We check in with people at each stage of the cash transfer process to see how things are going. Take a look at some of their stories as they appear here in real-time.
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How is your life different than it would have been if you never received the transfer?
In the coming year, my main goal is to focus on renovating my house by flooring it with cement. For a long time, I have dreamed of having a solid, clean floor in my home, but I couldn’t afford it. Now, with the help of the transfers I receive, I plan to dedicate all of them to the ongoing renovation unless an emergency arises. I will take it step by step, using the transfers to buy the necessary materials and hire labor when needed. Flooring the house will not only make it more comfortable for me.
What did you spend your most recent transfer(s) on?
I am a widow, and since my only daughter got married, I depend on subsistence farming to provide for myself. When I received my last three transfers amounting to $102, I knew it was time to make a change in my home. The mud floor in my house was not only uncomfortable but also dusty during the sunny season, making it hard to live peacefully. So, I decided to use the money to renovate the floor and replace the mud with cement. It was a step towards making my home a more livable place, and I was excited about the transformation it could bring. Although the cementing of the floor is not yet fully complete, I am already seeing a difference. The house is starting to take on a nice and wonderful view, and I can feel the improvement in the air quality inside. The dust is now gone, and it feels more comfortable and cleaner. I am grateful for the opportunity to make this change, and I know that once the floor is completely done, my home will be even more enjoyable. The transfers have helped me make a significant difference in my living space, and I am proud of what I have accomplished so far.
29th Payment
Transfer Amount
3470 KES ($27 USD)
access_time 8 months ago
What did you spend your most recent transfer(s) on?
I am a widow and have heavily depended on my stepson financially. Due to health complications, I am limited in the types of work I can do and only engage in light tasks such as rearing the few goats I have. Thanks to the cash transfers, I no longer rely heavily on my stepson for support, reducing the burden he has had in taking care of me.To maximize the benefits of the transfers, I joined a savings group comprising 20 members. We save money throughout the year, and at the end of the year, each member receives their savings to undertake any development projects of their choice. Last year, I saved $100 in six months and used it to purchase two goats. Over the past three months, I have saved $45 in the group, hoping to use the money at the end of the year to purchase more goats and add to my existing herd. Additionally, I spent $57 on food, ensuring that I had enough to eat and never missed a meal. I am happy that I can now take care of my needs without depending on my stepson. The financial support from the cash transfers has significantly improved my life, allowing me to invest in livestock and secure my future.
How is your life different than it would have been if you never received the transfer?
My accomplishment in the coming year is to invest heavily in purchasing goats. Goats are cheaper and easier to rear, especially during harsh climatic conditions. Unlike cows, goats can easily survive these harsh conditions. As I purchase more goats, I am optimistic they will multiply, thereby increasing my initial investment. This is a good way to help me become financially independent even after the expiry of the cash transfer support. I am very happy and appreciative of the financial support, which has elevated my life status and made me self-dependent.
26th Payment
Transfer Amount
3470 KES ($26 USD)
access_time 11 months ago
What did you spend your most recent transfer(s) on?
I saved $60 through a savings group in my community intending to be able to buy goats. So far, I have bought three goats from the cash transfers. I know that the transfers will one day end, and by then, I wish to have established a solid source of income through the rearing of goats. This way, I can sell them to generate funds for my needs even in the absence of the transfers. The remaining funds, totaling $42, went towards purchasing food. I am unwell; my legs have complications that hinder me from taking on any work or running any type of business. I used to make charcoal, but I had to take a break due to the condition. So the cash transfers have been really helpful, especially in helping me acquire goats as a source of wealth that can benefit me in the future. My son, who is a long-distance luggage trailer driver, mostly provides for the family's daily needs like food. I am glad that with the cash transfers, I have also been able to actively contribute to those needs, especially when he is unable to, and also to start growing my wealth through rearing goats. I am very grateful.
How is your life different than it would have been if you never received the transfer?
I am not well, which hinders me from doing any work. So, the only option for me is to rear livestock such as goats. For me, goats are easier to handle in my situation because they do not need much physical energy, and it is easy to graze them around the field, something that I can manage. Rearing goats is the surest source of wealth that I believe will solidify my financial stability even after the cash transfers have ended. Right now, I already have three goats from the transfers. I have been saving $20 every month through a savings group in my community. At the end of the year, I wish to receive a lump sum to acquire as many goats as the funds can afford me to grow my herd.
22nd Payment
Transfer Amount
3470 KES ($22 USD)
access_time 1 year ago
What did you spend your most recent transfer(s) on?
