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Newsfeed > Purity's Profile
Purity's family
Subsistence farming
Kenya Basic Income
Upcoming Stage
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25th Payment
Transfer Amount
3470 KES ($27 USD)
access_time 1 month ago
How is your life different than it would have been if you never received the transfer?
The house I currently live in has a grass roof and is on the verge of collapsing. It’s in very poor condition, and I have always dreamed of building a decent two-room house for my family, where we can live comfortably. To construct this new home, I need 20 iron sheets and other building materials. Right now, I have 10 iron sheets, and my plan is to use the transfers I receive from GiveDirectly to acquire the remaining materials. To achieve this, I am committed to saving a portion of my transfers in our merry-go-round group. Once I receive the pooled funds, I will use them to build the house I envision. After completing the house, I plan to continue saving part of my transfers with the goal of buying goats. I hope that these goats will multiply and increase in value, providing me with a valuable asset that can support my family. This strategy will give me something sustainable to rely on, especially when this program comes to an end, and it will help ensure my children receive a good education. I am truly grateful for this support, as it fills me with optimism for a better future for myself and my family.
What did you spend your most recent transfer(s) on?
The transfers I receive from GiveDirectly have been incredibly helpful for me and my family, and I can see myself achieving my dreams soon. Currently, I live in a grass house that is on the verge of collapsing, and I have always wanted to build a new home for my family. To work towards this goal, I have been saving a portion of my transfers. Recently, I saved $30 in a merry-go-round group so that once I receive the pooled funds, I can use them to build the house I've always wanted. I was also faced with health issues that required immediate medical attention, and therefore I had to use another $10 for treatment. I thank God that I am now feeling better. Furthermore, our region has been hit hard by drought and famine, forcing me to spend $48 on food to keep my family healthy and fed. I also bought a chicken for $4 with hopes that it will multiply and increase in value, allowing me to eventually trade them for goats as a future resource that I can rely on to support my family by selling them when in need. Lastly, we lost a relative recently, and I had to contribute the remaining $10 towards the funeral expenses to give our loved one a proper send-off. I am truly grateful for the support from GiveDirectly; it gives me hope for a better future.
22nd Payment
Transfer Amount
3470 KES ($27 USD)
access_time 4 months ago
How is your life different than it would have been if you never received the transfer?
My current living conditions are very bad because I live in a one roomed old and broken-down grass-thatched house. During the rainy seasons, the roof leaks and makes our home very uncomfortable. My family knows we need a better place to live, so we are determined to build a stronger and better house. To reach this goal, we have been saving part of our monthly transfers. So far, we have managed to buy 10 iron sheets, which is an important step in building a stronger home. We need a total of 20 iron sheets and are working very hard to make this dream come true.
What did you spend your most recent transfer(s) on?
I really wish to build a better house. My current home is a one-room grass-thatched house, and when it rains, the water pours in on us. So, when I received my most recent transfer, I allocated $30 to my chama savings to help me buy iron sheets for my dream house. Additionally, I bought farming inputs like seeds for $28 since it was planting season. I also spent $24 on food for my family. With the remaining amount, I spent $10 on medication because I was unwell and paid a chama debt of $20. I am grateful for the financial support.
18th Payment
Transfer Amount
3470 KES ($24 USD)
access_time 8 months ago
How is your life different than it would have been if you never received the transfer?
Our current living conditions are dire, residing in an aging and dilapidated grass-thatched dwelling. During rainy seasons, the structure's deterioration becomes particularly pronounced, with leaks rendering our living environment intolerable. Recognizing the urgent need for improvement, our family is steadfast in our resolve to construct a more suitable and resilient home. To realize this goal, we have been diligently saving a portion of our monthly transfers. Through these efforts, we have already procured 9 iron sheets, a critical step towards the construction of a sturdier dwelling. With our sights set on acquiring a total of 22 iron sheets, we eagerly anticipate the forthcoming payout from our savings group, where I consistently contribute $10 from my monthly transfers. The significance of this endeavor extends beyond mere shelter; it directly impacts the well-being of our family, particularly the health of our child, who has endured adverse effects from our current living conditions. A better-quality residence promises not only improved physical comfort but also enhanced overall living standards for our household.
