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Newsfeed > Bernice's Profile
Bernice's family
Kenya Large Transfer
There will be no further updates from this completed recipient.
3rd Payment
Transfer Amount
45000 KES ($314 USD)
access_time 1 year ago
How is your life different than it would have been if you never received the transfer?
Building a better house for my family is a top priority for me. The current one, made of iron sheets, is becoming inadequate as my children are growing. I dream of providing them with a more comfortable and spacious home where they can thrive and have a safe environment to grow in. In our community, livestock holds significant value, and I share this sentiment as well. I currently have a few animals, and I am eager to increase their number. The additional livestock will not only bring me joy and satisfaction but also serve as a potential source of income. The finances generated from the livestock will motivate me to work harder and do much more for my family's well being. It has opened up opportunities and possibilities that were once beyond my reach. The support I have received has ignited a spark within me to improve my family's quality of life and strive for a brighter tomorrow.
In your opinion, what does GiveDirectly do well, and what does it not do well?
Thanks to GiveDirectly, I have achieved three significant improvements that have positively impacted my family's life. Firstly, I now have access to proper sanitation with toilets, which was previously a distant dream. This has greatly improved our hygiene and overall well-being. Secondly, having water pipes installed in our compound has been a game-changer. Access to clean and convenient water has relieved us from the daily struggles of fetching water from afar. Thirdly, the construction of a kitchen has transformed our cooking experience. With a dedicated and functional kitchen, we can now prepare meals more efficiently and hygienically, ensuring the well being of my family. GiveDirectly's support has accelerated these positive changes in our lives. It would have taken us much longer to achieve these improvements on our own, if at all. I am grateful for this opportunity, and I am committed to making the most of it. I will continue to seize opportunities and utilize resources wisely to secure a better life for us all.
What did you spend your most recent transfer(s) on?
I used part of the transfers, amounting to $280, to build a proper kitchen. During the rainy seasons, it has been quite challenging to cook and maintain hygiene. Now, with the new kitchen in place, I can cook comfortably, regardless of the weather, and ensure a cleaner and healthier cooking environment for my family. Additionally, I used $45 to harvest maize from my farm. This has been a rewarding outcome of my hard work and dedication to farming. The maize harvest not only provides us with food but also serves as an income source when sold in the market. Feeding my family of three, especially with a young child of two years, has been demanding. To address this, I allocated $125 to purchase ample food supplies. The support from the transfers has been a true blessing, enabling me to make essential improvements and meet the needs of my family. As I move forward, I am filled with hope and determination to continue striving for a better life and securing a brighter future for my loved ones.
2nd Payment
Transfer Amount
45000 KES ($324 USD)
access_time over 1 year ago
How is your life different than it would have been if you never received the transfer?
In anticipation of the year ahead, my primary focus is to create a comfortable home for my family. To achieve this aspiration, I plan to save my second transfer while also receiving support from my husband, who recently secured employment. The generous financial assistance we have received has instilled within us a deep sense of appreciation, granting us newfound financial freedom and unveiling a world of exciting opportunities.
In your opinion, what does GiveDirectly do well, and what does it not do well?
The support provided by the organization has significantly enhanced our quality of life. We were well informed about the program's objectives and given the freedom to allocate the funds according to our own needs. From my perspective, the organization's assistance has played a vital role in uplifting the living standards of individuals within my community. Thanks to this unconditional support, people have been able to address their essential needs. In my opinion, every individual in the village should have the opportunity to benefit from this program.
What did you spend your most recent transfer(s) on?
I was filled with immense joy when I learned that GiveDirectly had promised to provide me with funds. This wonderful news meant that I could finally fulfill my lifelong dream of having tap water connected to my home, which was previously impossible due to financial constraints. As a teacher, I am still waiting for government placement, and my husband is also a teacher and we have two children. With our casual job earnings, we could barely sustain our family's needs. However, upon receiving my second transfer, I decided to allocate at least $260 toward the tap water connection. The remaining funds were wisely used to renovate our house and purchase essential food supplies. The timely and much-needed support uplifted our living standards and brought us great happiness. Unlike before, we now have an abundance of food in my home, which is a tremendous relief. We are incredibly grateful for the support that arrived at just the right moment and has positively transformed our lives.
