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Newsfeed > Kabon's Profile
Kabon's family
Casual labor
Kenya Large Transfer
Upcoming Stage
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2nd Payment
Transfer Amount
45000 KES ($277 USD)
access_time 9 months ago
How is your life different than it would have been if you never received the transfer?
In the upcoming year, I have set my sights on cultivating maize and millet to ensure a stable food supply for my family of five. To achieve this, I plan to approach my children and request a 0.5-acre piece of land for cultivation. With their support, we will collectively cover the costs associated with labor, making this agricultural venture a collaborative effort. To kickstart this plan, I estimate that I would need $50 to facilitate the necessary expenses for planting and maintaining the crops. This financial support will go towards acquiring seeds, fertilizers, and any additional resources required for a successful harvest. By involving my children in this initiative, not only do I hope to secure a reliable source of food for the family, but it also fosters a sense of collaboration and shared responsibility among us. I am optimistic that, with the right support and resources, this cultivation endeavor will not only contribute to our food security but also serve as a meaningful family project that reinforces unity and independence.
In your opinion, what does GiveDirectly do well, and what does it not do well?
GiveDirectly has played a crucial role in alleviating hunger in our community by providing families with the means to secure food. The transfers empower individuals, granting them the autonomy to decide how best to address their specific needs and challenges. This flexibility is a significant strength, allowing recipients to tailor the support to their unique circumstances. Moreover, the impact extends beyond addressing immediate hunger. Families have utilized the transfers to construct houses, creating safer and more stable living environments. Additionally, income-generating activities have been initiated, fostering economic sustainability and empowering individuals to build a more secure future. As it stands, everything about GiveDirectly's approach seems effective and positive. The combination of addressing immediate needs and promoting long-term sustainability through income-generating activities is commendable. The autonomy given to recipients ensures that the support is meaningful and tailored to individual circumstances. From my perspective, there is no need for any changes; the organization's approach has proven successful in making a positive impact on the lives of those it serves.
What did you spend your most recent transfer(s) on?
Receiving the transfers was a timely and transformative event for my family of five. Recognizing the pressing needs, I allocated $25 to purchase maize, and another $25 went towards household goods, including sugar and milk, enhancing the overall quality of our daily lives and food security. I also spent the rest of the transfers on the construction of a one-room house for my husband. Our previous dwelling had been ravaged by termites and was on the brink of collapse. The transfers came in handy, providing the means to address this urgent housing need and create a safer and more stable living environment. Farming, which my family heavily depends on, has been adversely affected by climatic changes, leading to almost no harvests. The support from GiveDirectly has become a lifeline during these challenging times, offering relief and stability when our traditional sources of income are under strain. I am grateful to GiveDirectly for the positive impact it has had on my life and the lives of my family members. With our basic needs met and a new, secure dwelling, I no longer have to engage in strenuous casual jobs to make ends meet. The upliftment provided by GiveDirectly has brought a sense of stability and joy, and for that, I am truly happy and thankful.
Initial Payment
Transfer Amount
18010 KES ($119 USD)
access_time 12 months ago
Describe the moment when you received your money. How did you feel?
It was 3:00 pm, and I was knee-deep in planting beans on my farm when my phone buzzed, indicating an incoming message! Unable to read, I turned to my granddaughter, who shared the news of the receipt of GD money. My heart soared, and I could not contain my joy. I practically danced in the fields. Later, as the sun dipped below the horizon, I rushed home, bursting with happiness, to share the incredible news with my family. With sparkling eyes and eager hearts, we huddled together, mapping out grand plans on how to transform this blessing into a brighter future for all of us. The air was filled with hope and anticipation, making that moment a true turning point in our lives.
Describe the biggest difference in your daily life since you started receiving payments from GiveDirectly.
I am overwhelmed with happiness as our lives have transformed. Now, we can dress well, even on Sundays when we attend church, enhancing our confidence and dignity. The ability to buy nutritious food for my family brings immense joy, knowing it contributes to our overall health and well-being. Most importantly, I am deeply grateful for the opportunity to turn my dream of building a better house into reality, replacing the small huts with a more comfortable and secure home, all thanks to the transfer. This positive change has filled our lives with hope and gratitude for a brighter future.
What did you spend your most recent transfer(s) on?
The money arrived like a beacon of hope, allowing me to finally realize a long-held dream of having a better home. I invested $100 in purchasing iron sheets and posts to build a sturdy two-roomed iron sheet house to replace our small, worn-out huts. The constant maintenance of the mud and thatched grass of this hut had become tedious, and this new house promises a more comfortable living space. Additionally, I allocated $60 to buy clothes for myself, my spouse, our youngest child, and my two grandchildren. Dressing well is essential, not just for appearances but to command respect at social events and gatherings. The remaining funds were used to buy food for the family, supplementing our small harvest from this year since the better part of the year was dry due to failed rainfall. This financial support has not only improved our living conditions but has also boosted our confidence and dignity within our community.
access_time 1 year ago
What do you plan to do with the cash transfer?
We have lived in a dilapidated house for a long time. It's a matter of urgency that we build a better one. As a family, we intend to build a 2-roomed iron sheet house. Additionally, we want to cement the floor for easier maintenance and cleanness. This means we can sleep well and also host our visitors worryless. The house will cost approximately $600 depending on the cost of materials and labour. To also secure our futures, we need to buy a cow. Cows produce more milk which we can also sell. They fetch good prices, one liter costs about $1. A good cow is sold for approximately $200. Their numbers will also grow leading to future sales to solve other emergencies. Due to food insecurity and the elongated drought. We must buy some food items such as maize, beans, sugar and other essentials.This will give us stability and reduce our stress of buy food daily. The cost of food has been rising. We plan to spend the rest of the transfer for food safey.
What is the happiest part of your day?
We have six goats, they have been our source of happiness. We milk them and use the milk to make tea. It brings us joy knowing we can depend on our goats for milk or even sell them to sort other financial needs.
What is the biggest hardship you've faced in your life?
It's been quite difficult for us living in our current houses. They are dilapidated and need immediate repairs. We have a grass thatched one and a whole-round iron sheet house. They both have been destroyed by termites due to the wooden inner structure. This has affected our ability as a family to sleep well during raining seasons. It's also difficult hosting our guests or even when our children and grandchildren come to visit.