As the Christmas season approached, the recent cash transfer played a significant role in funding our celebrations. Traditionally, I allocate most of the money to buying new clothes for the festivities. This year, I spent $22 on a dress and a pair of khanga, which I proudly wore on Christmas day. To enhance the celebrations, I used an additional $2 to purchase food items like wheat flour. I am happy that the festivities were enjoyable courtesy of the funds. Additionally, I set aside $10 for savings with the specific intention of buying livestock. In previous cash transfers, I utilized $68 to purchase goats, and now I have a total of four. My goal is to rear these goats, allowing them to mature, and eventually sell them to generate funds for potential future emergencies. Unfortunately, I don't have a job, and though I used to make charcoal, I had to stop due to pain in my hands. Currently, my son Katana serves as the sole breadwinner, working as a tractor driver. The cash transfers have proven invaluable in supplementing his income.
How is your life different than it would have been if you never received the transfer?
My primary goal is to expand my livestock holdings, specifically focusing on goats. As the herd grows, I envision selling them in the future to cover various needs, including medical expenses or household necessities. With the current progress, having already acquired four goats through the cash transfers, I am optimistic about the continued growth of the herd. My commitment is to channel future cash transfers towards achieving this goal. With this, I can slowly become independent from my son, Katana, who is currently my main breadwinner.
17th Payment
Transfer Amount
3470 KES ($24 USD)
access_time over 1 year ago
How is your life different than it would have been if you never received the transfer?
Currently, my focus is on expanding my goat herd and continuing with rearing. I have already managed to acquire three goats through previous transfers. While I would have loved to start a business that could generate income even after the cash transfers end, my time is mostly occupied with tending to my livestock in the field and other household tasks. My primary aim is to grow my goat herd and build more wealth. I hope that by doing so, I can sell these animals in the future to cover various household needs, including supporting the education of my five grandchildren.
What did you spend your most recent transfer(s) on?
At times, I rely on my son’s financial support, but lately, he has been facing challenges with his children's school fees and his income as a long-distance truck driver. His earnings are often not enough to cover all the family's expenses for the entire month, which leaves us struggling, especially with buying food. Sometimes, we even have to rely on porridge to get through the night. I used to make charcoal as a way to contribute to household expenses, but the physical demands of the job took a toll on my health, so I had to stop. So, every time I receive the cash transfers, my goal has been to save up and buy a goat whenever I can. I have managed to buy three goats so far, which I plan to continue rearing. However, after the recent transfer, the rising food prices made it difficult for me to allocate funds for a goat. As a result, I used the entire transfer amount to buy food for my family. I am grateful that this helped us have enough meals until we recently harvested our crops.
13th Payment
Transfer Amount
3470 KES ($26 USD)
access_time almost 2 years ago
What did you spend your most recent transfer(s) on?
When I received the funds, my grandson had missed classes for five days owing to an overdue tuition. His father(my son), could not raise money to clear the debt since he is unemployed. Also, my charcoal-making practice had not earned me enough money to pay the school fees. My priority was to see my grandchild back to school, so I spent $20 to settle the unpaid balance. He happily resumed classes and has been attending school to date; my heart is at peace. I used the remaining $14 to buy food, as the household had run out of maize flour that morning. This ensured that my family enjoyed regular meals for at least a week, which would have otherwise been impossible had it not been for the cash transfer.
How is your life different than it would have been if you never received the transfer?
When I received the funds, my grandson had missed classes for five days owing to an overdue tuition. His father(my son), could not raise money to clear the debt since he is unemployed. Also, my charcoal-making practice had not earned me enough money to pay the school fees. My priority was to see my grandchild back to school, so I spent $20 to settle the unpaid balance. He happily resumed classes and has been attending school to date; my heart is at peace. I used the remaining $14 to buy food, as the household had run out of maize flour that morning. This ensured that my family enjoyed regular meals for at least a week, which would have otherwise been impossible had it not been for the cash transfer.
10th Payment
Transfer Amount
3470 KES ($28 USD)
access_time 2 years ago
What did you spend your most recent transfer(s) on?
I spent $23 on family food and utilized $75 of the last three months' transfers to buy two goats for breeding. Six of my grandchildren are in my care after the deaths of my spouse and some of my children years ago. We hardly have enough money for three meals a day with the $10 I make each month from the charcoal sale. Once the goats give birth, I intend to sell some of the calves to generate cash for our daily expenses. Due to my old age, I lack the vitality needed to cut down the logs for burning charcoal. Since I started getting the transfers, I'm delighted I don't have to spend as much time cutting down logs because the money helps our family's income.
How is your life different than it would have been if you never received the transfer?
