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Newsfeed > Beatrice's Profile
Beatrice's family
Casual labor
Kenya Large Transfer
There will be no further updates from this completed recipient.
2nd Payment
Transfer Amount
53150 KES ($491 USD)
access_time almost 3 years ago
How is your life different than it would have been if you never received the transfer?
My life is different than how it would have been had I not received the transfer. This is because I have been able to buy a dairy cow. Due to this, my income from dairy farming will increase when it calves and I will be able to use it to pay school pay school fees for my children in time. Also, my life is different as I now have some money that I will be using to pay school fees for my children when the schools reopen. Due to this, I do not stress myself so much on how to get money to use in paying their fees
In your opinion, what does GiveDirectly do well, and what does it not do well?
In my opinion, GiveDirectly does well by giving out financial aid and I do not see anything that they do not do well.
What did you spend your most recent transfer(s) on?
When I received my transfer, I spent KES 12,000 on food and clothes for my children . I decided on this so that my children would not feel left out whenever they meet with their peers as almost every family in the village was buying new clothes for their children. I saved the remaining amount in my mshwari account. I decided on this so that I will use them to pay school fees for my two children. One will be joining form one this year while the other will be transitioning to form four. Paying their fees on time will enable them concentrate on their studies as they will not be sent back home.
Initial Payment
Transfer Amount
55000 KES ($510 USD)
access_time almost 3 years ago
Describe the moment when you received your money. How did you feel?
The moment I received the transfer was a joyous one not only to me but also to my kids. It has been quite a wait since everyone knew that once it lands on my account, anything ever promised will be obtained. I also had to finally brush off the doubts and fear that I had been having over the possibility of missing the transfer. I really thanked God, and initiating the projects I had was the next move.
Describe the biggest difference in your daily life since you started receiving payments from GiveDirectly.
After buying livestock, foodstuff, and even clothing for my kids, I am really pleased that I cleared the school fees for my two sons.  This has given me peace of mind and finally eased the planning of other projects. I had been thanking God especially over this season where most of the school children have been sent home to collect their school fees while mine had been in school the whole term with no interruption at all. This is the biggest difference in my daily life so far since many times, they had been home over such seasons but GiveDirectly has really changed things around and I am grateful.
What did you spend your most recent transfer(s) on?
After receiving the first transfer, I spent the first 35000KES on buying livestock: 20000KES on a heifer and the other 15000KES on an ox.  I also paid 15000KES towards school fees for my two children in are currently in secondary school and the remaining amount on clothing for the younger kids, foodstuff, and other household goods. The larger portion spent on the livestock was really worth it as we had been hoping to stop the huge expense on milk. By buying a heifer we believe that we will soon be enjoying our production and supply of milk from our own livestock.
access_time 3 years ago
What does receiving this money mean to you?
I have been yearning to restart my business of trading on maize in our nearby center. Since I used to enjoy substantial profits from the business, receiving this money means that I will manage to restart the business. Previously, I used all the business funds I had on paying school fees for my two children and five orphans who are under my care. Overall, arrival of GiveDirectly money signifies a brighter future for my family since we shall use profits from the businesson improving our living standard.
What is the happiest part of your day?
As a housewife, my day is usually packed with household chores and some subsistence farming practices. As such, the happiest part of my day is in the afternoon when I am taking some rest after accomplishing my tasks. This makes me feel like a response parent and wife.
What is the biggest hardship you've faced in your life?
The biggest hardship I have faced in life is taking care of five orphans while I was still a young family with kids to provide and care for too. The relatively little profits we used to attain from my small business could hardly sustain us. However, I thank God for enabling me to support them; they are now all adults. In fact one of them graduated from a local university and is seeking formal emplyment. Precisely, I think that we could have made significant developments as a family if not for the increased responsibilities and liabilities we had.