fees. This has affected their performances . Lack of reliable source of income is the challenge I am currently facing in life.