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Newsfeed > Katana's Profile
Katana's family
Subsistence farming
Kenya Large Transfer
There will be no further updates from this completed recipient.
2nd Payment
Transfer Amount
55000 KES ($448 USD)
access_time almost 2 years ago
How is your life different than it would have been if you never received the transfer?
I only have one goal in the remaining part of my life , and that is to see my children succeed . I will be so happy to see them ascend the academic ladder . By next year , I want to ensure that my two children who are in class 8 , join form one withouts any difficulties . It will need a lot of money , I can't be specific because I do not know yet . I plan to sell some of my cattle to accomplish that , if I won't make it then I can just enroll them in polytechnic as long as they do not stay at home .
In your opinion, what does GiveDirectly do well, and what does it not do well?
Give Directly is doing everything well and in a very unique manner . All my life I had never seen donors who give money unconditionally , neither had I expected that to happen to me . I was used to just receiving food donations . Thanks to Give Directly because it also gave us the freedom of spending the transfers . For people who were wise , this has changed their economic lives positively . I pray God to bless you and refill your pockets so that you can even return to help us again. I can't say Give Directly did anything wrong, you did everything perfectly right. This was unexpected and you out did yourself .There is nothing to improve on .
What did you spend your most recent transfer(s) on?
My wife and I are both jobless , we depend on our children who are casual labourers for basic needs . When I received this transfer , my wife advise that we buy something that we would look at later and remember the generosity of Give Directly . So settled on a cow worth $165 . As we speak , it gave birth to one calf recently and I can't wait to start enjoying the milk , we will even be selling some . I spent $105 on three goats . I also hope they shall multiply in number soon . I chose cattle because later when my children complete their primary studies , I'll sell some cows or goats to pay for their secondary school studies . Previously , we used to sleep on traditional ropes and mat beddings , so I spent $35 and $41 to buy a mattress each for my children and myself respectively . Ihave six children in primary school , they had school fees balance of $30 , which I cleared . I also bought new school uniforms for each of them and this was worth $38 . Unfortunately , one of my children fell ill , I used $60 for his medical expenses , I'm glad that he is now doing fine . Finally , I spent the balance on food items which was mainly maize flour and vegetables .
Initial Payment
Transfer Amount
55000 KES ($479 USD)
access_time over 2 years ago
Describe the moment when you received your money. How did you feel?
I was at home relaxing on my usual spot because I rarely move because I'm pysically challenged. when the message popped and realized that I had received the transfers, I called my wife who was in the kitchen preparing supper and informed her about it. We were both so happy because we knew that we were going to finally roof our house.
Describe the biggest difference in your daily life since you started receiving payments from GiveDirectly.
The biggest difference is that we nolonger scramble for space because we have added two specious rooms and our kids nolonger have to go to our neighborhood to look for accomodations at night.
What did you spend your most recent transfer(s) on?
I'm pysically challenged and my wife has been providing for me and our nine children ever since I married her. The journey has not been one of the easiest for her but her because she depend on casual jobs which are not reliable. The ten of us were been living in a single which forced us to ask our neighbors to be accommodating some of our older kids during the nights. We have for the longest time wanted to add some more rooms but we were not in a position to because of financial constraints. Being enrolled in the project was a great opportunity for us to build another house so that we can have a fair space for my family. With the first transfer, we build a local two bedroom structure but we didn't manage to put up the roof. We spend 23000 KES to do roofing including paying the mason, 6000 to clear fees arrears and I have been spending the balance to provide food and other basic necessities. I'm so happy that we that I have my privacy and my kids got somewhere to sleep.
access_time almost 3 years ago
What does receiving this money mean to you?
Receiving this money means better accommodation for my family of 6 children. I plan to build a semi-permanent house that will make us sleep comfortably. I am sure building a house can bring me back the glory and honor as a father which I had lost recently. Our beddings too are in the worst condition, my 6 children sleep on sacks and roped wooden beds. I plan to buy them new beds and mattresses to also give them the taste of sleeping in such a bed. With the second transfer, I plan to buy a plough I already have two bulls trained to cultivate farms. I am assured of cultivating a bigger portion of land compared to using jembes. I can also rent this plough to cultivate neighbors' farms at a fee.
What is the happiest part of your day?
I planted trees in my compound and one month ago I sold 5 trees for timber. This brought joy to me because I had school fees arrears and debts at the shop where I buy food, I was able to clear all my debts and I am now debts free.
What is the biggest hardship you've faced in your life?
Financial instability is the challenge and a currently facing. I am a substance farmer and with the prolonged drought that had hit my area, I was unable to do my activities. I opted for charcoal burning and cutting firewood to sell, this was a tiresome job with less revenue amounting to KES 1500 per week. This money is never enough to buy food and pay school fees for my 6 children. I am worried about what will happen if the drought will continue for a longer period.