What did you spend your most recent transfer(s) on?
In pursuit of larger goals, such as constructing a more suitable dwelling, I have adopted a strategy of setting aside $10 from my monthly transfers to contribute to a local savings group. Comprised of 10 other beneficiaries of GiveDirectly, this collaborative effort aims to accumulate funds for significant investments. The remainder of my transfers is typically allocated to address our household needs, including provisions for food and clothing. However, the flexibility of these transfers has also proven invaluable during unforeseen circumstances, particularly in times of medical emergencies. In January, my child fell ill, necessitating urgent medical attention. Fortunately, a portion of the transfer amounting to $20 facilitated access to the necessary treatment. This support was especially vital given my limited personal income and my spouse's modest earnings as a barber. This episode underscores the importance of these transfers not only in pursuing long-term aspirations but also in providing essential assistance during unforeseen challenges. Through prudent allocation and collaborative savings initiatives, we endeavor to secure a brighter future for our family while also addressing immediate needs with greater resilience and preparedness.
13th Payment
Transfer Amount
3470 KES ($23 USD)
access_time 1 year ago
How is your life different than it would have been if you never received the transfer?
I am now a member of a savings group. We make savings to the group, all ten of us and then the money is given to us monthly in a merry go round. we save $10 monthly each which is not a small amount. My goal is to build a livable house. Our house is leaking as most of the thatched roof has worn off. I would like to build a modern with an iron roof and this will be achieved using my savings which will buy the iron sheet which is the most expensive component for construction of a house.
What did you spend your most recent transfer(s) on?
My child fell ill and has been ill for a while now, the Givedirectly transfers helped a great deal in getting treatment for the child. In September I spent $10 to facilitate treatment for my child from the transfers. I also got some clothes to help keep the child warm as the cold was the one making her much worse. I got hats for the child and clothes at $14 in July, $10 in September. I also was bereaved in August, I gave $10 as a contribution to the burial and bought a traditional dress know as "dera" for $4. I had accumulated a debt of $10 which I cleared using my July transfers at $10. I have also saved monthly $10 my savings group with I joined in January after benefitting from Givedirectly.
10th Payment
Transfer Amount
3470 KES ($25 USD)
access_time over 1 year ago
How is your life different than it would have been if you never received the transfer?
My husband and I live in a one room grass thatched house. During the dry season although we had seen some wear we had not experienced any challenges, however now we are feeling the full extent of this wear. Our house feels like outside when it rains as the grass roof right now leaks. I Joined the savings group in order to buy Iron sheets that will allow us get a better living space. We are saving towards building a tin roof house requiring about 20 roofing sheets. This is what I really wish would see a completion this year.
What did you spend your most recent transfer(s) on?
The drought that has been has made us very dependent on purchasing food for consumption which means that at the times you lack finances you end up accumulating debt as you will take food on credit. In April I had a debt of $10 at the shops which I settled with the transfer and used the rest, $24 to get food to last us the month. In May I made a food purchase of $24 and used $10 to save in my informal savings group. I spent my June transfers in the same exact manner due to the need we had.
6th Payment
Transfer Amount
3470 KES ($27 USD)
access_time over 1 year ago
How is your life different than it would have been if you never received the transfer?
My spouse and I can barely fit in the tiny grass home where we currently reside. My spouse is a barber and he hardly gets enough money to even put food on the table. In order to make ends meet, I burn and sell charcoal but at times I would go home empty handed. Ever since I started receiving my transfers, I have had the idea of joining a merry go round and save enough money to build my family a big house. In my extended family, we are the only ones who do not have a good house and it is really giving us some sleepless night. I believe I will save enough and before the end of the year, we will have started the process of building our own home. I would also want to go back to school and study hairdressing. With all the passion I have of twisting and styling hair, I will flourish and make it in that field.
What did you spend your most recent transfer(s) on?
