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Newsfeed > Esther's Profile
Esther's family
Charcoal burning
Kenya Large Transfer
Upcoming Stage
Next Payment
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2nd Payment
Transfer Amount
45000 KES ($285 USD)
access_time 10 months ago
How is your life different than it would have been if you never received the transfer?
Education, I firmly believe, is the cornerstone of success. That's why, despite the challenges we face, I prioritize ensuring my children receive quality education. Two of my children are set to join High School, three are in high school, and one is currently attending university. My primary focus remains on supporting and guiding them through their educational journey, steadfast in my determination to see them all through to the finish line. To make this dream a reality, I plan to invest in goat farming. This venture holds promise in our area due to their resilience in varying climatic conditions. By delving into goat farming, I aim not only to finance my children's education but also to sustain our family's needs. The idea is twofold: supporting my children's schooling while simultaneously catering to our household necessities. This strategic move holds the potential to provide a stable income stream, ensuring that my children's education isn't compromised while fulfilling our daily requirements.
In your opinion, what does GiveDirectly do well, and what does it not do well?
The fulfillment of Givedirectly's promise has been incredibly encouraging. Their support through unconditional cash transfers has empowered us to address our diverse challenges by allowing each individual to prioritize according to their needs. This approach has proven to be the best, granting us the autonomy to make decisions that truly matter. I'm genuinely delighted and grateful for the assistance we've received. I earnestly hope that this kind of support extends to more and more people, fostering positive transformations within communities. The impact has been profound, and I envision even greater positive changes for others who may benefit from similar initiatives in the future.
What did you spend your most recent transfer(s) on?
Upon receiving $450, I allocated $350 to construct a two-room iron sheet house. Previously, we inhabited a single-room mud house where my older children slept outside due to lack of space. Thankfully, our region's hot weather helped, but it exposed them to risks like mosquito bites, especially with malaria being prevalent. Meanwhile, the younger ones slept on the floor. With my family comprising eight children and four grandchildren, I sustained us through odd jobs and charcoal burning.My husband, in a polygamous arrangement, spends brief periods here as he has another home. However, due to his age and lack of employment, he cannot contribute financially through casual work. This situation prompted me to allocate $50 to address our food scarcity, a constant struggle we face. A significant portion of the funds $50, was dedicated to providing transportation for my children upon school closure. Ensuring their safe return home became paramount. The disparity between our needs and resources remains challenging. Yet, the newfound stability of a safer shelter has eased some burdens. God bless you Givedirectly for your immense support.
Initial Payment
Transfer Amount
20000 KES ($133 USD)
access_time 12 months ago
Describe the moment when you received your money. How did you feel?
The moment when the message arrived was quite significant. I was at home alone, eagerly awaiting the confirmation from my children, who were at school, to read the message for me. The anticipation had been building up for a while as we were informed that the transfers would come in anytime that month. When my children finally confirmed the content of the message, a wave of joy swept over me. The first thought that crossed my mind was the aspiration to build a good, sturdy house. Our current dwelling wasn't in the best condition to provide the protection and security we deserved. This opportunity from GiveDirectly felt like a key to unlocking a better, safer living environment for me and my family.
Describe the biggest difference in your daily life since you started receiving payments from GiveDirectly.
The period before receiving the transfers from GiveDirectly was marked by anxiety, especially when considering the upcoming rainy season. Our house was in a sorry state, prone to leaks that exposed us to the cold, and during heavy rains, our living space would flood, leaving us with limited room to move around. The situation was so dire that we had to huddle in corners to avoid the water. However, with the assistance from GiveDirectly, we managed to address this pressing issue. I used the funds to change the roofing of our house, bringing relief to my family. Now, my children are celebrating the fact that they no longer have to worry about leaks and flooding. Our living conditions have improved significantly, and we are no longer the subject of ridicule from neighbors or anyone aware of the struggles we were facing. The change in our housing situation has brought about a sense of security and dignity that was not there.
What did you spend your most recent transfer(s) on?
Investing in a more comfortable and secure living situation was a priority for me. I spent $120 on iron sheets to address the issues with our house, which was in bad shape and caused significant concerns, especially during the rainy season. The leaks in the roof exposed us to extreme cold, leading to health issues. Acquiring the iron sheets was a crucial step in ensuring a more stable and comfortable living environment for my family. Another important aspect of my investment was education. I allocated $80 to pay school fees. With the casual job I was engaged in, it was often challenging to gather enough funds to pay school fees on time for my children. The support from GiveDirectly made a significant difference, allowing my children to remain in school throughout the term without the constant worry of being sent home due to outstanding fees. This not only eased the financial burden but also boosted the self-esteem of my children as they could focus on their education without disruptions.
access_time 1 year ago
What do you plan to do with the cash transfer?
Receiving the transfers means so much to me and my family. For the first portion of the transfers, I intend to purchase food and household goods such as utensils. I have planned to use $100 of the transfers to accomplish this. I also intend to use the remaining $100 of the first transfers to purchase clothes for my family. This is important since it has been about 3 years since we last bought clothes for our family. For the second and third transfers, I intend to pay school fees for my children. I will spend $200 of the transfers on this. Paying school fees will reduce the burden of paying school fees for my 3 children who are in secondary school. I also plan to build a house. I plan to build a 1 roomed iron sheet house by spending about $500 on the transfers. This is important for me and my family since the house we live in at the moment is in a bad state and whenever it rains we fear that it might fall on us. With the remaining money, I intend to purchase goats which would be an investment for me in the future.
What is the happiest part of your day?
My happiness over the past 6 months comes from my children. Schools were closed this month and all my children were which brought me happiness. Whenever my children are at home they assist me do casual labor which brings food to our table. This makes our life easier which brings me a lot of joy
What is the biggest hardship you've faced in your life?
I'm facing a lot of challenges currently, however, the most felt challenge is school fees. I have 3 children who are currently in secondary school and two who are yet to join at the beginning of next year. Since I only depend on casual work and charcoal burning which has been banned by the government, it has been very difficult for me to get money to pay for their school fees. I sometimes feel so stressed and even depressed whenever they are sent home for fees.