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Newsfeed > Kahindi's Profile
Kahindi's family
Subsistence farming
Kenya Large Transfer
Upcoming Stage
Next Payment
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Initial Payment
Transfer Amount
55000 KES ($426 USD)
access_time 4 months ago
Describe the moment when you received your money. How did you feel?
I remember attending a burial in a neighboring household, leaving my phone at home with my daughter. I had lost a close neighbor and was deeply engaged in the preparations and other activities related to the burial. Amidst the grief, my daughter arrived and gave me the phone, informing me that GiveDirectly had sent my first transfer. This was a great relief for me. Despite the sorrow, I was able to smile again and couldn't wait to build a new house for myself after a palm tree fell on my old house, destroyed it, and left it in a dilapidated state.
Describe the biggest difference in your daily life since you started receiving payments from GiveDirectly.
I am currently in the process of building a new, comfortable, and spacious house. Previously, I was unable to do so after my old house was destroyed by a palm tree many years ago and was left in a very bad state. As a subsistence farmer with no income, I couldn't afford to buy the necessary building materials to construct a new house. Living in such a house, with its exposure to the cold, scorching sun, and sometimes heavy rains, was a truly challenging situation. Fortunately, with the recent transfer, I managed to purchase eleven iron sheets and building poles, and I have begun the construction on my new piece of land. My hope is to complete the construction soon so that I can have a stable and comfortable place to live and no longer have to worry about the rains. In addition to this, I have been looking after other people's livestock, despite not owning any livestock myself. I am pleased to have recently purchased three goats, and my goal is to breed them and grow my own herd. These animals will serve as assets, and as they reproduce, I can sell them and generate some income.
What did you spend your most recent transfer(s) on?
After my house collapsed many years ago due to a palm tree falling on it, I was unable to renovate it. The relief was immense when I received the transfer, as it enabled me to afford the necessary building materials, including eleven pieces of iron sheets and building poles, to construct a new house. I am currently in the process of building the house and I am happy and at peace knowing that I will no longer struggle with housing. Additionally, I spent $150 on purchasing three goats which I am currently rearing. For years, I had been taking care of other people's goats without owning any. I am glad to now have my own, and my expectation is to allow them to multiply, providing a potential source of income in case of financial need, as I am not formally employed but rely on subsistence farming. I also spent $75 on buying foodstuffs, including maize flour, to ensure that my family and I have enough to eat in the coming months. I also used a portion of the remaining amount to pay school fees for my child and my six grandchildren, whom I also support in their education. Finally, I invested the remaining portion in cultivating my three acres to ensure food security for my household. By planting early, I am confident of getting a good harvest, which will guarantee a consistent food supply for my household.
access_time 7 months ago
What do you plan to do with the cash transfer?
My wife and I do casual jobs earning little income which caters for food and school fees . I have a family of seven members and we all live in a two room house that has a leaking roof during rain season. I can not renovate the house due to lack of funds. I will use $500 to buy 20 pieces of iron sheets and other materials to renovate my house. I will also use $300 to buy six goats as an investment. This will foster sustainable income in my family. It will also help me to raise school fees for my children three children who are at primary school.
What is the happiest part of your day?
I do casual jobs earning very little income which caters for food. The jobs are not more often this most times the family goes without food. I have children who miss classes because of hunger. However last year October we received rain and I planted maize on my three acre piece of land . I harvested five bags of maize each 90 kg. The maize will sustain the family for the whole year. The harvest brought happiness in my life.
What is the biggest hardship you've faced in your life?
Housing is the challenge I am facing in life. I live in a house that has leaking roof. The roof was destroyed by falling coconut tree. During rain season then the family spends sleepless nights. I lack the capacity to change the roof due to lack of funds.