With the cash aid that I receive from GiveDirectly, I am proud to have started goat farming. As of now, I own 3 goats. This is a reliable source of income that will assist me in supporting my grandchildren’s education, as well as sell them when they multiply to cater to any financial emergencies. The goal that I hope to accomplish in the coming year is to boost my livestock farming by saving some money to buy more goats.
6th Payment
Transfer Amount
3050 KES ($25 USD)
access_time over 2 years ago
What did you spend your most recent transfer(s) on?
My two sons, who work as a long-distance driver and an electrician, are the primary breadwinners in our family of nine. They try to provide the basics like food and school fees for all six children with the little they earn. Not to fully rely on them, I usually burn charcoal and earn around KES 1000 every week to fulfill my personal needs and help provide food. In fact, household had run out of maize flour two days before the transfer, and our village shops were out of stock. I went to a trade center an hour distant from my community to collect the transfer and search for maize flour, which is our staple meal. I paid KES 950 for the same. I contributed KES 500 to a self-help group and kept the remainder with the goal of giving the same amount every week for the next two weeks. The objective is to get a loan from the group for around KES 3,000 to buy a goat to add to my existing herd of three.
2nd Payment
Transfer Amount
3050 KES ($26 USD)
access_time almost 3 years ago
What did you spend your most recent transfer(s) on?
I spent a bigger portion of my recent transfers to buy foodstuffs such as maize flour which could take us some weeks. Since farming has not been doing well, I have to buy food daily unlike before when I could get enough harvest from my farm. I am happy that the transfer has ensured that I have enough food daily in my household. In addition to this, I also saved Ksh. 2000 in our savings group from the transfers. Before then I could only manage to save Ksh. 100 from the little money I got from doing menial jobs. I am expecting to save more every month and later on use the savings to start an investment like a business or buy livestock such as goats to keep.
In your opinion, what does GiveDirectly do well, and what does it not do well?
Before the coming of GiveDirectly, we were worried about how we would survive the tough economic hardships. We are mainly subsistence farmers and a good harvest would mean food security to our families. However, we have not been doing farming for a year now due to a prolonged drought that has struck us. The monthly transfers have saved us from hunger now that we are able to buy enough food. In my opinion, giving us the money to plan for ourselves is what GiveDirectly does well. I do not see any part that GiveDirectly has failed concerning the program so far.
Initial Payment
Transfer Amount
1200 KES ($10 USD)
access_time almost 3 years ago
What did you spend your most recent transfer(s) on?
The transfer has greatly helped me to buy adequate foodstuffs which include flour, beans and sugar for my family. Getting daily provision of food has been the biggest challenge for me. For many years I have been doing subsistence farming but it has not been doing well after a period of severe drought. I am happy that since receiving the transfer, my household has never run out of food and I could afford to take three meals a day unlike before when I had to skip meals to minimize expenditure.
Describe the biggest difference in your daily life since you started receiving payments from GiveDirectly.
I am grateful to GiveDirectly because through the transfer, I was able to provide for my family adequately. This is the biggest difference so far because I have been struggling a lot to bring food to the table. Sometimes I was forced to stay without food or had to skip meals. My main source of income is selling charcoal which at times does not pay well. I usually sell a sack of charcoal in a week at Ksh. 500 which is not enough to take care of the family's basic needs. I depended on my son who works as a driver and he also has his own family to take care of. Receiving the transfer has enabled me to buy enough foodstuffs such as flour and I never lacked food after receiving the first transfer.
Describe the moment when you received your money. How did you feel?
I remember the morning I received the first transfer I was nursing my sick sister at the hospital. I had spent all my money to the last coin and I was sad that there was no financial help that was to come soon. In the midst of my hopelessness, I heard my phone ringing and a message came in. When I checked the contents, I was overwhelmed with joy because GiveDirectly had sent me the first transfer. I thanked GiveDirectly because I could now buy food for my sick sister.
access_time 3 years ago
What is the biggest hardship you've faced in your life?
Financial constraint is generally the main challenge that I am currently facing. Imagine I have suffered from edema for 4 years now but I have never received proper medical care due to lack of money. This has rendered me less energetic and I mostly depend on my daughter who is doing casual work.
What is the happiest part of your day?
Enjoying delicious meals like meat and also wearing new clothes was only possible during the Christmas season. My co-wife's son visited us and he bought us some new clothes, also he slaughtered a goat for us. I, therefore, consider the Christmas celebration as what brought joy to my life.
What does receiving this money mean to you?
Receiving this money means improved livelihood. This is because I intend to spend my transfers on buying new beddings (a modern bed and a mattress), buying food as well as clothing. Also, I will spend some cash on medical care because sometimes, I am suffering from edema. This will reshape my livelihood for the better because I am currently living a desperate life. The other transfers will support me to buy goats that will act as my store of wealth.