Initial Payment
Transfer Amount
20000 KES ($149 USD)
access_time over 1 year ago
Describe the moment when you received your money. How did you feel?
I was in possession of a phone when I received a message confirmation of the first transfer from GiveDirectly, and it was a highly anticipated event in our village. As soon as I saw the message, I quickly read through it, first looking for the name Segovia to confirm its authenticity before checking the amount received. Even though I was alone at my workplace, I couldn't help but feel overwhelmed with joy and excitement at the good news. My husband, who works as a teacher, was away at work, so I had to wait until I got home in the evening to share the news with him. When I did, he was equally thrilled, and it brought us both a great deal of happiness.
Describe the biggest difference in your daily life since you started receiving payments from GiveDirectly.
The biggest difference in my daily life is the beginning of the construction of a new latrine, something that we have been lacking for a long time. Previously, we had to rely on relieving ourselves in the surrounding bushes and shrubs, which was unhygienic and posed a great risk to our health. With the support of GiveDirectly, we now have the means to construct a proper latrine that will not only provide us with the privacy we need but also promote better hygiene practices. Once complete, we will be able to use it for a long time, and we are grateful for the opportunity to improve our living conditions.
What did you spend your most recent transfer(s) on?
In the past, my family and I would often move to new places frequently, and we didn't want to invest in any expensive structures as we were unsure of how long we would stay in one place. As a result, we never had basic amenities such as latrines, which led us to relieve ourselves in scattered bushes, posing a health risk and contaminating water during the rainy season. With the knowledge we received from public health officers, we decided to spend $100 from the first transfer on digging a 10-foot pit latrine, which we are yet to construct. I also purchased a chicken coop worth $15 since I already had chicks that shared my kitchen space every evening. This was not comfortable for my children, who sleep on the floor, and the stench from the feces of the chicks was unbearable. Moreover, I needed to improve my living conditions, so I bought curtains worth $10 and a piece of furniture worth $27. I then used the remaining amount to buy foodstuff and transport the construction materials from the nearby shopping center. I am grateful for the support from GiveDirectly and look forward to completing the ongoing projects once I receive the second transfer.
access_time almost 2 years ago
What do you plan to do with the cash transfer?
We have undergone alot of suffering and struggle, we have several needs that we intend to fulfil which has not been possible to achieve because of inadequate finances. So bad is the situation that we have not been able to build a pit latrine and it is so disgraceful since we are forced to use the nearby bushes. It is against this backdrop that we intend to construct a bit latrine that will cost approximately $ 200,this transfers could not have come at a better time than this, it will take away the shame that we have faced over time. We will use the rest of the money to cement the floor of our house since there is alot of dust which make our stay not conducive.
What is the happiest part of your day?
Recently in October last year, we were able to purchase a water tank from the little savings that we had made. Water is a major problem here and we had been suffering since we were forced to buy from the water vendors or to travel for more than 6 Km to a dam near Kapkuikui primary school. So the acquisition of the tank was a big achievement that has helped us a great deal. We are now able to harvest clean water for household use and divert the little money that we could have use for water purchase for food.
What is the biggest hardship you've faced in your life?
We have struggled against odds under very difficult circumstances to advance our education up to college level. I am trained as a P1 teacher and graduated in the year 2021 while my husband is a graduate of Bachelor of Education degree from Rongo University. We were so optimistic and full of live that our lives will change for better but things has been hard on us. We have not gotten employment by the government, my husband used to teach in Radat secondary school under the Board of Management terms but he never received any salary for the whole term and had to leave it since it was not sustainable to continue with the job.We are worried and broken, bringing up our two children without a stable income is a tall order. As we continue to navigate with life challenges we worry about uncertain future, unemployment is what pains us to the core.