I got married at a younger age and did not get the chance to explore and look for opportunities to better my life. Due to my parents inability to take me to high school, I was forced to remain at home and look for something to do. In the process, I got married and my first child was born prematurely and he passed away. Life has been so difficult ever since and I felt like giving up but I stayed strong because of the belief I have that my tomorrow is going to be brighter. The time I was receiving my transfers, I was unwell and could barely feel myself. I decided to go to the hospital which did cost me $10 to get injection and be treated. I had malaria and a cough that brought about general body weakness. I bought food at $14 that sustained us in the short period that I could not go out and hustle. The remaining amount of $10 I saved in my merry go round that I joined last year October. Thank you so much GiveDirectly, it is because of the transfers I was able to join a Merry go round and save for the betterment of our lives and build ourselves a new house.
2nd Payment
Transfer Amount
3050 KES ($25 USD)
access_time almost 2 years ago
In your opinion, what does GiveDirectly do well, and what does it not do well?
Give Directly did very well by giving us support as cash, which has enabled me to join the savings group that will allow me to build a better home for my family. I am thankful that the funds are unconditional and that one can be able to spend in any way that one feels is important. I am more than grateful for this support program.
What did you spend your most recent transfer(s) on?
I am married, and they employed my husband in a barber shop. We live hand to mouth because his job pays him on commission, so it all depends on the customers received for the day, so we have good and bad days, but it has been a struggle just for the two of us. As soon as I received my cash transfer, I used $10 to pay back my friend who lend me the cash to seek medical treatment earlier that month. The other $10 was saved in a merry-go-round group and the remaining was used to buy food and water. Because drought caused most of the rivers and wells to dry up, getting clean water has been expensive and inadequate in most of the villages in Kilifi. Therefore, I use between sixty liters of water daily, which cost me about $1 daily or sometimes even more. The funds have been supportive, especially during these hard economic times when my husband's work has been affected and is on the low.
Initial Payment
Transfer Amount
1200 KES ($10 USD)
access_time 2 years ago
Describe the moment when you received your money. How did you feel?
Living in constant lack caused me to feel anxious and stressed all the time. I rarely experienced joy because I was constantly vulnerable to suffering. The circumstance, however, changed the day I discovered I had received a transfer of KES 1,200. My mood changed, and I became extremely happy thinking about the good tidings. Before I could tell my husband about my transfer, he noticed something unusual and asked what was going on because it had been a while since he last saw me in that state. Without a doubt, I owe GiveDirectly thanks for its timely support.
Describe the biggest difference in your daily life since you started receiving payments from GiveDirectly.
From the moment I confirmed my transfer, I have noticed quite several changes in my life. However, the biggest difference has been a change in the state of my mental health. Being unable to obtain food for consecutive days stressed me up and this made me lose my peace of mind. Even though I could struggle to look strong, things were not that positive. However, with the transfer, I am now more at peace than before. I have even begun to think about what I can engage in with part of my transfer to ensure a continuous source of income for my family.
What did you spend your most recent transfer(s) on?
In the region where we live, we have been experiencing a recurrent drought, a situation that subjects a whole community to hardship. As a result, few opt to do crop farming. Occasionally, we lose our livestock as a result of prolonged drought. Unfortunately, I do not have any source of income. My husband solely does motorcycle taxi that have been affected by a hike in fuel prices. As a family, we have to bear with such a difficult situation, more so, before I began receiving my transfer. When I received my recent transfer, I did not have money or food. I, therefore, spent KES 1,200 on buying maize flour and vegetables. At least, I was able to get meals for some consecutive days. It has relieved me from the pain of missing meals, a situation that made my family members to lose weight.
access_time over 2 years ago
What does receiving this money mean to you?
I live under a single room grass thatched house with a leaking roof. The condition of this house is pathetic whenever it rains especially during the night hours. I am planning to use the GiveDirectly transfers to construct a decent two bedroom house for my family; one room for myself and the other room for visitors and my children. This will cost me a total of KES 50,000. My husband is a skilled mason and this will relieve us the costs of hiring labour from outside. I will later use KES 30,000 to furnish my house so that it can be impressive. I will use the surplus to buy food for my family.
What is the happiest part of your day?
I enjoy the company of amazing neighbours. Whenever I am around them, we joke a lot and this makes me happy.
What is the biggest hardship you've faced in your life?
The persistent drought experienced in my area has led to suffering and misery. As we speak, I have to walk for three hours every morning and only get home with one 20Litre Jerrican of water. Taking bath everyday is impossible and we are really suffering over here.